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A new early access update for my patreons!

Change log:

- New scene ontop of the hotel (access through suite floor)

- Nola's scenes (unfortunately in 2D.. Pictures were already done. Will change in the future)

- New Scene with the last model. Pri can be pred or prey.

- Worked on the basement of the hotel. (Basement accessable after Nola's scene, check Pri's suite)

Unfortunately no scene with the swim teacher yet.. 

I'm sorry. I promised a pred/prey scene with her for this update. But I just didn't find enough time to implement it. 

It's definitely going to be added in the next update.

I hope you guys like what I've been working on. 






Exploding Krunchlesnitchles

how close are we to the basement being finished will that be when we eat the aunt


We are pretty close to the basement being finished. And yep that'll be when we eat or get eaten by the aunt. I could have waited an released the update after finishing the basement, but I thought you guys probably like something to play for the weekend:P

Jonah Austin

Thanks oppi am sick at work today just sat down to check my email and this was the dopamine boost I needed cant wait to check it out.


Happy to hear that! I hope you like the new scenes:)

Cameron Jensen

You know, I sorta wonder if at any point we get to try and devour the swimsuit club. Like all the four members


Is the last model in the basement? Cause i have no idea how to do the switches haha


Uhm yes she is. Just play around with the switches untill all 3 lights light up


Gah! The one time I go on vacation and don't take a computer with me, lol. Oh well, something to look forward to when I get home! The last model being pred or prey is a welcome surprise!


I see what I can do. Maybe I can release the aunt scenes within the next days/week.


Ahh I had to use another save file, If you go down there with someone in your belly and turn them all on it will bug out and not work haha


The scene ontop of the hotel is fun. I like the scene with the last model pred and prey. I really love the Nola's scene. This is a nice update, can't wait the next.