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So, I managed to put some more work into it. 

- What do you think of Pri's 6th weight stage? Do you like it? What should I change? 

- The house with the green walls is supposed to be the bunny girls' home.

- The next picture shows the inn (owned by a horse woman) from the outside.

- The last 2 pictures show the inn from the inside.


Plans are to make Pri witness the horse woman eat one of her customers at night.

The maid works in the inn, she's a secret admirer of her boss and would like to be eaten by her. Unfortunately Pri will not grant her that wish lol.

The girl lying in the bed above looks like easy prey but that's where Pri will meet her rival for the first time.

I'm not yet sure what to do with the bunny girl's house and the two remaining bunny girls. 

Also, the horse woman has to end up inside Pri's belly at some point. 

In summary planned scenes are:


Pri/Horse woman

Pri/"easy prey"

Pri/bunny sisters?

Horse woman / Pri

Rival / Pri

Horse woman / customer

If you have any ideas you'd like to share, please do so:)




I like Pri's 6th weight stage but become nine tailed ,I think it can use for another time like when she's finding a way to deal with someone that much more stronger than her. But if she'll be like this , I'm ok with that , she's getting stronger by eating people BTW.


For the record I love all the work you have done in working on Pri over time. (Note: referenced images on the post from Dec 16, 2021 as a mental refresher for stages 1-5. If different outfits were used in game and I just forgot then please ignore large parts of this.) Sorry if the following sounds like a lot of nitpicking but I really like the game you have created. I love your designs for Pri but some of the transitions just feel like bigger jumps than others. Like stage 1, 2, and 3 feel like small gradual changes. Stage 4 feels like a moderate jump with the loss of her top and change to a more revealing bottom. Stage 5 feels like a large jump with the total change in outfit and lengthening of her hair. And stage 6 feels like the largest jump of all with another total outfit change and loss of a few more clothing items in addition to the changes to her tail. No issues with how the weight gain progresses through the stages by the way. The gradual change there was very well done. It is fine it you wanted to have the changes become more dramatic as the stages increased in number but I really just wanted to acknowledge the developing pattern. Individually I love the character designs for each different stage. If you wanted the changes to get more dramatic with each stage than ignore the rest of my comment. The next two paragraphs were written with the idea of shifting to more gradual changes. I think the idea of Pri getting more tails as she gets more powerful with added weight is great but I agree with user “SOMEONE” that jumping from one tail to nine-tails feels like a big power leap. It feels like either something that would be some triggered change based on an in-game event or would need more stages in-between the current stage 5 and stage 6 in the tails aspect. Or retro actively giving Pri a growing number tails with each stage or something as another visual indicator or label for each stage (Like stage 1 has 1 tail, stage 2 has 2 tails, and etc (you could also skip a few numbers if you wanted)). I also like how the tail turns completely white. Definitely feels like an increase in power. The sudden lack of any red in the tails is a big jump too though. A possible way to make it more fluid is to have the tail(s) have more progressively more white in the tail with each stage. In any case, thank you for all the hard work you have done on the game. You are doing a great job. Edit: Oh! I forgot to mention that I love how the pearl looking necklace in stage 5 changes to fur around her neck in stage 6. She definitely feels like she is getting in better touch with the fox side of her.


Looking sick, plus two new prey scenes in one update is a rarity… prey scenes in general are a rarity…


More thigh high! Or more clothing options XD Whose with me. (In all retrospect probs be hella difficult to pull off or well time consuming.) But if you want suggestions maybe more scenes where we see the model eating rather than a black screen with them going down in a fov like manner??? If that's at all possible that it.


Love it all! Looking forward to seeing what that Kitsune looks like in a belly.


You're right! I got carried away when designing her. She looks way too different and way too strong. I'll make a few other lvl 6 models soon an let you guys decide which one is best.


