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So anyway, Patreon decided, after much backlash, to not implement the fee change so everything will be just like before until they come up with another wacky idea (https://blog.patreon.com/not-rolling-out-fees-change/ ). However, that doesn't fix the damage they did.

I'm already in the process of working with another platform but it will take some time to set up. I am also working on a website which can hold all my stuff so I don't have to deal with multiple sites. I can barely keep one site updated let alone multiple sites. After that's done, I have to sort my entire folder of pictures which has over 130k files so I can put it on the site. Fun!




Just a heads up in case you hadn't heard: Patreon also sent an email out to all Patrons on Wednesday linking their announcement of not doing the changes, but also provided a link for Patrons to easily re-pledge to any creators they stopped pledging to. I don't know which other platform you are talking about....but in my opinion Patreon is the best out there currently. They care about the Creators and Patrons enough to listen and change.


I received a similar email. The other platform isn't to replace Patreon but to complement it for people who do not wish to use Patreon for whatever reason.