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If you're reading this around the time when it was originally posted, there's a good chance that you didn't see Chapter 2. You can find it here.

Ring Around the Toesies

Chapter 3 - In Eve's (And Trish's!) Bedroom

Andrew felt a strong mixture of embarrassment and arousal as Eve walked, an unseen observer and tag-along to the pretty girl’s life.  The feelings were familiar to him ever since hitting puberty, but never at this intensity!  Did Eve have any idea the internal struggle going on within Andrew?  To a girl, boobs were probably not really that big of a deal, right?  So maybe she didn’t even realize the battle of arousal and shame they were inspiring within Andrew.  Or maybe she fully understood the way they had always psychologically dominated him–and how they’d taken things into the physical realm–and it was all this just to tease him.

But teasing wasn’t necessarily bad. That wouldn’t have been the worst thing in the world, right?  Girls teased guys that they liked…

Eve’s gait was unique and the flamboyant sway of her hips had always created two huge, jiggling reasons to walk a few steps behind her but from his unique position decorating her chest, Andrew was never more aware of the fact that it wasn’t just her cheeks that jiggled with each step.

Wordlessly boarding her train home, Eve plopped down at one of the benches toward the back, forcing a vengeful eruption of mammary flesh all around Andrew. Only after the boobquake had settled was Andrew mercifully permitted–finally–to settle peacefully atop her mostly stationary left breast.  His position was motionless and static aside from the gentle vibrations and occasional stopping and going of the train. He wasn’t entirely without movement, of course.  Eve’s boobs were massive when he was a full-sized man, now being a tiny little ring decorating her mesmerizing decolletage, Andrew was acutely aware of just how susceptible all that wonderful mammary tissue was to even the slightest patterns of mechanical vibration. Without all that distracting and dizzying bouncing around, Andrew finally had a moment to reflect on the Jump and assess his current state.

Try as he might, and despite having some strange phantom sensation of his whole body, Andrew couldn’t move a muscle.  He couldn’t help but laugh at himself for even trying.  His mind told him that he was wiggling his toes and raising his eyebrows, sticking out his tongue and thrusting his hips….but all of that couldn’t be real, right?  Not if he didn’t have toes or eyebrows–a tongue or hips.  Did he even have a brain anymore?  He was thinking, right? Doesn’t someone have to be capable of thought in order to question their capacity to think? What an insane thought.  He’d completely given up his bone and flesh, muscle and blood.  His motor function and freedom. All for this girl.

But of course it wasn’t just any girl.  This was Eve!  Was it unsettling being this vulnerable and dependent on her?  Of course it was.  But it was also turning him on a bit, too.  Oh, what a story this would be to tell the kids one day!

..maybe a cleaner version…that didn’t have him bouncing around in their mother’s cleavage.

Andrew noticed quickly and predictably that he was incapable of conventional speech.  Still, just as with the rest of his body, he at least had the feeling that he could use his lips and mouth.

“Eve, I wish you could hear me…”

As Andrew felt his lips and mouth moving, he heard his own voice within his head but obviously no sound escaped his rigid ring form. Instead, as he’d seen earlier, the clear crystal gem affixed to the ring emitted a pale blue light.  It gave Andrew hope.  Eve was certainly chesty enough for Andrew’s blue flickering to catch her peripheral, but unfortunately she was too enthralled with her favorite timesink.

She was playing on her phone…some colorful, low-skill, low-focus mobile game.  If only he could keep her attention like that game could.  But he could barely accomplish that as a flesh-and-blood man right in front of her, much less now as a ring in her cleavage.  He suddenly remembered what she’d said earlier about headphones and he sighed in relief.  Andrew didn’t know how it worked but judging from what Eve said, she’d be able to make it so that somehow she could communicate with him through a special app on the phone.  Until then, all conversation would have to be one-way.

That would have been great…but Eve was going on with her life as if she hadn’t just transformed Andrew to a ring and plunged him into her cleavage.  He felt like a silent observer in her life…watching her from so very close but incapable of taking any action or making himself known–or perhaps the better word would have been ‘remembered’.

