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Since Patreon has revealed its new look, it's time for changes of my own. If you are also pledged to the SFW Patreon page, then this message will be very similar. Up until now, I have been working on the Patreon rewards each month, gathering them up by the end of the month and sending them out to patrons. I've come to a full realization that withholding the rewards until the end of the month is not the best thing for me or for you. Doing this means that I don't have a lot to post during the month so the feed becomes a little lacking. I want to keep you all up to date on the things I do per month, especially the rewards for each month. 

In addition to sending out links to the rewards at the beginning of each month, I will now be posting rewards on the feed during the month. This means I will also be turning on upfront charging to reduce leechers and bots. Sure, patrons who stay for more than a month can just up and leave right before they get charged but that's something I have to trust people not to do and believe in the goodness of their hearts. Not only will I post finished rewards on the feed, I have plans to post let's draw videos (once I figure out where to host them) on certain pictures and post stream notifications every now and then. I will still be posting sketches and work in progress pictures. For Discord, the rewards will still be posted in the patrons only channel and will be posted 1-3 days before I post them on the Patreon feed. The PSD files will be sent as links at the beginning of each month. This may change if I get more patrons pledged to the source file tier.

Since there will be increased activity on the feed, there's also the possibility that some patrons won't like their inbox filled with post notifications. I believe you can turn off email notifications in settings so make sure you check the appropriate settings so I don't feel guilty for posting more things. That's all the changes I will be making. It's a significant change for sure and hopefully it's a good change for all of us.

The first reward for the month is Fluttershy x Angel. This is supposed to be for tier 2 but I didn't want to make a separate post for it. There is another version to this picture so I'll post that later for the tier 2 patrons. Enjoy!




As long as posting to the feed still keeps them in high res .png files, this sounds great.