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This short is about my MC Alice and all the ROs mentioned are male. Will be switching genders in the next short read to mix things up. 💕



The clinking of cups and the hissing of steam serve as the never-ending soundtrack to my existence. As always, the coffee shop is buzzing like an old friend at a lively party, full of chatter and warmth. There I stand, behind the counter, my hands delightfully coated in coffee grounds as I whip up yet another perfect double shot.

And then I see her.

Alice is at the door, her brown hair catching the sunlight and making it shimmer like liquid gold. She has Wyatt at her side, his blond hair a stark contrast to his dark shirt. Their laughter echoes through the shop, a beautiful harmony that clashes with the inner turmoil within me.

I grit my teeth and force a smile as they approach the counter. "Hey Alice, Wyatt," I say, keeping my voice bright despite the sour taste in my mouth. "The usual?"

Behind them, I can see my reflection in the glass. Inked skin peeking out from under rolled sleeves, faded jeans clinging to my legs. My gaze travels back to Wyatt, dressed impeccably down to his polished shoes. I can't help but wonder why Alice would choose someone like him over me. Well, of course, I can, but… why? I also notice that I'm fiddling with the friendship bracelet that Amari made for me. It's a nervous tic I've recently developed. I blame it on all my financial struggles, and now seeing Alice with Wyatt.


"Why am I even jealous?" Wondering aloud would not be advisable; instead, I find myself musing over this unexpected emotional reaction while preparing their caramel macchiatos.

I've become adept at disguising my feelings; it's a skill acquired from years of juggling broken dreams and stark realities. Aspects of my life like working long hours just to make ends meet or juggling life with Amari’s medical issues have taught me about resilience and strength masked by humor and flirtation.

Is that why am flirtatious? Am I trying to forget my daily struggles with romance? Granted, I stopped flirting with strangers after I got Alice's number. Is that growth?

I glance again to where Alice and Wyatt are seated. Wyatt might be Alice's boss, but I know our pasts have intertwined in more intimate ways. That night at her house, Alice chose me. But here we are now.

In between orders, I find myself stopping by their table frequently under the guise of refilling their cups or clearing away empty plates. Each time I approach, they pause their lively conversation and look at me, eyes wide with surprise and amusement.

I guess I’m being obvious.

I wipe down tables, refill cups, and straighten chairs—anything to help tame the creeping jealousy. But it's there, at the back of my mind, nagging like a toothache.

"Get it together, Fiffer," I mutter under my breath, adjusting my apron with unnecessary force.

A glance at them again. There's something so natural about the way they interact; it's as if they've known each other for years. But then I remember that Alice is not officially in a relationship, and a glimmer of hope rises in me.

Their laughter rings through the coffee shop again and my grip tightens around the rag in my hand. Spying on them feels like an intrusion of some sacred space—an intimate moment shared among strangers that I’m not supposed to see.

I shake my head again, trying to shake off these feelings of jealousy. Why should I feel threatened by Wyatt? Alice isn’t mine to claim. And yet…

The way she looks at him makes my heart ache. Before I realize what I'm doing, I'm heading towards their table once more, empty cups in hand as an excuse.

"Need a refill?" I ask with a forced laugh.

"Again?" Alice replies, her clear eyes sparkling with amusement.

"Yes," I say, a little too quickly. "Again."

Wyatt looks at me with a knowing smile, his eyes flickering with a hint of something I can't quite place. Is it amusement? Pity? Understanding? I can't decipher it, but the warmth in his gaze is both disarming and infuriating.

"I'll pass this time," he says smoothly, giving me a faint smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes.

"Me too, thanks Fiffer," Alice adds, still smiling warmly at me.

I nod and retreat back to the counter, cursing myself for feeling this way. Lost in my thoughts, I accidentally spill a little milk on the counter, and as I reach for a napkin to clean up the mess, I see Wyatt reaching for Alice’s hand and—That’s it!

"I'm going on break!" I yell at one of my coworkers, tugging at my apron and making my way to the back door.

"Yeah, I need a break!"


I’m at the coffee shop with Wyatt today, and not long after our conversation kicks off, Fiffer interrupts us constantly under the pretense of refilling our coffee cups or cleaning around our table. It doesn't escape me that he doesn't do this with other customers. His flirtatious glance occasionally meets mine and I can't help but remember the night we hooked up.

Jealousy is an unfamiliar sensation for Fiffer but it's etched on his face clearly whenever he looks at Wyatt and me. It's subtle—a slight quirk of his eyebrow, a tightening of his jawline, or a forced laugh every time Wyatt says something funny. Despite these signs though, he remains composed and charming as ever.

My mind keeps drifting between Fiffer and Wyatt—their reactions to each other; their unspoken desire for me. This strange web of love wasn't something I signed up for moving into Lemon but here it was playing out right before my eyes in this quaint coffee shop.

Just as Wyatt reaches to wipe off some coffee stains on my hand, I notice Fiffer yelling something and making his way out.

Wait! Does he think… 


I don’t finish my thought.

Somehow, a part of me feels guilty—Wyatt, Fiffer, Mattos, Barlow, even Shane...they all seem to have feelings for me. But who am I to them? Am I a lover, a friend, or just a prize to win?

I take a deep breath to collect my thoughts. My life in Lemon is like an intricate puzzle—every person that I meet is like a delicate piece fitting into the larger picture. All these pieces matter to me in their unique ways, but right now, I need to figure out where my heart lies.



Oof, this short kind of hurts because I know Fiffer feels like he's always the "hook up" and never the relationship. Also when Alice feels like a prize to win!!! Also so sorry I comment on everything like i'm on tumblr 😥

C. C. Hill

No worries, it's good to read your thoughts and the engagement is great. I mean, Fiffer will be okay. I feel like they are the type of character that can deal with anything. And my MC has a playthrough just for them so. they are not alone. 🥰