“I…want to be your boyfriend!”

If Andrew had hands, they would have rushed to cover his mouth. His heart was racing.  For the first time ever, he’d shouted out his true feelings to Eve!  Sure….she couldn’t hear them…that had already been established.  But this was a step up from painting his emotions on the ceiling of his bedroom before bed, right? Even though Eve couldn’t hear them, speaking the words while looking up at her angelic face inspired a foreign and unfamiliar sense of confidence in Andrew that he wished he’d have known sooner.  For now, if he was a normal sized man, he’d tell Eve exactly how he felt.

“I love you, Eve. I love you so much.” Andrew had opened the floodgates and it was making him feel so good to tell Eve how he felt, even if it fell on deaf ears.  It was great practice for when he was restored. He was enraptured–smitten with fairytale fantasies of closeness to his short and thick, but currently gargantuan and godly Latina princess. He gawked up at her from the huge shelf of her breasts, marveling at her beauty.

“What a dumb game.” Eve scoffed and snorted with disdain at her cracked phone, cursing at the GAME OVER screen. She was pretty even when she was annoyed, and Andrew loved the way her cute button nose wrinkled up when she was frustrated.

“Please look at me, Eve.” Andrew felt pitiful, begging not even for Eve’s full attention.  Just some eye contact.  Just some acknowledgement.  The train came to a stop, jostling her large breasts and reminding Andrew just how bouncy and animated they were. His heart sank as she rose from her seat and left the train without a word to him nor an acknowledgement of his existence.

It was okay though…honestly, this girl could do whatever she wanted to him; he was completely wrapped around her finger, no pun intended.

For the first time in his life, Andrew was being taken home by a girl

* * * * * * * * * *

Eve's heels clicked on the hardwood floor as she entered her apartment, tossing her keys on the table with a careless flick. She proceeded with her normal routine, moving about as if the world outside her bubble of indifference didn't exist. A flicker of blue light emanated from the jewel—another feeble attempt to communicate from the tiny metallic passenger decorating her chest.  This time, it actually caught Eve’s fleeting attention but there were more important things to focus on right now.

Like getting comfy.

And then seedless grapes and seltzer water.

In that order.

Andrew was now into the second hour of his existence as a jeweled ring, nestled into her cleavage like a forgotten trinket. He looked up at Eve from her rippling chest with a mix of desperation and frustration, but more than anything else he felt hope….and a bit of lust, of course.  Her boobs were huge, after all….

She went over to her laundry room and fished through a hamper of clean clothing.

“Ah!” Eve held up the fuzzy purple and pink fuzzy pajama bottoms, as if modeling them for Andrew to see. And then the nervous, timid boy around her neck would have blushed crimson red if he had cheeks…Eve unbuttoned her jeans.  He could hear the denim sliding down her thick thighs, what a struggle it must have been!  He wished he could see it but ironically enough, her swollen, round breasts obstructed his view of anything else.  The jiggling of the mammary flesh around Andrew told him that she was shifting her body weight, stepping into the comfy pajamas.

Eve was just standing there in her underwear…the moment came and went…and Andrew didn’t get to see.  As Eve made her way back out toward the living room, stopping off first in the kitchen for a snack, Andrew couldn't help but feel disappointed at the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity he’d just missed.  He hoped that he was wrong about that.  He hoped he’d have another chance to see Eve in just her panties.

She plopped down again, the surface accepting her weight much softer than the train’s hard bench.  Always with the plopping, did she ever sit down slowly?

As he watched the succulent grapes pop in wet, juicy explosions between her pristine white teeth, part of him feared that she would forget him entirely and he’d live out his days as a ring.  The thought of endlessly hugging a finger without being able to move or protest was scary to say the least, but there were worse ways to spend your life than wedged in the cleavage of a girl you were head over heels for.  Maybe this was something the two of them could try again in the future…perhaps on a date?

