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"Good morning, Mr. Monroe," one of the parents walks by the table full of muffins that you're trying to set up. "Oh... I would do anything just to get a taste of that."

It's Selma, the mother of one of your young students, and you internally roll your eyes as you know that for the next few minutes, you're going to pretend that you don't understand she's trying to flirt with you.

You give her a polite smile, trying to focus on arranging the baked goods neatly. "Help yourself to a muffin, Selma. Just leave a tip for the sale."

The school's annual bake sale is in full swing, and you've taken on the responsibility of managing the muffin table. The aroma of freshly baked treats fills the air, creating an inviting atmosphere in the school cafeteria.

"Oh, I wish I could," Selma coos. "But I feel like it's the forbidden fruit."

"Right," you nod, trying to brush off her flirtatious comments.

As you continue setting up, other parents and students browse the array of sweets, from cookies to cupcakes, all in support of a good cause. The funds raised from the bake sale will contribute to various school activities and programs.

Selma lingers at the table, making small talk as you arrange the muffins by flavor. She compliments the display, her eyes seemingly more interested in you than the baked goods.

"So, um... any exciting plans for the summer?" she smiles.

Before you can reply, Nugget runs toward your table, and you welcome the excited kid with a smile, anticipating that MC might soon appear.

"Hey, Nugget," you greet. "It's nice to see you. Is MC around?"

As you say MC's name, they appear, but are accompanied by none other than Barlow, whom you met weeks back at Nugget's birthday party.

"Hi, Monroe," MC smiles, while Barlow just waves.

Barlow's fingers intertwining with MC's doesn't escape you, and you instantly feel a pang of jealousy in your chest.

"Hey, good to see you... Umm, two," you manage.

As expected, Selma walks away, leaving you alone with the newcomers. For the first time in years, you wish she would have stayed because you have a feeling that MC and Barlow are not just enjoying a friendly day out. No, these two are a couple, and you've seen enough people walking around hand in hand to recognize when it's more than just friendship.

Damn it! Have you been fooling yourself into thinking you had a chance with MC? All the sweet moments that you two shared, and that date at the library... well, it seems like you played a good game and lost.

"Do any of you want a muffin?" you offer, trying to ignore the lump forming in your throat as you gesture toward the baked goods on the table. "I have chocolate chip, banana walnuts, and blueberry."

"None for me," Barlow replies.

"None for me either," MC says. "But Nugget can have one."

The young kid happily smiles at you. "I can only have one because I'll be having more later at my grandma Cherry's house."

"Grandma?" you repeat, arching an eyebrow.

"She's not really my grandma," Nugget continues. "She's Barlow's mother, and since MC and Barlow are now together, I get to call her grandma Cherry."

"Oh," you simply reply, while MC reminds Nugget to stop being too chatty.

God, it's true then. MC and Barlow are a couple. Well, Nugget spilling the beans was an easy way for you to find out. Now, MC doesn't even need to give you an explanation. Not that they needed to anyway.

What happened between the two of you was just fun and games. Nothing more, nothing less.

Yes, you wish it would have developed into something significant, that you would have been the one holding hands with MC instead of Barlow, and that Nugget would be calling your mother grandma instead of Cherry, but MC made their choice.

You give a polite smile and try not to show any emotions before adding a muffin onto a plate for Nugget. Yet, you can't help but remember all the moments between you and MC—from that first conversation you had in your class to your date at the library—and realize that it was all for nothing.

Nugget takes the muffin from your hand and runs to another table, with Barlow following, as if to keep an eye on the kid. You're left alone with MC, and for the next few seconds, you awkwardly avoid looking at them, unsure of what to say.



The two of you speak at the same time, but you let MC go first.

"I was planning on telling you," MC says, fidgeting with their fingers. "It's just I didn't know how."

"It's okay," you reply. "All that matters is that you're happy."

Is MC happy, though? If the smile tugging at their lips every time they glance in the direction of Barlow and Nugget is any indication, then, yes. MC is happy, and you'll have to live with that.

You chat with MC for a little while longer before they eventually excuse themself, thanking you for the baked goods.

Once they're out of sight, you let out a heavy sigh and lean back against the table, contemplating what's next.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Paris talking to the principal, and you immediately turn around to hide your face. Sure, the love of your life might have found love with someone else, but no level of heartbreak in the world would ever bring you back to the BDSM club where you would interact with Paris. Nope, you're ready to book a ticket and go on a celibacy retreat at the end of the world—anything but the club and Paris.

Grabbing a small piece of muffin and throwing it into your mouth, you glance one last time where MC is walking hand in hand with Barlow and sigh.

"At least I know you're happy, but I'll always cherish the memory of us together," you murmur before walking away.


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