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Hello everyone, first of all


I like to thank all of you that supported me all those years and continue to support, I wish all of you a great year, and that this year you can accomplish that thing you've been wanting for a while now, I know that everyone of us has one of those wishes, hehe.

Sorry if I've been delayed this week, I was preparing New Experiences to be released, just a few changes, stats page and a wallpaper. You might have noticed that I implemented the changes I've been talking about, so let's get to it:

Legacy comics - Each month a new one, Legacy comics will be available starting Tier 2 and up,  the previous month comic will be taken out, so this month you have New Experiences, it will be available until the start of February, then another legacy comic will be made available and New Experiences will be removed. I pinned the post so you don't forget to pick it;

Wallpapers - No more wallpapers, I received a lot of feedback on it, so I decided to stop working on them, only the weekly 4k pics will remain for Tier 4 as usual;

Short Stories - A new tag has been added as "short story", starting Tier 2, each week new pages will be released to form a complete short story (about 10 pages), during the month Tier 3 and 4 can vote the next story. These stories will never go away, they will remain in "Collections", for example, right now you can go to Collections - The Amazon Group and read the first pages of our first short story;

Comics - Older Patrons may remember that sometimes it took a long time to a comic to be released, so it's not fair to pay for a higher Tier for more comics and spend months without a new one, so this and the piracy of my comics lead me to find another way make things a little better, Short Stories and the re-release of Legacy comics can keep things interesting, new comics will always be released from Tier 3 and up, Tier 4 will hold the two latest comics plus the Legacy comic of the month;

Polls - There will be only two regular Polls: the Short Story Poll, Tier 3 and 4 can vote on what story they want to read about next month from 3 choices, also they can comment a suggestion and other Patrons may like the comment, if the comment has more likes than any other option, this can be the next story;  Next Comic Poll, this one always takes longer, because in between comics I get a few commissioned comics, that are also released here, so working on two comics at a time takes a little longer, but as I am about to finish one comic I release here a Poll for Tier 4 to vote on the next one;

I think I covered all I wanted for now, I will edit this post if I remember anything else. Also, since some changes were made, if you are having any issues with Tiers or have any questions please DM me.

I hope you all enjoy the changes and we can work on making this Patreon page better!


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