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NAME: Tevin

CODE NAME: Deadlock

ETHNIC: African-American

AGE: Late 30s



Imagine a human can take his target down from tens of miles away.. With the calculations he makes, it's easier than taking the candy from a baby. But about the choices.. what do you know about choices?

He was just an ordinary guy in the beginning. Hit his twenties recently and duty called him with an envelope. Started with "Be proud, son" and ended with "your people needs you more than ever". A few fancy sentences, few orders and that's it. The truth was covered with some fancy words and encouraging sentences. But he knew the truth.

He took the first bus and went to the quarters. A few days later, he started to training with his comrades. Days followed days, months chased years.. And after 4 years, he was done with the so called 'sacred duty'. He was good to go to his house. Maybe he would see his sister's kids, who knows.. He never heard anything from his family for 3 years. After the first year, they were not allowed to contact with outside. So they would never get "soften" with love and such. According to the Generals, a man must not need anything but his gun.

He packed up his clothes into his small bag and hit to road. Maybe half an hour walk, and he will be able to buy ticket for the bus. He was shaking with excitement to see his family after so many long years. Shed a single tear and wiped it off from his cheek. Put his smile on and started to walk faster.

When he came near to bus station, he heard gunshots and screams. It was like doomsday. Smoke was rising from somewhere far from his sight. Was it the police? A taking hostage situation? Maybe kidnapping? But.. what was that fire? He threw his bag and started to run towards disturbing noise.

What he saw.. he wished to be blind by that moment. People were burning on the ground. Smell of the burnt bodies were sickening. The view.. was even worse. He had no idea what was going on. All he see was an armed guy chasing off some people, grab them in the arm and throw them to the ground. Pouring gasoline on them and then shot them in the feet. With the bullet, they couldn't be able to walk and it was litting the fire. HOW COULD A HUMAN DO THAT?!

Without hesitation, he ran towards the guy and took him down from his behind. Tevin was punching him in the face. His left punch followed the right. He was full with anger and hate that he couldn't stop himself. It wasn't him at that moment. It was his fists doing all of it. He was no longer able to control his body. His body was on it's own charge-

By the time he realized what he had done, it was too late for the guy. His skull and flesh was decomposed. Blood on his hands became thicker with the passing minutes. He was sitting on top of the corpse with clenching, blood covered fists and looking around with shock and horror. He didn't mean no harm. He was.. he jus- he just wanted to stop him! HOW COULD HE STOP HIM WHEN HE HAD A HUGE ASS GUN?! HE HAD NO CHOICE!

A couple minutes later, time slowed. He felt like he is going deaf. Then he threw up- like he was throwing his guts out. He didn't even realize the soldiers were already there. He looked up and he saw some of his own comrades. HOW COULD THEY POINT THEIR GUN TO HIM? Didn't they know him already? 4 whole years? "Wait for my order, prepare to shoot t*rrorist" a voice yelled from somewhere far from sight. He knew it was too late to explain. They wouldn't listen him anyways. He was the criminal they needed. So they could close the case immediately and call it a day. He knew it. HE KNEW IT! HE KNEW IT IN HIS HEART!

He raised his arms to the air and screamed, "DON'T SHOOT! DON'T SHOOT". Soldiers started to get closer to him with caution. When the first soldier was an arm away to him, he glanced backwards and unarmed him with one swing. Took his rifle and aimed to the next closest target. He took five of them before the soldiers couldn't even realize what was going on. Then, they panicked and started shooting at him recklessly.

Withing thirty seconds, Tevin's body turned into a strainer. His blood was overflowing from the bullet holes. "This is the end", he muttered to himself. This was the choice he made and tried to stop a mass-murderer. In return, he lost his own life. Was it worth it? Oh.. it was worth it. He did something his family would be proud of.. STUPID!

Right before his last breath, he saw the light. Not the "heavenly" light. The light of a helicopter. What happened then? Hmm.. That's a story for another day. When will you learn about what happened? Good question, young one. When SHE wants to introduce herself, you will learn more about me. Not just about me, but also about Amnesia and King. Until then, enjoy your last days. Because we're coming to choke you on our T.E.A.R.s!



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