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Due to some "interesting" copystrikes, youtube took my YT channel down. It gave me first strike when i uploaded Chae Min-Seo (song related) then when i uploaded Harold (song related). I guess, last one was TLOU music related.. So many channel is using ND's music and they are still there.. I guess there will not be cas videos anymore..



Don't be mad, I still love your Sims regardless.


I'm not really mad :P It's just interesting that people can use last of us musics in their videos and still be fine.. it's okay tho :) Thank you! Your support is all that really matters. ♥


here's my take, having been around a few blocks a few times: i think it means you must be doing something right (actually, your sims are filled with having done something right) and there is at least one sim maker out there that, for some odd reason, is frightened by your quality rather than taking it as a lesson, which is how some really should view it. there are some 'creators' who, at least at times if not always, create very lazily. i've noted one awhile back who began posting the exact same sim over and over again changing only some clothing, hair color and skin tone and, of course, the name. there was one point where one sim post followed another and, in the accompanying photo, both sims were in the exact same spot in the exact same place and exact same pose, exact same clothing. it was plainly obvious all that had happened was a hair and skin color change between pics believing no one would notice, or not caring if they did. this person likely found your own creations intimidating (a strange thing, but even artists feel jealousy). at one point i had considered their supporting their patreon as they had done some good work, but could not bring myself to do so when they exhibited such a lack of respect for both the players and the sim creations themselves. i'm not saying this person reported you, i'm only pointing out the possible - probable, having witnessed it before under many different yet similar circumstances - reason it was reported. if you choose to make another channel, i'm sure there are places you can find royalty free/public domain music you could use, though, of course, much of it won't be as good. as for myself, i would rather hear you talk through the videos, but that option wasn't available through my tier subscription! ♥


Hello Djin. Thank you for all the kind words and explanation. I really don't know how things work on YouTube but it's kind of interesting. Like, i get only 50 to 250 views per video (differs time to time). When you use a music that is already there, they disable your "earnings" which means you can't earn money from that post. I was posting these videos just for fun. This means maybe someone reported it repedately so i got 3 strikes and my channel is taken down. It's all okay tho.. I was doing it just for fun. I can re-create it anytime i want to. Other than that, i would rather making live-streams for like an hour long to create a character with the viewers together. Like, use this hair, chose these nails etc. And of course, talking with the audience.. I believe it would be fun for both for me and for the viewers. Unfortunately, i'm not sure if my internet connection would allow me to make a stream. Guess i should test it sometime :) ♥