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In 1971, two high schoolers left for a party and didn’t come home, what happened? Then, a team uncovers the first evidence of heads on stakes! The disappearance of Pamela Jackson and Cheryl Miller followed by the tomb of the sunken skulls in BOX412. Hey, that’s Kelsey’s birthday! 




Back when Washington State had capital punishment, prisoners had a choice of hanging or lethal injection. The state had a chart to determine the length of rope needed to hang a prisoner. There was a rather portly prisoner who selected hanging. According to the chart, there was no length of rope that would not decapitate a person of that weight. Since decapitation was not a legal form of execution, the prisoner could not be persuaded to opt for lethal injection. Aye, there's the rub. We think this was back in the 1980s. If anyone knows how this was resolved, please let us know.


I'm with you, Kat. "Heads on spikes" is a tale as old as time.