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NAME: Brian


ETHNIC: Half-Mexican

AGE: 18 (He's 18 in his ID, but younger than that)



Can someone count as orphan if they are sold by their parents? Because he was sold by his father just for 150 Mexican Peso. He was addicted to gambling and he had nothing left to gamble. In order to play some card games, he sold his house. He lost it. To be able to sit in that table, he spent every single penny he had. His wife ran away with their older daughter. She left their son, because he was just 3 and she couldn't afford his expenses. People were talking behind his back- how did he gone wild after every lost game. There must be a way to win. He needed one last chance! He have lost his everything and.. and- and this time, this must be his turn to win! He could restore everything if he can roll the dice to 6! But.. how? He had nothing left on him. Then, this horrible idea come to his mind- he could leave his son to the masters, in the Gulf of Mexico in trade of some money. Then, he could come and collect him once he win! But nothing went as he planned and his son, sold to highest bidder.

This young lad called as Brian by his American family. He went to the most expensive schools. His yearly expenses could buy a dozen of cars. His friends and everyone he knew was worshipping him. According to people around him, he was a charmer- but this wasn't what he wanted. He didn't do anything for this. Why was he receiving this respect and love and affection?! Of course because of his father. He was a congressman. Not that Brian's stupid friends knew the meaning of this position. It was their family! That.. all that was their families' doing. They were.. DISGUSTING!

When he was 14, he could no longer take this. He was disgusted to his guts. He was nothing but a congressman's son. No- NO! HE WAS MORE THAN THAT! HE COULD PROVE IT! HIS VANITY WAS CAUSING SO MUCH AGONY THAT HE STARTED TO HATE HIMSELF. There was only thing to do and that was leaving home, running away from the shadow of his father. He left home and took nothing along. This was the only way, to be himself.

He starved for weeks, if not months. Got beaten by the other kids some days. And there were elders and gang members. He was in love with the pain. Atleast, it was real unlike his past plastic-esque life. Soon after, someone saw the "light" within Brian. He allowed him to his gang. At first, Brian thought he would be valuable to them. But to the head of the gang, he was nothing but a carrier. He didn't know this and he was happy to do the 'missions' that are given to him. Because in his eyes, people were depending on him.

Trades followed the others. Missions came nonstop. He was the longest lasted carrier. Because he was nimble and quick. No cop could catch him. He could run in the water, slide in the air. If he is in the streets, no game was fair. He learned how to run before he knew his real name. People called him "King of the dumps".

With his reputation, others' put their eyes on him. But no one could afford the King. His owners bid so high that the other groups didn't think he would worth that much- so they turn away once they hear his price. Until SHE hears about this kid-




He has a "King" tattoo on his left wrist 😭