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We had twice as many entries for this event and all of them were great! Thank you all for participating, it was a real challenge to choose the winners!

?Congratulations to Alex and TankFrankDrill9! Your reviews will be illustrated in the next comic!?


Bailey Tighe

Congrats! Rilex will make us proud.


;; damn. Idk what to think im speechless (although not sure if there’s another Patreon named alex as well tho^^”)


Congratulations to the winers! I’m eager to see the finished product.


OMG?!!? I won? I actually won? Thank you so much Rilex!!!! Wow... I can't wait to see the finished product! :D


Looking forward to seeing their entries.

Red Herrington

Grats to the winners. *hides face from view and cries tears of defeat*