Thank you for your detailed post:) I don't see what you said as nitpicking at all. I agree. The jump from 4 to 5 was huge, but the jump from 5 to 6 is gigantic! it's too much and too early. I think I accidentaly designed Pri's final lvll stage in my attempt to make a lvl 6 model^^ I guess it's about time Pri gets a few more tails, so I'll make a few new lvl 6 models and with 2 or 3 tails. Also I like your idea to make the color of her tail slowly fade into white. So that's what I'm going to do. I guess at the end we'll have like a total of 10 weight stages^^


Thanks! Well the new update will contain like 3 or 4 of these scenes. I'll try to do 2 prey and 2 pred scenes for the next update. The scenes that I listed are the total scenes regarding the inn and bunny house.


I would love to make more clothing options! But oh boy would that be time consuming and the game would probably double in size from all the pictures^^ But I really like the idea... So maybe her last lvl'll get a few clothing options? Hmm.. I would like to make more scenes where we see the model eating. But it's the same problem. I would have to make the scene with all the different lvls of Pri's weight stage.... I see what I can do!


Personally I love short hair, and really wish this stage had short hair as well. But that's just me :)


May I ask about wolf girl that you plan to make her some kind of a rival to Pri. - Is she going to keep mess with the rest of Pri's journey? If yes then it's mean she is strong as Pri or stronger that make she very successful to mess with Pri and her prey. - Is she'll have character development together with Pri? Because I saw your reply and look like you plan to make Pri's final form a nine tailed , that mean Pri will be so powerful , And if the wolf keep being the same she'll be nothing but easy snack for Pri , No matter that she'll keep being rival or become friend. edit : I just realize that if Pri gonna team up with her they must have big event together first, Because I don't think Pri gonna forgive someone that take away her prey easily.

Noah Flynn

Would love to see some new Pri as Prey scenes, maybe some of the previous characters that are shown to have prey scenes could have pred scenes? Total sucker for some of the character designs like the singers in the hotel :P


Think stage six her boobs should have some massive growth. There are characters with boobs bigger than Pri and she eaten everyone.


- Yes she'll be a little pain in Pri's ass for the whole journey. But I'll try to make her relatable and likable. So that players won't be too annoyed if she strikes again and steals a tasty meal from Pri. I also want to give her some kind of a back story that is slowly revealed over the chapters. And yes, she's quite strong, maybe even stronger than Pri. - Yep, she'll have character development together with Pri. Maybe I will even adapt her body throughout the chapters, making her a little bigger every chapter. - You're right! There has to be a big event that'll weld them together. But that event will occur in a much later part of the game and I'll probably add it to the main story.


Oh what?! Sorry this looks like a mess.. Don't know what happened..


Oh there's going to be much more prey scenes than in chapter 1. The next update will most certainly contain 2 new prey scenes.


Her boobs will be massive don't worry:D They are growing with every lvl. At her last lvl they will be pretty big;)


Last update you gave us the option to either eat or spare Lea. Are there any plans for a ''secret'' scene with Lea after already having eaten her friends?


No, there's no plans for that as of now. What kind of secret scene do you have in mind?


I personally loved the Nola scenes. Lea has continuously shown a fascination for Pri's stomach. One possibility for a secret (couple of?) scenes with Lea could be: After having finished her storyline and spared here, you talk to her while still having someone else in your stomach and let her play with you while you digest. After three times she hints that she's been wondering how they feel. If you talk to her after that she offers something similar to what Nola offered and offers something similar to the false ears, eventually ending with a willing digestion.


I honestly like her stage 6, she looks way OP now. Generally the new models - made her look a bit older and experienced like - which I guess goes with her development :). But then again I am a kinda guy who would like her to dominate everyone and never be prey lol


I also really like it. And I'm going to implement it. Just not as her stage 6. There's going to be a few stages in between. Not yet sure how many.


Hmm.. Sounds good. I'll add it to my list. Maybe I'll add that at some point. For now I'm focusing a little bit on Zenidore. But who knows, after my exams are done, I'll have a lot of time to work on the project.