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When you're in a busy or chaotic situation, how do you handle it?

1. When I'm in a busy or chaotic situation, well, it's not that different from my daily life as a single parent and barista, so I just keep calm and do my best to stay organized.

Have you ever come across a situation where reality was stranger than fiction?

2. Honestly, my whole life feels like reality is stranger than fiction. Between juggling being a single dad and working towards my dreams, there's never a dull moment.

If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

3. If I could change one thing about my life it would be Amari's health issues. I just want him to have a normal childhood, without the constant check-ups and bills.

Can you tell us about a time when you felt caught up in an exciting moment?

4. An exciting moment for me was when I first hooked up with MC. It was spontaneous, thrilling, and unexpected.

What is your dream car?

5. My dream car would be something practical yet stylish - like a black Tesla Model S.

If you could go anywhere, where would it be and who would you take with you?

6. If I could go anywhere, I'd take Amari to Disneyland. He's always wanted to go and I want to make that happen for him.

What kind of house would you want if you could take your pick?

7. My dream house would be a cozy loft in the city with enough space for Amari and me, filled with our favorite things.

Do you watch the news?

8. I don't watch the news much; it's often too depressing. But I do try to stay informed about major events.

Do you want a pet? Have you ever had one?

9. I would love to have a pet dog for Amari, we've never had one before but pets can bring so much joy.

What is your favorite hobby?

10. Besides tattooing, I love cooking pizza - perfecting different toppings and crusts is an art form!

If your life were a book, what would the title be, and why did you pick that title?

11. If my life were a book, the title would be "Inked Dreams: A Single Dad's Journey". It summarizes my passion for tattoos and my dedication as a father.

How do you see yourself?

12. I see myself as someone who's resilient and ambitious despite life's challenges.

What words would you use to describe yourself and your personality?

13. Funny, flirty, diligent – these words describe me perfectly.

Out of all the movie characters you've seen, which one deeply connected with you?

14. Honestly? Chris Gardner from "The Pursuit of Happiness" – his struggles and determination resonated with me deeply.

Do you think there's life beyond Earth, or are we alone in the universe?

15. I'd like to think there's life beyond Earth, makes the universe seem less lonely.

If you could choose one thing to represent your personality, what would it be?

16. If one thing could represent my personality, it would be a phoenix – representing resilience and rising from adversity.

If you could step into a time machine, what era would you choose to visit and why?

17. I'd probably go back to the 90s, just for the culture and the music.

Is there a significant moment in history that you'd like to see up close?

18. I would’ve loved to see the Woodstock festival up close! Can’t beat that kind of energy and music.

Do you like busy situations, or do you prefer calm and quiet times?

19. I'm used to busy situations with my job and being a parent, but I do enjoy calm and quiet moments when I can get them.

We all have a book that has deeply impacted us. Which one has made a lasting impression on you and why?

20. "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho made a lasting impression on me because it tells me to keep pursuing my dreams no matter how hard things get. It keeps me motivated in tough times.


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