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Hey guys I've been working a lot on the game and decided to share some new stuff with you! The new update will probably be released in 4 to 5 days.

I managed to finish 2 Sabrina as pred scenes and one very time consuming observer scene! The next days I'll polish what I created and add some minor things here and there. But overall I don't think I can add more scenes for this update. I'll be very busy the next weeks so.. We'll see how much content I can make, probably not much for the next 2-3 weeks. 

I hope you like what you see!:D There's a bunch of new characters that'll play a big role in the future updates. Like the demon nun, Ingall the elven potion brewer...

Do you like the custom nun sprites? I think they turned out so well:)

If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask!



Akisuki (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-30 09:09:49 Amazing work. Hoping we get a scene like in AWBH where she eats like 4 people <.<
2022-12-17 16:34:13 Amazing work. Hoping we get a scene like in AWBH where she eats like 4 people <.<

Amazing work. Hoping we get a scene like in AWBH where she eats like 4 people <.<


We'll get a scene with 4 prey for sure as soon as Sabrina learns to transform herself into a lamia/naga :D


Is there a plan to have an extended weight gain system in this game? Like the one in AWBH?


Yes there is:) The weight gain is going to be added for next update until stage 4. Stage 4 is what Sabrina looks like when in the beginning in the cutscene the narrator turns her into a more curvy bunny.