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Unspeakable tragedy has unveiled your family's darkest secrets. Some rest in eternal silence, while your father and aunt are trapped behind bars, accused of unimaginable crimes.

You've already played judge and jury for an unexpected murderer, but can you salvage your grandfather's fragile legacy? Will you ascend to lead the company and claim that vacant seat to safeguard your family's fortune, or is it time to cash in your shares and disappear?

As three potential investors come knocking for a merger, tread carefully; trust is a luxury you can't afford.

And in a world where danger lurks behind every corner, one question haunts your every step...

Who wants you dead?


I know this game wasn't a reader's favorite, but I've been missing the MC from Insert-Rich-Family-Name, so I'll be back to writing it soon. 

I enjoyed writing book 1, I love those characters and I know I will enjoy writing book 2 as well. This book was my first self-published game and I take pride in that even though it didn't do too well financially in comparison to the games I publish with Hosted Games. πŸ˜…

All that to say, I'll try to have at least the prologue of book 2 drafted in October, so stick around for more family drama, more bodyguard romance, and all the other love interests. πŸ˜€

And yes, this will be the title, the cover, and the blurb for book 2.

For context about the cover:

-The blond guy is Marcus Fargos. One of the people who sent MC a letter at the end of book 1. Marcus is the heir of the Tabloids who keep saying bad things about MC's family. So Marcus is Bob/Vera's boss.

-The blond lady is Marisca Blackstone. She may be a damsel in distress or not. She's the diamond princess because her family owns several diamond mines in South Africa.

-The guy with the drink is Kev's Brother. That character is gender customizable in the game, so for my MC, I went with the male version, Raine Montecristo.

Some questions and answers.

  • Book 2 will focus on whether MC wants to save the family business or sell it and walk away.
  • Saving it will mean choosing one of the 3 investors to merge with.
  • Selling it will also be one of those investors to sell it to, but MC will need the family's approval to sell because everyone has a share in the company.
  • Yes, the 3 investors will be romanceable even though you already have a love interest from book 1. They will mainly be hookups, but hookups that will stick around throughout the whole game.
  • Of course, more murders and mysteries.
  • More romance. I want to develop the romance with the love interests from book 1.
  • More steamy scenes.
  • More interaction with the remaining family members. So yes, Benny will come back with his new husband.

There will be a lot more, but that's all I can think of for now. πŸ’•

Side note: In 24 hours you'll have the update of Lemons. πŸ‹




AHHH, omg I can't wait! I loved the first game so much. I am actually so surprised you said that it wasn't that popular. Could it be because it was only published in Steam and not on mobile platforms? Anyway, I am so glad you are still returning to the story and I will be the first to buy the game hehe, thank you for your hard work!! πŸ’•πŸ’•

C. C. Hill

The game is available on all platforms. I think it's a matter of reach. Hosted game has more reach. But I'm happy I self-published. πŸ₯°