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Hey everyone,

I just want to let you all know that I am pausing this page for an indefinite period, starting the beginning of April. My commissions will also be closed until further notice. The reason for this is because my doctors believe I have breast cancer.

I don't have a "formal" diagnosis yet, but my mammogram shows I have two tumors in my right breast, along with an enlarged lymph node in the same armpit. The radiologist that did my mammogram seemed confident in the diagnosis - and I should be getting the results of my biopsies hopefully this coming week. I'm booked for a pet scan and a bone scan on the 4th of April, and then I'll be meeting with my cancer care team and surgeon on the 11th.

I've been so exhausted for the past few weeks... I'm only 38, but the symptoms I've been experiencing have been getting worse. I can't guarantee that I will be physically (and mentally) able to do any creative work once my treatment starts. I should also note that I may need to have a mastectomy and/or lymphadenectomy, which may permanently affect my ability to draw and paint because I'm right-handed.

This is all that I know about my situation at this time - I don't know yet if I will need to relocate for treatment, or if I'll need financial assistance. I'll be sure to provide updates when necessary.

Hopefully we've caught this early enough. Cancer treatments have come a long way over the past decade, so I'm optimistic that my treatment will be successful.

I want to thank you all for your support for the past four years - I appreciate you all!


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