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Hello everyone! Hope you all are safe and healthy with your loved ones ♥

February was pretty filled up with all the character creations and townie makeovers. On 25th February, i'll release Okan Moment (Aspiring YT Fitness Trainer) and one more female character on 27th. Also, there will be 2 more characters for February patreon supporters (school/youth themed characters as you voted so). I will send these two characters on 28 February Sunday. So please keep an eye on your patreon message box on 28th.

What do I plan for March?

  • In the first days of March, i'll publish Johnny Zest and Octavia Moon townie makeovers. Unlike the most of my makeovers, these two will remain as patreon exclusive for a while. They'll be on Loverslab after a few months.
  • There are 4 upcoming characters that i'm really excited about in a certain theme which was suggested by a lovely supporter. They will also be released in the first days of March. Thanks to their suggestion, i found this opportunity to create them. I'm posting their signatures with #teaser tag and they will be revealed soon. I hope you'll love them and try them in your game as well.
  • Do you want to see more townie makeovers? Then yes! There will be more townie makeovers!
  • I'm also planning to create a celebrity sim for this month!
  • Do you remember my post about Tall Lady, Lady Dimitrescu from RE8? YES! She'll be up during March!
  • Also, there is this character which i was working on for a few days now. It's not %100 that he'll make it out (it's really TOO difficult to create him tbh) but, i'll keep working on him and hoping to make him justice!

  • I got quite a lot messages from you during February and you want to see some "MILF/DILF" characters. Well, your wish is granted because i want to offer you guys more and more! Expect to see a MILF and a DILF character in March!
  • I also have some other character ideas with kinky themes and outfits which i need to keep working on them and see how can improve them. You'll see them with WIP Shots during month.

With your support, love and kindness, it's been an amazing journey and this journey would never be possible without you! Thank you for sticking around this long ♥

Hoping to create more characters for you guys in March :))

Stay safe and take care of yourself and your loved ones!

With much love,

Bobatae ~♥



Jei Vũ

Looking forward to all the DILF characters!!!