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THIS POST IS OPEN FROM 07.11 to 07.20 !!

Hi everyone! I hope you guys are doing great ♥

In early May, i made a post here and mentioned i'll be working on 3 projects for summer. Each month will receive a project and in total, 3 projects will be delivered.

I've already finished and delivered Project: Scooby Snacks in June and i'm currently working on Project: Forbidden Fruit for July. As for August, i was planning to work on a project which will include bunch of your favorite video game characters.

Unfortunately, my workload for August is really heavy... My temporary job is keeping me quite busy and my leg is giving me really hard time. And on top of that, planned August sims requires me to work on them even further. Due to these reasons i'll have to postpone the 3rd project to September.

Please remember that 3rd project is NOT cancelled. Only postponed from August to September. I need more time to work on both 2nd Project, Project: Forbidden Fruit (July Gifts) and keep working on August sims.

Okay, now we got that out of the way, i'm all ears to hear your suggestions!

Please write down your most favorite video game characters and i'll be noting them down. After 20th of July, i'll be making a post for everyone to vote and decide which characters will be created!

Please write ALL your ideas and please include the which character belongs to which video game. You can suggest multiple characters from various video games.

I can't wait to hear from you guys ♥



Shane from Stardew Valley , MacCready from Fallout4 ,or Alistair, Morrigan Leliana from Dragon Age:Origins would be awesome


Dorian Pavus from Dragon Age Inquisition, Arthur Morgan and Sadie Adler from Red Dead Redemption 2, Wyll Ravengard from Baldur's Gate 3, and Rinoa Heartilly from FFVIII :D