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Hey everyone, hope you all doing great!..

If you remember, yesterday, i said that i have plenty of time this week so i'll work on the sims as much as i can. That.. that was because i tested covid-19 positive this wednesday (2nd December). I took a week off from work til' next wednesday. At start, i was barely had symptoms but today, i feel terrible and i feel like it's going worse and worse.. I didn't want to tell this situation and make u uncomfortable because i know that everyone have their own problems.. so why should i make it one more, right?..

So, i'll take only a few days off from patreon. I hope i'll get better by Monday. I'll still try to check the patreon here and there, but i can't be as active as i am til Monday. Please forgive me and accept my apologies..

However, i already finished creating some characters which were on WIP status. Jun will be available this Saturday (5th December). I set it on scheduled post, so it will be published automatically. On Monday, i'll share a schedule about next weeks releases.

No matter what i did, couldn't protect me from this virus. Wearing two masks, washing hands billion times a day and such.. It all takes a second of off-guard. Please stay safe out there and care for yourself. I wish safety, health and wellness to you and all of your loved ones.

Hope you understand my situation and excuse my 2 days absence til Monday.

I can't thank enough for your support.. THANK YOU!

Stay safe, i love you!




Hello Cups. I'm with you now although you can't see me. Please take as much time as you need to rest and hopefully get back to full health very soon. I can't say how sad I am that you have this sh*t Disease. Please forgive me if my English is not so good, I hope you can understand that. I wish you strength and all the best, I wish I could do more for you. I feel so concerned. My thoughts are with you now.


God bless you!


Get well soon!

Jei Vũ

I hope that you got better, take as much time as you needed. Don’t worry too much and take a rest!! Hope you got better soon!!


Thank you so much for your good wishes! That's why i didn't want to tell about it in the first place. Didn't want to make people worried. Hoping to get better and be back as soon as possible. Stay safe.. ♥


Take some good rest, I hope you'll get well soon.


Hope you get better!


Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


i don't believe that you were off-guard, even for a second. it doesn't require you to be off-guard, it's an opportunistic little @%$#er. if it's "there", it's there. if you don't know it's right there, immediately around you, then it's more a matter of luck for those who didn't get sick. i don't think anyone would really be bothered if your schedule altered. seems it would be near impossible to not understand. take the time you need, that's most important. make it up later if need be. i'll donate my sim time for the month. (i know you don't know my choice, but i think iy would have been challenging and possibly too time consuming. just take care...


Unfortunately, it strikes before even you can recognize the threat.. So yeah, it's kind of unlucky :/ Also, please send me your request whenever you feel like it. I'll work on them when i feel better and take my time as you wanted me to! :) ♥ Thank you for your kindness and good wishes! Stay safe ♥