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I can't recall when was the last time i saw the sunlight.. I'm almost 50 and my skin is still fragile. Sun burns me- heat gives me shivers. Unlike the rest of many, my body is completely different. I live when the moon is up. When the streets goes blind, my eyes patrols around. Now, listen carefully mobster. You won't get to hear what i'm about to speak.

I was the Edge of the Night. Once, i ruled the entire America. Everyone below me begged me for their lives. I was the most poisonous one, in their eyes. But they had no idea how did i become me. Noone put me to the head. I carved my way up there. I earned it! 

Not going to tell you everything i went through. But once, i was responsible the lives of the ones who followed me to everywhere. I- People were counting on me. People i was supposed to protect, they died. And i was left behind. The world thought i was dead. But i was just trying to recover from the deadly injury i have taken. I've lost my sight completely. With the endless bargains and trades, i got to afford my surgery. They were able to recover me.. well, a part of me. Maybe, this was the price i had to pay.

Many years later, when i gained my health back, i stepped up to take what was mine. But noone recognized me. Everything i've told, died in vain. My power is coming from within me. I have.. some sort of abilities that no other can do. My saliva contains poison. Call it a curse, call it a gift. It happened after the surgery. You see, they didn't just recovered my sight. They also gave my beauty back- with a little side affect. This poison.. which is killing me from the inside... is because of the chemicals they've used on me.

I wasn't this ugly, atleast until a few years ago. I used my beauty to charm the others. I seduced the leaders. I made them worship my body. They bent to my heels. All they want was my kiss. They wanted my lips, i wanted their authority. To me, it was a fair trade. To them- who cares? It was just a bite- a bite all it takes. I was draining them like a snake. Once i'm on their laps, there was no going back.

Of course, this poison is killing me too. I cried for days and night. See, the Edge of the Night cries too. The cruel one.. ME! I. WAS. CRYING.. i cried myself to sleep one night. And everything has changed.

My tears dried on my face. I tried so hard to get rid of it but there was no use.. And with a flash, i had this idea. This was the sign i was seeking for. They will know me as the leader of Tear. With that, Edge of the Night was gone- and Viper was born!

Now, i have everything but influence. I have to get back my reputation. I must take my crown back. I don't have much time left. All i want is, paying the true price. I want to leave my legacy to someone. To someone who's worthy. Worthy to be my heir.

When i made my decision, i found the Tevin first. He was about to die. He barely had an hour. He didn't have any memories about his childhood. He had no idea what he was capable of. With the connections, i learned who he truly is. I saved her with the everything that money can afford.

Then i found this kid, King. What a charming name, isn't it.. He was wasting his potential. He could be useful in my hands. So, i bought him. The price was too high, but i did take the chance. I believed he would worth it.

I had nothing left to offer to Amnesia. Poor child.. She has no idea who she was. And that was her price to join me. She wanted to learn who she is. So we afford it too.

As our symbol, they tattoed my tears to their cheeks. Oh, how cute-

As of today, we literally have nothing but each others. Either we will rise again or fall even deeper. There is only my way or- THERE IS ONLY MY WAY!

The ones who disrespected me once, will pay the price. The one who deserves most, will take my crown. I'm not going to die in vain. I will pay the price i had to pay once.

Be aware, we're coming to choke you on our TEARs!

Ps. used a few lines from an Overwatch story to make it more poetic.



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