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As you know, I like to give you all a schedule of what I plan on writing so you know what to expect.

September will start with a master post with all the character sheets, that way you don't have to scroll through the feed to find them. (All Patreons will have access).

Character Q&A is for Fiffer from Lemon. (All Patreons will have access).

Mattos spice that was posted, I'm currently making it gender customizable. (Tiers $5 and up will have access as it will be in the pinned post.)

The wedding Episode One (Renpy PC and Mac only) (Tiers $5 and up will have access.)

The wedding Episode One & Two (Renpy PC and Mac only) (Tiers $15 and up will have access.)

I'm trying my hand at writing some angst so I have something that will be posted on the feed, It's about Green texting with MC during a meeting that Barlow and everyone else is attending, but Green end up sending the last text to Barlow and Barlow confront both MC and Green at the end of the meeting. (All Patreons will have access).

Spices, Seduction story "It Takes 3 To Tango" is a threesome between MC, MC's ex, and the ex's best friend. Get ready for some angsty sex scene in this one (Tiers $10 and up will have access.)

The second spice side story will be for either Barlow or Fiffer. There will be a poll everyone can vote, but only (Tiers $10 and up will have access.)

When Life Gives You Lemons Update (Tiers $3 and up will have access.)

If there's any time life I will do a newsletter and a Trivia. (All Patreons will have access).

The good news is most of those are already completed, and ready to go. So there will be no delay in posting. 

As always, thank you for your support. 💕


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