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The February rewards have been sent out. For anyone whose payment is declined and is going to fix it, I stop checking after the 5th. 

As I have said previously, there are a few changes to the rewards. The blog access tier is being replaced with Discord. The earlier access tier that was 1 step higher than the now replaced blog access tier is now gone. 

For March, here's what I plan on doing:

  • Rainbow x Lollipop Chainsaw
  • Twimac Kama Sutra (this is 1 picture, not multiple picture poses from the book)
  • Partially dressed girl with a sword or a catgirl picture or minerva mink picture
  • Mane 6 Plots
  • Top 3 plots

Hopefully, this is a realistic goal for the month. If I can do more, I will. Feel free to join the Discord server at https://discord.gg/wyGz8Fw and hang out in general chat. Thanks for your support and I'll see you next time.



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