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I spot them across the library, light streaming in through the window and illuminating their face as they walk through the shelves full of books. MC. My heart skips a beat just at the sight of them, and I can't help but admire how their eyes dance from title to title, searching for something that catches their attention.

"Monroe, are you looking for anything specific?" A voice interrupts my thoughts, and I realize I've been caught staring. It's Aimee, one of the librarians who knows me well, probably because of all the time I spend here.

"Uh, no. Just browsing," I stammer, tearing my gaze away from MC and trying to regain focus.

"Alright, let me know if you need any help," Aimee says with a knowing smile before disappearing back behind the desk.

My palms feel sweaty as I watch MC move through the library, so close yet so far. I should approach them, say hello, maybe even ask them out, but my nerves hold me back. I think about that time and the bond we've built since that trip to the zoo with Nugget. That day was amazing, and I can't help but want more.

I glance around the room, spotting a book on birds and lions, two of my obsessions. I pick it up, feeling the weight of the hardcover in my hands, and wander over to a nearby table. As I sit down, I steal another look at MC. In that moment, I remember the feeling of control and confidence from my time in the BDSM club. That Monroe could have approached MC without a second thought, but now... I'm unsure.

I can't help but wonder how they would react if they knew about that side of me. Would they be intrigued? Repulsed? The uncertainty gnaws at me, mixing with the desire that bubbles just beneath the surface. What would it be like to share that part of myself with them?

I steal another glance at MC, their face still bathed in golden sunlight. They reach for a book on astronomy, their fingers grazing the spine with a delicate touch that makes me quiver inside. I imagine what it would be like to trace those same fingers along my skin, to feel their warmth against mine.

I sit there for a moment, lost in the fantasy of MC's touch, envisioning a world where we are closer than just two people who happen to frequent the same library. The thought sends a shiver down my spine, and I'm torn between taking a chance and keeping my desires hidden.

As if sensing my inner turmoil, MC looks up from the astronomy book and our eyes lock. A smile tugs at the corner of their lips, inviting and warm. My heart races in my chest, adrenaline coursing through my veins. This could be my moment, the opportunity I've been waiting for to bridge the gap between us.

I can hear Diane's voice in my head calling me a coward in this very instant if I ever let that opportunity slip through. And damn it, she would be right.

Calming my nerves, I close the book on birds and lions in front of me, pushing myself to stand up and make my way over to MC. Each step feels like a thousand tiny victories as I draw closer, their gaze never leaving mine. When I reach them, I clear my throat nervously.

"Hey," I say, my voice barely above a whisper.

"Hey," MC replies, their smile widening as they set the astronomy book back on the shelf. "I didn't expect to run into you here."

"Oh, here?" I smile, trying to hide my nervousness. "This place is my second home. If I'm not at the school or lonely apartment, I’m here."

Lonely apartment? Really? Did I need to emphasize that I was lonely?

"Anyway, what about you? What are you doing here?" I ask.

"I… Umm, I'm browsing for some new books for Nugget," MC says, their eyes sparkling with warmth. "Hey, maybe you can help?"

"Ah, well, I'm always happy to help with book recommendations," I offer, trying to sound casual.

"Thanks," MC replies, their smile widening. "Maybe after we find something for Nugget, you can show me your favorite section?"

My heart skips a beat as they say that. My favorite section is probably too NSFW for them. All the things about BDSM, how to submit, how to control, the art of bondage, and dominance. I can't resist the playful glint in MC's eyes, the curiosity that dances in their gaze as they wait for my response. Maybe, just maybe, this could be my chance to open up about that side of myself. But… instead of opening up,

I clear my throat, pushing the thoughts aside.

"Sure, I'd love to show you around," I manage to say, a hint of nervousness still lingering in my voice. "But let's find something for Nugget first."

As we walk through the aisles together, MC's presence beside me fills me with a sense of warmth and excitement. Their proximity sends tingles down my spine, and their occasional touches as they reach for books make my heart race even faster.

We chat about our favorite genres, laugh at shared book recommendations, and exchange stories about our most beloved authors. With each passing moment, I feel myself growing more comfortable in MC's company, the initial nervousness fading away into a sense of ease.

When we finally reach my favorite section, a part of me hesitates. Would it be too much for MC? Would they judge me for my preferences? But then I remember Diane's voice in my head, pushing me to take chances and be bold. So, with a deep breath, I…

Ring! Ring! Ring!

"Oh, sorry," MC hesitates. "It's the babysitter and I have to take this."

They respond to the call and after a short minute of conversation, they hang up and turn to me. "Sorry, I really need to go. But it was nice running into you and thank you so much for helping me find a book for Nugget, that was very nice of you."

Disappointment tugs at my heart as MC prepares to leave, but I smile and nod understandingly.

"Of course, anytime. It was nice seeing you too."

MC returns the smile before hastily grabbing a book that catches their eye and hurrying off to the checkout counter.

Alone in the aisle now, I let out a sigh and run a hand through my hair. The moment slipped away just as quickly as it had come, leaving me with a bittersweet feeling. But as I stand there, surrounded by shelves of books that have been my companions through many lonely nights, I feel like I will get another chance. 

Not today, not tomorrow, but maybe soon.