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Amy emerged from the shower, smiling to see her lover Carmen still sleeping soundly under the covers. She toweled her beautiful, blonde, damp hair as she approached the bed and lifted the blankets, exposing a pristine pair of white socks hugging her lover's feet. The toes confined within the warm socks flexed in response to the exposure.  Amy continued to keep an eye on Carmen's feet as she dressed for work, beginning to feel frustrated at the absence of what she expected to see: an animated sixth lump in one of the socks, rustling and wiggling amongst the toes.  Now fully dressed, Amy gently removed Carmen's left sock.  Nothing else there but 5 cute toes painted teal.  She then peeled away the right sock.  She smirked; there you were.

You weren't quite fully between Carmen's toes, just resting atop the natural curl near the cleavage of her gigantic big and middle toe.  The cold air could still reach you...and it did once the pleasant but not exactly aromatic body heat of her foot warmth escaped into the open air.  It woke you suddenly, and you were greeted by the unsettling and disapproving expression of your ex-girlfriend. "I don't know why you aren't kissing." Amy said, her expression sour.  "I'm sorry, Miss Amy.  I...just needed to sleep...for a few minutes."

She left you down there at Carmen's feet and joined her new lover up at the head of the bed.  "I'm heading off to work, love." Amy said, nuzzling against Carmen's nose.  You cringed miserably, listening to the sound of your ex-girlfriend's lips smacking against Carmen's while your lips were required to smack against her toes.  Carmen had stolen not only your girlfriend's heart but also your freedom and agency.  Actually, that was only half-true.  You couldn't really even say she stole you; Amy was the one who was more than happy to give you away...some gesture of commitment was what you heard before the first time you were stuffed into Carmen's socks and bombarded by five chubby, bullying toes.  Amy rose from the bed you used to share with her and gave you one more stern look. You pleaded with her silently not to leave you alone with Carmen and she silently denied your request.  She pulled the door shut quietly behind her and now you were all alone with your ex-girlfriend's new lover.  "You said you need to sleep right?"  Carmen lazily slapped her right ass cheek, sending ripples through the immense, dense flesh that reverberated far enough down to disrupt your respectful kissing upon her middle toe. "I've got two of the best pillows in town for you to cuddle up between...but I'll tell you right now it will NOT just be for a few minutes!"



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