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pulls up a chair

Hey Honey, we need to talk...

So if you didn't know already, I have a dA sub for sauce content because I had to change this page to squeaky clean stuff. Obviously, that put a spanner in the works and I took a hit. 

Ever since I stopped the other page to concentrate on sauce content, I told myself not to commit to any amount of work on here. Well... I'm doing it again even though I have not listed any amount of work promised on a monthly basis. I have yet again dropped the heavy object onto my foot. I need to stop doing this. I always have these detrimental thoughts that if I do not provide a significant amount of rewards that I feel is worth your pledge, I feel bad about it. 

This is where I have to look at the numbers. Ever since I started doing subs, it has not been lucrative for me. Could it be people generally do not like subs or I'm not marketing myself more or it could be economic issues? I believe those are not the underlying problem. I do not have the numbers on other platforms such as twitx and I have been on there for a while. I do not usually say anything there. I Just post art and let it do the talking. Looking at other artists on there, they can doodle something for way less time than I can and can get way more numbers than I can. 

This is where I take a closer look at my content. Sometimes I get ok numbers but that's really due to retaining the pony fanbase. Sometimes other content does not get ok numbers. There is no consistency with my stuff. It's all fanart so I hop from franchise to franchise and not retain anyone because they want this and not that. If it's sauce content then it's probably a little more ok because I believe they just want one thing and as long as it's all there, then they'll keep an eye on my content. 

Since financial support depends on the amount of followers, I'm pointing my finger at my content not attracting and retaining people. I do not believe it's because I'm doing this franchise and not that other one. I think I do an ok variety. It has always been this way for years. What has that gotten me? Not high numbers, that's for sure. I'm still on the edge of financial ruin and I have no concrete answers to get me away from the edge. 

What are my options?

Getting a better job than the one I have now is a monumental task. I do not have work history, references, or proper skills. Sure, manual labor is always an option and so are city jobs. Whatever job I'm lucky enough to land, it will be the end of my art. I will have zero time to work on any. I barely have any time now. Sure, I can work on it when I retire but will I even make it that far? Will I be in well enough condition to be doing that in the future? I will have to rebuild everything, remember how to draw, etc. When I commit to this job, I will have to quit my art. I will have to devote the rest of my life to working for someone else's goal. 

Getting a job is not too dissimilar to taking on commissions. I'm drawing someone else's idea and not mine. At the very least, I'm still drawing. It's one of the reasons why I wanted subs to work. It's so I can do my own thing and get financial support from people who like the thing I do. Obviously, that's not working out. It hasn't been working out for years. Have you seen the amount on this page? Which of my monthly bills is that gonna pay? 

Okay, okay, calm down... there's a thick glass wall between us for a reason. Don't break the phone receiver.

I do appreciate any amount of pledge I get. In fact, I am floored by how long some of you stick around. You have my most sincere gratitude. I mean those who financially support me, not the followers. I do not want to be blunt but I have to. A panhandler has to do what they gotta do right? We're talking about money here and how I can gain more financial support for what I do. The followers are important too because without them, you wouldn't have that small sliver willing to support you financially. Sometimes, that doesn't make a whole lot of sense like how I have 20k followers on dA and less than 10 subs. Yeah, I get it. Some people are poor like me. I wish I could throw money around for the things I like. Or maybe... just maybe... I'm not worth it to some people. I'm not mad. I get it. I would do the same thing too. Just to be sure we're on the same page, I do not expect anyone to give me money for what I do. I gotta work for that and not just for me, for them. I gotta get into their heads and come up with stuff that makes them click. 

You know what? That ain't working.

What is my other option?

I have to draw something else. 

Reevaluate my content. 

Actually come up with likable relatable characters for simply making 4 panel comics?

I have to be a writer for that. I have to be a smart alec guy to be doing that.

I have to get people to actually like some guy's OC and his silly comics. 

I do know I have to reevaluate my sauce content. I feel like it's not good enough. I have better optimism for this plan of action but for the squeaky clean stuff? I just have to trial and error my way through it. 

How does this affect you on this page?

I will be changing the content to God knows what. What I know for sure is that the regular content you see on this page per month will be reduced and I don't mean by one picture. This self imposed rule for providing what I feel is a significant amount of work per month has got to go. I have not listed any amount on my about page for a reason because I knew the amount of work I put in per month for the numbers I'm getting isn't gonna cut it. 

What will you get to see then?

Like the about page says, any varying amount of art that I can do per month. It doesn't specify finished art. It can be sketches, no matter how not cleaned up they are. The art can still be finished art. I'm not entirely shutting out the old past.

The comics, like it says, any comic of my own choosing. Those 4 panel comics are worth trying even though I will run out of ideas after a month. 

This is all trial and error and you get a front row seat to see my progress... the paying patrons get to see it of course. That's not to say finished works wouldn't eventually be released publicly.

If you have made it this far, you can wipe the sweat off of that phone receiver. Thank you for reading my ramblings and I hope I find my new art direction in the near future... that can pay. You guys know I still do commissions right?

… I’m saying this to 7 people… 7… thumbs up… you’re all decent people


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