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Making a purchase from shop is not mandatory. It's optional. It's only for those who missed some old gifts or missed some shop sims and wants to have a second chance.

Hi everyone! As mentioned recently here, i've returned some of the old gifts and some of the old shop sims. Shop includes only a few of old gifts and old shop sims for those who missed them and wants to have a second chance.

Making a purchase from shop is not mandatory. It's optional. It's only for those who missed some old gifts or missed some shop sims and wants to have a second chance.

>>> I highly recommend making the purchase from windows or android OS. Because if you make purchase from ios or apple store, it adds additional fee. You can make the purchase from google or windows, and then use/download it from any system. I just don't want you to pay extra. <<<

Please note that:

> Shop does not include any new sims.

> Shop does not include "Resident Evil", "Project: Chocobo", "Project: Helm of Balduran" and old modeling sims.

Please note that in the future, i will not bring any of the gifts back. If X gift was March month's gift, it will not make any return in the future. This will be the last return for these gifts.

Shop will remain open between 9th of April and 15th of April. After this date, shop will be go offline again. And gifts or old shop sims will not be available in the future under any circumstance.

Thank you so much for your support! Take care ♥

Making a purchase from shop is not mandatory. It's optional. It's only for those who missed some old gifts or missed some shop sims and wants to have a second chance.




Okay, got it.


I got 3 more from the store, i was worried i might miss them. Thank you for the store.