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The following is a general outline regarding the Suggestion Box, for those patrons that are pledging at the 3$ tier or more.


- General Information

Whenever the Suggestion Box is opened up for the month, every 3+ patron will have the opportunity to put in their suggestions through a Patreon note of what I should draw for that month and put in that month's polls. Please note that while each patron can submit as many ideas as they want, only one of their suggested ideas will be featured into the poll, ostensibly becoming one suggestion per participant, also remember that 3$ Patrons can suggest to the SFW Poll and the 5$ can suggest to BOTH SFW and NSFW.

If for whatever reason I have an issue with any or all of your ideas, I'll contact you about the issue; at which point, you can recommend additional ideas to me, until a more acceptable suggestion can be approved.

With regards to "acceptable" suggestions, it should be that I will not draw personal OCs, or any ship or situation that makes me uncomfortable.

- Suggestion Rules

When making your suggestions, please try to keep your ideas down to around 1-4 characters; so I can properly work these characters with care. 

As mentioned before, each $3+ patron will be allowed to submit as many suggestions as they want, remember that I will only receive suggestions through Patreon Notes so we can keep all of your suggestions anonymous.

After all of the suggestions have been collected after 2 days, I'll choose the best options to be put into a poll, where I'll then submit that poll to the $1+ patrons (SFW) or $3+ (NSFW), so that they can vote on the idea they like best. 

Restrain yourself from voting on your own suggestion, if possible. If your suggestion isn't chosen, don't worry, you can resubmit the same idea in the next month, or submit a new one if you prefer. 

If there aren't enough suggestions I will make few of them myself so we can still have a poll.


Well, that's all folks, thank you for reading it and I will be waiting for your suggestions in this month of December! 

Happy Holidays <3



Sounds good