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It's the 5th Box of Oddities Halloween Special Part 2! True tales of the strange, the bizarre, and the unexpected as told by you the Freak Family! Part 2 drops on Halloween night.




Noo!! Y'all, it's Frankenstein's MONSTER and his bride lol. Frankenstein is the doctor. Great stories! I love the Halloween episodes!


Great episode, as always. Hearing about JG's fear of that old instrument of torture, the Brannok device, I had to reassure (or possibly not) him that his fear is not baseless. When my daughter was about 3 we were in a Thom McCanns (remember them?) shoe store and she was doing what an unrestrained 3 y.o. will do - running around. She fell and landed on the Brannock so that the little raised thingy where your heel goes caught her right on the brow bone. The result was the biggest black eye I hope to ever see. The poor kid's eye swelled and she couldn't see with it for months. Cue the abuse allegations, right? Anyhoozle, she has a red mark under her eyebrow that is still visible today, 50 years later. So yeah, beware the Brannock! Love you, you beautiful freaks!