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Hey guys! I finished the new update that I promised.

It turned out a little different than initially planned.

Change log:

- New observer scene Horse woman / random girl (unwilling)

- New observer scene Wolf girl (Kara) / sleeping girl (unwilling)

- New pred scene Pri / sleeping girl (unwilling)

- New pred scene Pri / Bunny mom + daughter (kind of willing) 

- New prey scene Horse woman / Pri (unwilling)

I hope you guys will like the new content. 

All new scenes are taking place in Zenidore. 

The new stage 6 3D models are not yet finished. I just couldn't manage to get them done in time. The next post will be a poll on how stage 6 will look in the end.

If there's any bugs, feel free to report them in the comments.





Android / IOS:




how does the bunny scenes or the observer with horse woman scene trigger. ?


Must admit that apart from sleeping gal' and pri prey from INN keeper, everything is incredibly unclear... Still great work Oppi, though!


Yeah.. There's currently a bug that prevents players to play the horse woman observer scene which is necessary to get the bunny girls content.. I hope after the fix is online people will be able to find all the scenes without much trouble.


How much wood are supposed to collect, because no matter how much i grab it says not enough


Is there an intended way to collect the carrot that's up against the house? As is, it seems to be blocked by terrain and is inaccessible.

Secret Moose

BUG Bunny asks for 10 carrots, you need 15 in your inventory.


It's has box of carrots behind the horse woman , You need to rest in the inn when it's night time go steal carrots in the box .


Seems great so far, haven't really found new bugs. However, Pri still need updated animations for like when she lay down with full, potbelly and empty belly, eat the neko, jump on the redhead of the vore club and eat Lea's mom. Also you should make the part where Pri digest Lea's brother on the bed replayable. I don't want to keep 5 save files just for that.


There was a bugg that prevented the player to unlock the scenes. It's fixed now. At night find the horse woman observer scene and then talk to the maid again.


Hmm I'm not sure yet. I kind of like her character and would like to include her in a few quests first. But she's definitely going to end up inside Pri's tummy at some point.


Oh eh no. But it's not necessary to collect it. I just figured it's not reachable. I'll change that for the next update.


I have some suggestions. Can you add something like surrender / give up into Pri's skills in future update please because I just commit tanuki genocide and my Pri is LV.15 it's take a long time to be defeated by wolf girl she do only 30-40 dmg / 10-20 dmg with def skill , It's feel like she just punched senator Armstrong. And the tiger girl scene can you add choice like "nice try but still weak" or give Pri her personnel dumbbell / weight loss potion so she can weight loss anywhere it's quite annoy having a long walk to school and came back for one scene. *edit surrender / give up just the skill that make Pri receive massive amount of damage and defeated.


Sir Robert has no idea whats coming in his way lol


How about adding more stuff happening at the inn as you progress the story,like after the first main quest at the first town, which I assume will be where that castle is at.


Yeah something like that. Like Pri gets a quest in the first town and has to go back to the inn and talk to the horse woman which then gives Pri another quest.. And so on..


Oh ehh.. Pri's supposed to be lvl 4 when she meets the wolf girl xD Good idea with the surrender skill. I'll add that. Yeah there has to be more places where Pri can lose weight. I'll add some more in the future.


Is there no apk file for andriod/ios?