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The end of the year is, yet again, around the corner. Where has it all gone? Time moves on and so do we. So far, here are the goals for September:
  • Celestia & Luna
  • At least 1 Girl Picture
  • Twilight
  • Elora
  • Top 3 plawts (poll is on the feed)

Now to discuss a few changes. If you came here from the other patweon page, you will already know this. The other page is now closed. I discovered that it was set to an adult page a month ago with no warning or explanation and since sup-port didn't get back to me in almost a month, I decided that it was the last straw. It wasn't receiving any growth, I couldn't market it as s-fw anymore and I would be better off just concentrating on just one page. After that ordeal, I have come to the conclusion that being on this plat form requires me to tread carefully with what I post and what I say. Being an adult page doesn't mean I'm safe. Excuse the paranoid me in my attempt to avoi twigger werds (pushes levenshtein away).

Another change is that I will now be posting sf-w stuff as public posts on the feed. Since I'm not trying to meet a quota each month, the number of s-fw stuff will vary and not to be considered rewards. 

The last change is that I will no longer be sending out recap messages with links to the rewards at the end of the month. The message thing was way back before the upfront charging feature. Since I have that now and I post rewards on the feed, sending the messages is redundant. The posts are tagged so you don't have to worry about losing any sort of convenience when you want to look back.

Thank you all for your continued support and I'll see you soon! 



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