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Details about the remains of one of the holiday season’s greatest legends and an epidemic of people who thought their genitals were disappearing. The corpse of St. Nick and Koro, or genital retraction syndrome in this, Box287. Your mileage may vary.




I finally got to join the inner circle!!! I'll pass on the Santa juice tho, thanks.


Regarding the disappearing genitals. There is a Autoimmune skin disease called Lichen Sclerosis that can effect any part of the body including the genitals. It causes the skin to turn into scar tissue, horrible itching, and can become cancerous. In women it can be very horrific because it can cause their flaps to dissappear, or worse, fuse together until they resemble a Barbie doll. At this point surgery is require cause they can't pee. It's horrible. But anywhoozle, I wonder if some if the people who who were worried that their parts were disappearing actually had Lichen Sclerosis. 🤷‍♀️