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Hello everybody, from now on, I will start the Weekly Update. It's a journal where I will give updates on new renders and comics that are being created.

So even if for some reason I don't post anything, I will try to post an update here.

So for the main updates today:

- I did 2 commissioned comics this last couple of months, the first one was New Experiences 2, it was already released, and the other one is Revenge Part III, I am doing the final post works and will be released this week I think;

- My Super Futa Girlfriend RE is in the process, but it may take a while, so maybe by the end of the month or the start of the next;

- Since I finished the second commissioned comic, I also did some other commissions, I am free for a while now, so I will focus on voted comics, but I can also work on other commissions as well.


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