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Hey everyone! I was planning to keep as secret this month's Patreon Reward since it will be really special for me and i want to make it special for you! It is New Year/Christmas gift plus, it will be a set of 4/5 characters in one reward. I was planning to drop all the Patreon reward characters (4/5) at once on the last day of the year. But.. -this is a huge but- i wanted to make sure that if you will be okay with one of the characters being elf. Her theme is, she's the main assistant of Santa. She helps him on everything but one Christmas Eve, Santa tells her that she'll be free from after tomorrow on (after Christmas Night) and dresses her like a gift package. Little did she know, she'll be a someone elses pet.

So i wanted to give her a lore, definitely will add her to my main game but, just wanted to know what you guys and gals think about her. Do you want to get her as a gift? She is still wip, gonna play with her make-up and skin. But in the end, she'll be an Elf. Also, i will keep rest of the reward characters as a surprise. Please vote and help me decide :) If you don't want to see an Elf character, i'll keep the roster as human ♥ (rest of the reward characters will be human)

Thank you for your support! I love you all! ♥


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