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Here’s the full sketch page of the clay bears! We’ve been talking over their behavior and customs in the Discord server, but to sum it up, here’s what we know about them:

  • They go through metamorphosis, similarly to tadpoles growing legs. The babies are born without legs or a torso, and develop their bodies as they get older
  • They have intelligence on par with humans, but choose to live simple lives
  • Clay bears are very beneficial to the environment and help grow entire forests
  • The inside of a clay bear is made of rudimentary animal cells, which allow for their injuries to be repaired quickly and efficiently
  • For the reason above, a severed limb will convert back into simple cells and reform into one or more infants
  • Due to only reproducing by fragmentation, the clay bears have no sense of romance
  • Humans and clay bears usually don’t get along, since their habitats cause conflict.

That’s all I can remember, but be sure to check the Discord if you want to join the discussion!

Have a nice day ^^

