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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 18 - Nested Realities


Violent quakes threw Luanne off balance and the big, round, cartoon tit that Jaime called his prison smashed and flattened against one of the millions of rose pink fat cells surrounding her.  Jaime’s ears drums threatened to rupture from the sound of Luanne’s racing heart…was she turned on?  He could have sworn he heard her moan but it was difficult to tell over the deafening sound of her heartbeat.

Sure enough, there was another attractive, thick woman grinning sheepishly, lurking within the deepest recesses of Luanne’s bulbous tit–waiting for Jaime.  Waiting to claim him.  And inside her breast he promptly went.

Jaime lost count of how many more beautiful Goddesses he encountered, each infinitely smaller than the last he’d been absorbed into. He could no longer quantify how much deeper this journey upon nested journey had taken him.  Somehow, no matter how many times he was shrunken by the progressively smaller rose-pink fat cell fluid by whichever beyond-microscopic Goddess awaited him, there was always another right around the corner just as excited to greet him.  Just as excited to hug him.  Just as excited to squeeze and play with him like a toy.  It repeated over and over and over again. He was greeted by a Goddess, plunged into a rose-pink fat cell, shrank until he was barely visible to the new Goddess, rubbed into her body until he permeated her skin and immersed himself in her structure of fat cells.

Sometimes the Goddess’s were gorgeous, sometimes they were homely.  Sometimes young. Sometimes old.  Most were women he’d never never had the pleasure (or horror) of seeing before but there were some he recognized.  He remembered seeing one of the women on a train a few years earlier.  Their hands had touched when they grasped the pole;  it was the closest he’d ever come to actually asking a stranger out.  She looked almost like she wanted him to.  But then, inevitably, his eyes wandered down to her expansive chest.  When his eyes rose back up to meet hers, her subtle smile was gone.  And that was the end of their story.

Well, technically their story was ending now…as she popped him into her mouth and sucked on him like a piece of candy. He continued to shrink inside her mouth, the cavern expanding indefinitely until he was microscopic.  Assaulted by a torrential rush of saliva, Jaime cried out as he was washed toward the back of her throat, but ‘luckily’, he was so small that he avoiced being swallowed.  Instead, he was absorbed right into her tongue.

And yet another woman was waiting for him….

Some women he’d known his entire life.  Some were supermodel-skinny and some were morbidly obese.  Some of them treated him gently and some were rough.  Some just wanted to protect him and some wanted to humiliate him.  A few even put him over their knee and spanked him for seemingly no reason at all.  He was repeatedly absorbed into stomach fat, buttocks, thighs, triceps, lips, but he was mostly absorbed into big, hanging, swollen breasts.  Greeted, plunged, shrank, permeated. Greeted, plunged, shrank, permeated. Greeted, plunged, shrank, permeated. Greeted, plunged, shrank, permeated.

Jaime never would have thought it possible to just keep shrinking…there had to be an end to it, right?  There just had to be…but it just kept…on…going.  Maybe this was his life now, maybe this would just go on forever…and why shouldn’t it?

Maybe shrinking wasn’t a linear journey in the way we would picture it as humans.

Maybe it was more akin to traveling a cardinal direction on a globe.  Jaime could reach the North Pole after walking north for long enough, but if he kept walking in his current direction, that’d still be North from his perspective.  If he could walk North on a globe forever, maybe he could shrink forever too.  Funny he’d pick a globe for his analogy, seeing as he was surrounded by millions of them, all composed of fat.  Maybe he could even try that experiment on one of them.

Oh, too late…the next girl has already absorbed him into her thick, curvy thigh.

‘The universe is shaped…’

Absorbed into a huge breast

‘…exactly like the earth…’

Absorbed into a plush lower lip

‘...If you go…”

Absorbed into a fat ass cheek

“...straight long enough…”

Absorbed into a chubby belly

“..you’ll end up…”

Absorbed into a tricep


Absorbed into a love handle


Absorbed into a huge breast


Even though he was still technically inside of his unreachable Goddess Mayumi, he was so far removed from her big, bouncy tits and their busy tit-fucking schedule that it almost didn’t even make sense to think of her as a human being anymore.  He needn’t think of those gigantic tits or her just like how a single atom of Hydrogen needn’t think of the goings-on of the universe.

