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Hello Beautiful People!

If you follow me on tumblr, you know that I'm very open to suggestions and what to implement in the game and what not 😊

And as a Patreon, your chances of suggesting something and have it implemented in the game is even higher. So feel free to suggest something you would like to enjoy in the game.

I also would like to know what kind of content that you would want to see more.

 In case you're not comfortable with DM, I was thinking that you can send me an anonymous ask on tumblr (make sure to write "for patreon" at the end of it) and I can screenshot it and reply to it here, instead of replying to the ask on tumblr.

That goes for any other question you also might have. 

I want to make sure that you are getting contents that you can enjoy and again thank you for all your support.💕


mars saint germain

the sides stories are good options !!!! maybe we could also get like, exclusive writings or short books !!!! like maybe a short book ur just writing for fun that u wouldn’t publish but would like to share with us <3

C. C. Hill

Ohhhh... a Patreon only book??? Nice I'll make a poll to see what genre it can be I have sooo many ideas lol


*throws money at any M and K -stuff-* I just realize I simp for M and K in both of your IFs. What have you done.