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Sooo.. I was working on Summer Holiday makeover and i took the "sexy path". I asked the opinion of the suggestion owner and they said that she liked how she looks but she thinks Summer Holiday is more of a "the girl next door" type of character. I'm definitely okay with both ways. I'd like to know your opinions. What do you guys think? Which path should i take? Please let me know your ideas so i can work on her in that direction.



this is a tough one... which to prefer for a Summer Holiday... just next door or something sexy (yes, before you ask, bobatae, i'm messing with you by playing with the language again) ;p fact of the matter is, with you at the helm, even "the girl next door" is going to wind up amazingly sexy. on another note, which really is different than above, there's no reason she wouldn't be a bit of both...


Haha thank you letting me know beforehand :'D The thing is, i'm not exactly sure what "the girl next door" is. Since i'm still so stranger to the English, i tried to check online. What i found is, "kind of little to no make-up, innocent face and kinda casual outfits, not so fancy hair" etc. I'm trying a few different looks with a bit round face, no make-up, casual outfit and hair etc. Gonna make another poll around friday and see what people think. gonna put sexy options too. :) ♥


Honestly, you already make enough sexy chicks...time for some more girl next door types...just my opinion though


Thank you, Jooniper! Your opinion is really important to me. And every opinion is valid here. I'm working on both types. Will see the outcome in the next few days ♥