Just one of the gelatinous fat cells in the endless galaxy of fat cells in Mayumi’s impossibly large, sweaty, fuckable tit expanded out in all directions beyond the size of the observable universe to him now. This was likely true for the myth of Courtney, who existed in dozens or even hundreds of layers outside of the Goddess’s body he called home. The fat cells were mythically large, and they were better than him. Just one could house every galaxy, dream, and abstract thought he could possibly imagine.

Just. One. Cell.

He was nothing.

By now, not a single dull amber fat cell was visible to Jaime.  He was surrounded in an endless ocean of rose-pink fat cells as he awaited the next Goddess, and he’d learned that the wait was never long.  No doubt she would demean and emasculate him like all the others. How many others were there by now?  Hundreds?  Thousands?

…It could very well have been even more…

The next Goddess would surely be beautiful.  She would surely cup him against her breasts or command that he kiss her ass.  She might pop him in her mouth and suck on him like a piece of sweet candy or spit on him in superiority.  Surely it was possible that she would call him adorable just as much as she would call him pathetic.  Some called him both.  What was all but certain was that she would plunge him into a rose-pink fat cell, shrinking him closer to 0 and pushing him into her body.

Something felt…different though.

A cluster of rose-pink fat cells behind him jiggled and bounced as the next Goddess made herself visible. He thought he’d seen everything but when he laid eyes on this Goddess’s face, Jaime’s mouth dropped.

“Look at you…” she said calmly and breathily, a sweet smile on her face. Her charming Brittish accent disarmed Jaime and inspired in him feelings that were not immediately associated with humiliation and emasculation.

“…You’re…Muh–muh…memma…Wuh..wuh…wat..” Jaime stammered as the gorgeous brunette moved closer to Jaime.  She moved so much more gracefully than any of the other women.  This one looked kind, which Jaime had been tricked by before…but she also wore a halo of pink light like a crown atop her head.

She didn’t grab him and pull him to her as the others did. She put in the effort and moved to him.  Her eyes were a deep brown and her smile could have melted icebergs.  Jaime looked at her like he’d known her for his whole life.

It was almost true.

He recognized her.

He was more accustomed to recognize her face, beautiful and full of life, but her body was…good god, what was the word?


He had seen it clothed, but with the clothing gone, he could do nothing but admire.  Her breasts were not large to an intimidating or overwhelming degree..they were perfect.  Her waist was small and her hips only slightly less narrow.  Her ass was soft and firm as it should have been, with no excess above what he considered attractive.  Her skin was fair and appeared smooth…soft…flawless and absent of any blemishes.

“Oh, so you already know me.” The Goddess said, giggling at Jaime’s stuttering which caused him to abruptly stop.  “Awww; go ahead, Jaime…try again.”


Emma’s eyes lit up and she pumped her fist. “I knew you could do it!” She planted a gentle kiss on her fingertip and pressed it to Jaime’s upper body.

“But why are you here?” Jaime asked the celebrity.  He was in a daze from her beauty, her charisma, but mostly from how sweet she was being to him. She was talking to him like he was a person.

She looked relieved…happy…excited. “I thought my role was to be the smallest thing in existence, and I was, Jaime.  I was the smallest thing for a very long time.  There was nothing smaller than me…” one thin cute eyebrow raised as she looked him up and down.

“...but that’s no longer true.”

The beautiful actress shifted some nosey fat cells away and moved her elegant hand next to Jaime.  He flinched at first, but then relaxed as she took her time.  He watched as her palm evened out to be level with his feet and could see that her fingers extended up above his head.

“Look at you, sweetheart.  You’re no larger than my hand.  Smaller than the hand of ‘the smallest thing in existence’.  That role no longer belongs to me.  But don’t worry about me…I understand my role now.”

