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1. Are you comfortable with being recorded during sex?

Fiffer: Yes. Being recorded during sex is fun in a way that I can’t quite put into words. It adds a sense of intimacy and voyeurism to the experience—like you and your partner are the only ones watching it and enjoying it. Plus, it’s a great way to keep memories of the relationship alive. I still have quite a backlog from when I was in college. 😅 I haven't done any since after Amari was born, but if you are up to it, my answer is, yes. Of course, it will be for our personal use only, and we'll agree to delete everything if we ever break up.

MC: Well, good thing we'll never break up. 😘

2: Do you prefer rough sex or slow and passionate?

Fiffer: A little bit of both, actually. I appreciate a little bit of variety in the bedroom—sometimes a quickie can be just as enjoyable as a long, drawn-out session. I'm open to trying new things and pushing our boundaries if you are too. But you already know that I'm into hair-pulling, so I guess that means I like rough sex too. But slow and passionate sex can be just as pleasurable. It all depends on my mood. Sometimes I'm in the mood for something fast and wild, but other times, I want something slow and gentle. And when it comes to rough sex, let's just say that there are certain toys that make it even more interesting... 😉

MC: A little bit of both. Got it!

3: Is moaning important to you or do you prefer your partner to be quiet?

Fiffer: Moaning lets me know that I'm doing a good job.

It’s important that my partner expresses their pleasure in some way—whether it's through moans, sighs, or something else. It lets me know that I'm doing something right and encourages me to keep going. Plus, the sound of my partner moaning is incredibly sensual and arousing—it makes me feel like I'm truly connecting with them on an intimate level. But if my partner prefers to be quiet, that's okay too. The sounds of comfort and pleasure are different for everyone, and as long as we can communicate what works for us both then it doesn't matter whether or not there are moans involved.

MC: I don't know if I moan or not.

Fiffer: I mean, we can test it out right now if you're up to it. 😀

MC: Lol, let's move on to the next question.

4: Would you ever try BDSM?

Fiffer: Who said I haven't?

MC: Oh, really?

Fiffer: Nah, nothing advanced, just the basics. Like you already know, hair pulling, some spanking. I think that BDSM can be a fun way to explore power dynamics and sexual pleasure, but it requires trust and communication of both partners. I like the idea of having boundaries pushed and testing limits in a safe and consensual way. The key is finding something that works for us both—whether it's light bondage, role play, or something else. We could experiment together if you're up for it!

MC: I'll give it a thought. 😁

5: Do you like having sex in public?

Fiffer: Funny enough, I never had sex in public.

MC: Really?

Fiffer: I know, right? But... when I first saw you with Green in the café, I did fantasize about having sex with you in the back of my jeep that is parked in the employee parking. I know it sounds bad, but I was smitten with you that very first day and the things I wanted to do to you just then would have been frowned upon in a public space. 😅

So, to answer your question, yes—I do like the idea of having sex in public. It's a bit thrilling and forbidden all at once. I mean, it has to be done discreetly of course, but there are plenty of hidden places we can explore like parks after dark or late-night beaches. We can even get creative and find some private places during the day if you're feeling daring enough. The possibilities are really up to us. Plus, if either one of us gets caught by someone else then that could add an extra layer of spice to the adventure! 😏

6. What do you think is the most important thing in a relationship?

Fiffer: Being financially stable and not having to stress about where the next payment for the bills will come from.

MC: Come on, I'm being serious.

Fiffer: So am I. I know a lot of people would answer trust and communication Yes, that is all cute and dandy, but even with trust and communication, if you're stressing about money, that relationship will take a hit. That's why I'm happy to be your sugar baby, and I don't have to stress too much about my bills.

MC: Well, you're still working and taking care of most of your stuff by yourself. 😄

Fiffer: Is that you trying to ruin my dream of being a sugar baby? Lol, Jk. Love you too. 😘

7. What kind of sex toys or other items are you interested in using?

Fiffer: Ooohh, that's a good question. There are plenty. First of all, nipple clamps. 😄 Don't judge!

MC: No judgment here. Lol

Fiffer: Then there are anal beads, vibrators, and even bondage gear like handcuffs and blindfolds which I'm really into. I think the possibilities are endless and we can experiment with different items to find out what gives us both pleasure. Plus, when it comes to sex toys, they don't have to be expensive either—some of the best items come from dollar stores and thrift shops. With a bit of creativity and imagination, we can find something that works for us both!

MC: Of course, you would know where to find the best toys at a good price. 😊

Fiffer: Hey, you know me. Anything to save some money.

8. What kind of dirty talk do you enjoy?

Fiffer: Umm... I like all kinds of dirty talk, from the subtle to the explicit. Things like compliments about how sexy I look or how turned on you are when you see me can be really nice. But also, I love it when my partner tells me what they want me to do to them in a naughty and demanding way. It's really hot! 😏 Plus, some dirty talk can help build up tension and anticipation for whatever comes next—that is always fun.

9. What do you think is the most important thing to make sure your partner is satisfied?

Fiffer: Touching them in the right place? 😄 Sorry, I couldn't resist making that joke. But in all seriousness, communication is key. Making sure that you are both on the same page and comfortable with whatever activities you decide to engage in is incredibly important. You also need to make sure your partner feels safe and respected, so all communication should be honest and upfront. While exploring new sexual experiences can be exciting, it's essential to make sure that everyone involved is enjoying themselves as much as possible.

MC: Good Answer. 😁 Alright, last question...

10: Do I satisfy you?

Fiffer: Is that a trick question? Of course, you do! With you, I always feel completely safe, loved, and respected. You make me feel like I can let go and be myself without any fear of judgment or criticism. Plus, you have this way of making sure I'm getting all the pleasure I deserve—you really know what you're doing 😉 And that's why you totally satisfy me.


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