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(Uncensored version of the cover image can be seen here)

Hi everyone! I hope you guys are doing great! I wanted to update you guys about my Summer plans (June - July - August). This post will bring some information about what you can expect during this Summer.

>>> Please note that this post does NOT includes all my plans. It's only a brief and round look at the Summer in general because i don't want to spoil everything. <<<

(Please note that images below subject to change since they are very early WIP shots)

 - June -

I'm planning to start to June with some fresh but known faces. As i received a lot of positive feedback on returning townies from older Sims games, i'll be bringing 1-2 of them to TS4 in the coming months as well. And as requested a little while ago, June will introduce Alonso Candelaria and Rosalind Cruzita (couple) to TS4. Honestly, their story is well-thought and i believe you guys will like them as well. Rosalind was really surprised when he asked her to be his girlfriend and when he offered to take her on an escapade on the tropical atoll. However, she is too smitten to realize that Alonso spends too much time on the beach and with the girls he meets there. Indeed, Alonso is cheating on her with the local party girl Ursula Lemuel (which i'll also create her after June).

Would you want to take a short look at them? I can hear you say "yes" so here you go!
(Please note that images below subject to change)

Other than bringing older townies to TS4, i've noticed that i haven't been creating much teens. If i create 20 YA/Adult sims, i create 1 teen sims. And i got some messages requesting teen sims. Which is why, during June, i will be creating a new themetic introducing bunch of teen sims, some high school teachers and some makeovers from HSY pack.

I don't want to spoil everything just yet but i've already shown a few screenshots of my HSY themed plans. So, i'll drop a few more screenshot below. The sims below are part of my upcoming HSY themed sims.

(First three images are from only 3 of the students. 4th image is one of the upcoming teachers)
(Please note that images below subject to change)

For June, i don't want to spoil more sims and surprises. But before going forward to July, i want to drop one last image that you might like. Since this project is still waaay too early to reveal the details, i'm leaving a tiny hint. But you certainly can expect this project to drop in June as well as many more sims.

- July -

For July, there'll be another 3 old townies to bring to TS4. One of them being Ursula Lemuel (as mentioned above), the other two are not yet decided. However, i'm leaning towards these two, as i believe they could very well expand the Landgraab lore such as deep fights and plots between Landgraab siblings over the Landgraab legacy. But time will tell how it goes. As i haven't decided and therefore haven't started working on them, i'm just leaving an image of which Landgraabs i'm referring to. And looks like they are pretty popular among you guys :P

Again, for July, there will be this custom sim and that townie makeovers. However, when it comes to some fantasy themes, i know how much you guys love them. Other than monthly sims, i'll be working on a new and incredibly hot n sexy project. This project will be revealed in full detail later on. But you can expect some oddities, monsters/beasts and demons/succubus sims. I plan to make this project as a monthly gift so you can expect 5 - 7 sexy beings. One of them being a half human - half feline, Yej. Since i'm not ready to share all of the details of this project just yet, i'll be leaving Yej's preview for now. And i also dropped another sims' preview from this themetic at the very top of this post.

Yej will be a part of this super sexy project named "Forbidden Fruit" for July and i can't wait to share more details with you later in June!

Since i couldn't drop much July previews other than Yej and the Spider Queen, i'll leave two of the planned monthly custom sims. They're two of the many hotties coming in July and i hope you guys like them! ♥

 - August -

It's too early to talk about August at the moment. However, i'm planning one more project for August (1 for June, 1 for July and 1 for August). I'm still debating on August's project. However, it's safe to say that i'm planning to work on a set of video game characters. And YOU will be the one to decide August's project via a poll in early July.

As i haven't even started to working on August's sims, i don't have any preview to share. But i just wanted to give you an idea for what you can expect in August.

In summary:

This summer there'll be,

  • Bunch of teen sims, so that you can have more variety

  • Along with these teen sims, some new teachers, some HSY pack townies' makeovers

  • Townies from older sims games (which you gave me the ideas)

  • Lots of townie makeovers

  • Lots of new custom sims, Modeling sims and Gentleman sims

  • 3 new projects (1 for each month of Summer) starting with Project: Scooby Snacks in June, following with Project: Forbidden Fruit in July and then one more project which will be decided by you for August.

Please note that the sims you've seen above just barely the tip of the mountain. Considering i hare 20-25 sims each month, you barely see a few of them (and we are talking about 3 months ahead). I can't wait to be able to share so much more soon! Thank you so much for your support! Thank you for being a significant part of my journey. Without you, it wouldn't be possible.

Love you tons! ♥




Sounds great and you as always have everything under control, i can hardly wait. Thanks for always updating us.