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NAME: Unknown

CODE NAME: Amnesia

ETHNIC: Unknown

AGE: 18 (Not certain, might be younger)

FORMER GROUP: Grand Canyon


Poor little girl.. left behind by her own group.. Betrayed, defiled, violated.. Why did they do that? For jealousy? For money? For bigger share? No.. None of them would be exact word to define the situation.

This little girl, also known as Amnesia, was the sixth person in the ladder, right after Grand Canyon's Leaders. She was respected. People were scared of her and her capability. She literally was the shadow of the Mexico. Her ability to spy on people was.. magnificent! Her group, Grand Canyon was a.. "business" organization. Their Leader was ambitious and blinded by the power. Thanks to Amnesia's abilities, they could easily learn anything about their customers' weaknesses and using it against them. Until, they hit a tough rock.

A day before this certain event, one of the higher man in Grand Canyon, started a rumour -which was actually true but put his everything onto this so called mission- and betrayed to his own group. He was hoping to take the other two Leaders down, get in charge and rule the organization. This.. wasn't ambition for power. This. Was. MADNESS!

On the day of trade, Amnesia went to the randezvous place. She had a case full with the goods. The customer was mad, furious and was trembling with hatred because of the rumors. He wanted to send a message to the Grand Canyon- so they took Amnesia as hostage and did unspeakable things to her. They broke her will, erased her memory and broke her arms into the pieces.

After weeks, she woke up in an empty alley. She was no longer in Mexico. God knows where, she had no idea about who she is. She wandered alone without a single clue in a foreign country... until- SHE finds her.




Love the story. Can't wait to see her and play her in my twisted little games...lol