She began petting him gently with her fingers. Jaime had been pet several times on this long, strange journey but this was the only time that he leaned into it, enjoying it.  He felt safe with her.

“You are so insignificant, little Jaime.  So frail…so fragile…and so very special.  Do you know what the most sophisticated, advanced, and precise measuring equipment that humanity could ever even dream of creating would register you as?  A rounding error.”

Jaime felt his heart sink at the sharpness of her words.  She laughed softly.  “I hope you understand that I don’t mean that in an insulting way, sweetheart.  It's just a statement of fact now.  You poor baby.”

Jaime felt lightning shooting up and down his spine as Emma stroked his tiny body.

“When a budding new scientist stares up at the stars, she’ll try to comprehend the size of the largest celestial bodies and presences.  And within that same breath, she’ll wonder tonight, tomorrow, and possibly forever about just how small things can get…what the smallest possible thing could be…and it's sad that she may never know this, but that thing is you!”

Her thumb began circling his back, massaging the tight muscles.

“You need to be protected and preserved. The very concept of you is a treasure. An anomaly.  You are a theoretical concept…a thought experiment.  You are a contradiction: so important and yet indescribably insignificant.” Emma smiled, her eyes glistening as a single tear fell from the corner of her eye. “You’re so frail and weak…there is really only one entity that could possibly care for you without breaking you…”

The British actress placed a hand on her bare chest, “...and that entity is the second-smallest thing in existence.”

Jaime began crying, but they weren’t tears of sadness.

“My role was never to be the smallest thing.  It was to wait here…and care for the smallest thing. You.  The smallest, weakest, and vulnerable thing in all of existence. That’s you now, Jaime. I’m so proud of you for making it this far.  I know it couldn’t have been easy.  I didn’t know I was waiting for you, but the second that I saw you, I knew you were here for me…and I was here for you.”

Jaime felt her hands gently circle his body as so many had before.  Jaime planted appreciative kisses on her fingers.  In a sea of rose-pink fat cells, there was one that was bright pink.  Almost fluorescent. As Emma lowered him toward it, he could see the cell was emitting a faint light.

But why? Why was he about to be plunged into yet another fat cell?  Shrunk yet again?

“I…thought I couldn’t get any smaller? I thought I was already the smallest thing in existence.”

Emma smiled, “You can’t..and you are. This will just make sure that never changes. You’ll be here forever sweetheart.  Forever here with me.”

Jaime smiled, a cloudy daze of infatuation, arousal, and intoxication swirling around him. He kissed her fingers again as she ripped open a small hole in the bright pink fat cell and gently pushed her clasped hand inside.

Jaime felt the thicker, hot-pink fluid seeping through Emma’s clenched fingers and surround him, coating his body.  But then something happened…

It was at that moment a cosmic cock beyond comprehension re-entered a cosmic canyon of cleavage beyond the scope of either his or Emma’s full understanding.  Fat cells jiggled in response, shaking Courtney’s breast, Alice’s ass cheek, Christina Hendrick’s pale tit, Luanne Platter’s cartoon boob…further down into Janice’s breast, Eva’s stomach, Connie’s ass cheek, Becca’s ass cheek, Brittany’s thigh…further down through dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of women whose bodies were his warden… reverberating further down the scale of size until it reached the fat cells surrounding Emma.

The surrounding cells, ignored and jealous, collided into Emma. The second smallest thing in existence was just separated from the hot-pink fat cell she’d just plunged Jaime into, but not before her fingers had tragically lost grip of her precious, tiny treasure. He was dangerously adrift now. So incredibly vulnerable…for his tether had been abruptly and carelessly severed by the unknowing Japanese Goddess’s promiscuity, barely within his comprehension.

Frantically, Jaime swam amongst the hot-pink gel in this massive hot-pink fat cell toward the dazed and confused Goddess.

