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(This note/letter will contain spoilers for the ex/cheater route of Barlow. It will also be part of the game.)


Hey MC,

I've tried so many times to write this, trying to find the right words to say, but this is my third attempt, and I just hope it will make sense in the end.

Let me start by saying that I'm happy that we've reconnected after all these years. Seeing you again has brought back a flood of memories from the past – both the good and the bad. I can't help but feel a sense of nostalgia, considering we've both come a long way since high school.

The main reason I'm writing this letter is to address something that has been haunting me for years – something I deeply regret and want to apologize for.

That night at prom, the whole thing with Dominic and Dominik, it was wrong, and I'm so sorry. I made a terrible mistake, one that I wish I could undo. I hurt you, and I've carried that guilt with me ever since.

Please, believe me when I say that I know I screwed up big time, and there's no excuse for what I did.

Seeing you with Nugget, your incredible kid, stirs up all kinds of emotions in me. I genuinely want to get to know your kid and be close to you, I mean... If you'll have me.

Again, I understand that I messed up, and I might not have a chance to be a part of your life. The truth is, I would love another chance with you, MC. I can't deny that I feel a strong connection between us, one that has never truly faded away.

I'm also aware that you might not see me the way you used to, and I respect whatever feelings you have. I know there are others who are interested in you, and to be honest, it makes me a bit jealous.

It's dumb, I know, given what I did. But I can't help it... I can't help the feeling of wanting you all to myself. I know that I have no right, given my past mistakes, but again... I can't shut down the way I feel about you.

I should stop rambling and let you know that... I just want you to be happy, whether it's with me or someone else.

You deserve all the happiness in the world, and I hope you find it. My hope is that you can forgive me, MC, and that we can move forward from the mess that was our past.

I guess what I'm trying to say is... I miss you... I miss us.

If you feel like I deserve an answer, then write me back. If not, I'll understand.

Yours always,
