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Hello Beautiful People! 💕

If you are a continuing Patreon you have not been charged for April as the billing for this month is paused.

Billing will kick back up again on May 1st, so make sure to cancel by the end of April if you wish not to be charged.

Why another paused month?

As you know, I'm self-publishing Insert-Rich-Family-Name and it's currently going through beta. With April being the release date for Wayheaven 3 and Blood Moon, I'm aiming for the first week of May for a release date for IRFN. 

I had a lot of expenses for this game, such as: (platform fees, new computers, and paying the amazing coder who helped me convert the game from choiceScript to Twine) so I'm distancing my release date from those two big games from Hosted Game in hope to at least gain back the money I spent.

I already know the game will be pirated lol. They all do, and there's nothing I can do about it, but I hope some people will buy the game for me to gain back the money I spent because it will motivate me to keep doing what I do. A lot of hard work was put into this game and I'm really happy with the final result.

As soon I have a confirmed release date for May I will post it. For now, the game will be available on Apple Store and Steam. If everything goes well I will see if I can do an Android release later. 🤞🏽

May Schedule for Patreon? A Full month of amazing content! 😘

We will start May with a When Life Gives You Lemons Update. I am currently working on it and that's the first thing you'll see when billing is back up and running again.

Fluff side stories (ROs and MC having a baby Or getting engaged)

There will be a poll during the month of April for you to decide which one of those you'll like me to write.


Get ready for this one as I'm trying my hand at making my spice writing better! 😅

May spice will feature something new. It's a Serie dedicated only to steamy prompts!

Monthly Newsletter?

This is something new, I wanted to give the readers more insight into what the world of Lemon looks like, which is why I'm introducing a monthly newsletter!

What else is in store for May?

More games trivia, fun edits, and fun quizzes!

Anything about The Midnight Saga book 2?

I'm working hard to have an update soon since that game hasn't been updated in a year. I'm not making promises, but rest assured that I did not abandon book 2.

How do we finish the month of May?

With episode 5 of The Wedding, of course!

As always, thank you all for your love and support! 😘💕💕🥰



CC you spoil us ♥️

Alyson Babate

Congratulations on the release date CC! I'm so happy for you! I'm super super excited for the new Content in May (hopefully my Bais wins the April poll for WLGYL but I read all of them tbh so I'm fine either way lol)! Thanks so much for all your hard work and dedication! ❤️❤️❤️