“EMMA!” Jaime screamed as the Goddess gathered her wits.  The poor girl had been knocked into a daze by the force of the fat cell..the force of Mayumi’s titty fuck.  Emma finally came to her senses and saw Jaime suspended at the center mass of the fat cell. She rubbed her head in minor pain as she tried to find the hole with her other hand.  The one she’d created in the otherwise flawless membrane.

It was gone.

She started swimming around its circumference, not wanting to give up her search for the hole she’d created.  Jaime watched miserably as her remarkable, prodigious breasts smeared and deformed against the strong cell wall that contained him.  The sheer diameter dwarfing little Jaime as he watched them jiggle in the Goddess’s desperate struggle to reclaim him.  They were so much larger than him, but the crowding fat cells that surrounded her were so much larger than her.  She was infinitely more powerful than him, but the forces surrounding her clearly outranked her through and through.  The persistent Goddess kept trying. It looked like Emma thought the fat cell had been rotated–that the tiny doorway into this fat cell Jaime had passed through was now reoriented to face down. Or maybe up.  But the reality was much more grim.

The hot-pink fat cell had repaired the tear moments after Emma’s hand exited, and now Jaime was completely sealed inside of it, like a sperm in a fertilized egg.

“EMMA, PLEASE HELP ME!” Jaime desperately and wildly pleaded.  He tried swimming amongst the thickening bright pink fluid but his movements were so minute and insignificant that they barely contributed even slightly to closing the gap between him and his Goddess.  She would be the one who needed to do the work to reclaim him.  He couldn’t help her.  He couldn't help himself.  He couldn't help anyone or anything.

Emma was trying her best to make a new tear in the membrane but it must have strengthened in response to the first tear.  Either that, or it knew what it now had and it didn’t want to give him up.

“I’m trying, sweetheart! I’m trying!” Emma kept trying to open a hole in the fat cell so that she could rescue Jaime but it wasn’t working.  Tears were beginning to accumulate in the Goddess’s eyes as her fingers kept slipping unproductively against the cell’s thick membrane.

“Please don’t give up, Emma!  Please!!” Jaime begged. “It’s scary in here!”

Another strong cosmic pump of stiff cock against soft tit echoed throughout their observable universe and again Emma was struck by hundreds of energized fat cells. So too was Jaime’s hot-pink fat cell.

“NOOOOOOOOO!” Jaime cried as his orb-like prison and the ones surrounding him were knocked like billiard balls.  It was already so hard to see beyond the light-bending fluid that encased his orb-shaped prison.  The Goddess’s image was distorted, stretched in some areas and compressed in others as if it were the reflection of a funhouse mirror.  The fat cells behind her blurred into a simple yet beautiful landscape of rose-pink.

He was being bounced further away from Emma.  She could keep up with him at first, using the tight-grid lattice structure to propel herself to the predatory fat cell that had swallowed him, but the gap between Emma and that cell grew as the cosmic pumping became more intense.  The last detail Jaime could make out of the British Goddess’s face was the wet mascara running down her cheeks from her tears, her large hands reaching out for him as he was helplessly jostled further and further away from her.

She was his closest shot at not being alone.  She was the closest thing to someone that cared about him and would care for him.  He truly believed her.  She would have been all he had.

He felt the heat and intensity of a galactic orgasm all around him as the gargantuan cock exploded, but the motion did not relent and the fucking appeared to continue. He screamed Emma’s name into the jiggling, fat-filled void as the echoing, all-present heartbeat of his highest-order Japanese Goddess grew quicker and louder.  Finally, a soul-destroying shout of the gods could be heard and the violent jiggling began to slow, then stopped.  

He could hear his Goddess shushing and comforting, but he knew the gestures of comfort were directed toward the god that had just fucked her Goddess tits…nothing of hers was directed toward him. And then he felt that familiar feeling.  Turned out Emma was wrong.  He could keep shrinking.  And he was shrinking fast. The walls of the fat cell that Emma had plunged him through moments earlier felt as if they were light years away. His screams weakened to whimpers, and they were absorbed into the fat-filled void of his existence all the same.




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