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Attention members!"Artistic Seoul studio" is swindling money

Today a large number of VAM authors, including me, received reports from members that an author had defrauded them of a lot of money.

The name of the author of the money scam is "Artistic-Seouls-Studio"

But this person used to be called "Crazy3dmodeler",(Already banned by VAM's HUB community)

Take advantage of the sponsor's trust in him to demand more commissions,

Don't believe he will ask you to donate money, pretend to be sick, etc. I took screenshots of some concrete evidence, please consider for yourself (member name has been hidden)

The screenshot provided by the member has been uploaded, if you are interested, you can download the attachment for viewing




there is an old saying. screenshot or it never happened. an employee/member of your team reflects your business/team. deflecting blame is a bad move. especially when you include "in hospital, has cancer, accident, etc." a person's personal life is that, personal. dont use it as an excuse.


To crazy or whatever it is youre calling yourself now: It is no longer about being upset. It is about warning everyone to stay away from you. Every creator here knows how easy it is to refund. Feel free to go ahead and handle it at any time. Ive also heard from at least one other on the same tier you scammed. Same thing.


It is the sponsorship charged by your account! Not someone else charged for sponsorship. You charge a sponsorship to make a mod and it should be delivered on time instead of delaying or passing the buck to someone else, I don't even know if there is that person. So you don't know whether it is qingfeng141 or Qing who replied to this message?


No matter what you say is true or false, but the money is collected by the account, regardless of who is operating it, the refund is also the account, and a different person operating this account can escape responsibility? Someone else shoots and kills someone, then hands you the gun, he can avoid responsibility? If you are not prepared to cheat people out of their money, where does the money you collect go? Why not refund it?