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I thinking about to end the monthly exclusive rewards on my patreon and allow my patrons to get any past rewards you want,i was original to put a past rewards on gumroad but i don't really need a extra money and it will make stuff more complicate,so i  decided to just give them away to people who supporting me.

The reason I made this decision was because restrict my self to schedule and limit what content i can do,like sometime i want to draw some mini-comic( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)  ,but monthly rewards and my limit time don't allow me to do that.

I like to do a fun content like GreenTeaNeko or other artist do,mix with usually rewards,so i decided to end the monthly exclusive so i can focus more on doing artworks Instead of managing a monthly rewards,and so i can deliver rewards anytime in the month.

It might begin in next month,I hope you will continue to stick with me after this change.your support are really important to me!  

♡(*´・ω・)  ♥  (≧ω≦ *)♡



I think Shadman is the last person anyone should take any inspiration from... but this could be a good step, if it'll mean more creative and varied comics.


His content is maybe bit hardcore i think,i just mean i want to do varied stuff. ( '≧ω≦ )


The “content 😏” I enjoyed and also past content from before, I’m still in. 😃


This is a good change, but I hope when rewards are given out, we get a download link or attachment for the original image. Patreon usually lowers the quality of images when they're posted on the wall for us to save.

Allin Peligro

I'm still gonna support ya all the way. It be nice to see at least for me, some work uncensored :) Looking forward for mini comics!


Where do you get the link download I would like to know