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Hi everyone! I'm here to update you guys on this month's gifts once again.

As you all know, earlier this month, i've already shared High School Dreamers Mei & Erik with every supporter, regardless of their tiers.

And now, it's time for the rest of the gifts. You can see the previews of the end of the month (May) gifts at the top of this post.

In summary:

  • Tier 1 supporters will receive 2 gifts: Mei, Erik (Already sent to all May supporters)

  • Tier 2 supporters will receive 5 gifts: Mei, Erik, Henyn, Emperor Rey, Ovae

  • Tier 3 supporters will receive 7 gifts: Mei, Erik, Henyn, Emperor Rey, Ovae, Marcella Vatore, Farah Seyran

A little background info on the upcoming gift sims:

Henyn: Henyn is a super celeb and a long overdue sim i had in my mind. Inspired of some 2000/10's singers, she's a super celeb and known singer whole wide-world. After seeing not so cool celeb sims in Sims 4, i wanted to add someone who's incredibly charismatic and wig-blower.

The Emperor Rey: Rey is the ex-lover and the current enemy of Azu-89

Mistress of the Void - Ovae: Ovae is a cosmic being, summoned by some hedge-witches. Since they are excommunicated from the coven by the powerful Morgyn Amber themself (due to they were being ill-intended witches), they wanted revenge. So they summoned Ovae with forbidden magic and unleashed her upon the School of Magic with the intent of destroying the school and it's custom. And of course, everyone in it.

Marcella Vatore (step and unknown sister of Vatore siblings / not canon): A Vampire slut himself, impregnated another woman with his hypno abilities (referring the Vatore father). None of his illegitimate children born with vampire abilities (since they were born of one human and one vampire). But they came into world with some sort of mental issues and all of them either ended up dead or in prison, Marcella on the other hand, turned out smarter than any of them. She is a criminal mastermind and a psychopath. She loves to give tremendous rarity of pain to her victims. She may not be a vampire like her father but she's as blood-thirsty as any other vampire out there. With a pale skin like hers, it's hard to be forgotten. Well, her pale skin and the crazy laugh in her face will be the last thing her victims will remember.

Nowadays, she's seeking for her father. She heard a rumor that her father, Mr. Vatore might be living in the Forgotten Hollow so she went there. But instead, she found her vampire step-siblings and felt an unexplainable hate towards them. "How cute! Let's paint them red!"

Fortune Teller Farah Seyran: Inspired of some of the Persian / Turkish folklore, i wanted to create a different type of occult sim. She tells fortune, makes magical jewelrys for all type of needs, speaks to animals and nature. Different than a wizard/witch, she takes her powers from the soil she stands.

Gift sims will be sent on 31st of May! ♥



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