Or maybe he should have masturbated before agreeing to do this.  It didn’t help that her cleavage smelled so good.

The scent of Eve’s body lotion paired with her natural aroma and pheromones was clouding his ability to think clearly. Maybe his senses were inherently heightened by the Jump, much like how a blind person can hear much better due to their limited sensory ability, maybe Andrew was making up for his lack of ability to move with a heightened perception of the world around him. Or maybe it was just because he was literally small enough to be a nipple ring on Eve’s massive tit.

The thought sent butterflies through his stomach and blood down to his member.

Eve's attention finally shifted as she caught the glint of the blue light. She plucked the ring from the table, holding it up to her face with casual nonchalance. The soft glow illuminated her features, revealing an almost predatory smirk. “Oh god, Andrew.  I completely forgot you were here.”

Something in her voice sounded insincere.

Eve saw that the blue light of her transformed acquaintance was flashing. “Oh, look who’s STILL trying to talk.” She opened the Jump app and punched in a tiny 7 digit that was inscribed on the inside band of Andrew’s body.

“Oh my god, go!” Eve whined at the three lavender dots indicating that the app was registering the numbers she’d entered and then finally the screen read “Connected”.

“A million years later…” She grumbled and as soon as her headphone jack locked into her phone, she could hear Andrew’s voice coming in through her headphones. Clearly the silly, stupid boy had been talking the whole time.

“Hey, stop talking real quick.  Can you hear me?” Eve said.

“Yes, I can hear you.  Oh, thank god…I was afraid that you wouldn’t be able–”

“--how many fingers am I holding up?”

Andrew paused for a moment as Eve wiggled two of her short fingers.


“Okay, so you can see. And you can feel?” Eve placed her small palms on either side of her gigantic breasts and pressed together, smiling as the dark cleft between her breasts darkened and expanded upward, swallowing Andrew.

“Yes, I can feel that.” Andrew said sheepishly.

“And can you smell and taste, too?”

“Umm…I don’t know about taste cause there’s nothing really to taste, but I can smell your perfume.”

“So what I’m hearing then…is that you’re having the time of your life.”

“I’m…I’m just happy to be helping you out with your project.”

‘That’s cute.’ Eve snickered to herself.  ‘He’s embarrassed and even though he’s nervous, he doesn’t want to seem lame to me so he’s trying to be calm.

“Wow…there’s a lot you can do on this app, holy crap.”

Andrew asked her what things but she remained silent, scrolling through the functions.  Andrew couldn’t see her phone screen from her vantage point so he was left to wonder. After a few more minutes, Andrew had built up the courage to speak again after being ignored.  “When are we moving onto the next ring?”

“Why?” Eve asked flatly.

“Just…just trying to find out when I’ll be changing back to normal.”

Eve looked down at her cleavage as if she were a kitten whose favorite toy was taken away, “aww…don’t you like being my little ring?”

“Please don’t ask me to be your ring forever” Andrew thought to himself, caught off guard by her uncharacteristically interested and playful disposition.  “Because I don’t know if I could say no.”

He knew she was joking around about keeping him as her tiny little ring, but if only she’d known that he would have done anything to make her happy.  He couldn’t help but wonder what it would be like to be the only ring on one of those small, cherubic hands…he’d be fulfilling his purpose as a ring, afterall.  Would it feel nice in some existential way?  Would he feel more connected to her?  He was afraid of the answer.

His voice, trapped within the confines of the jewel, pleaded with her. "Eve, seriously…Can you tell me when you’re going to change me back?”

Eve's eyes sparkled with amusement. She twirled the ring absentmindedly, relishing the power she held over him. "Change you back? Oh, but we’re not done yet. I've got other plans for you."

Andrew felt a mixture of confusion and desperation.

"What plans? What are you talking about?"

Eve smirked, her thick lashes casting a shadow over her mischievous gaze. "Patience, my little jewel. You'll find out later on tonight." Eve looked at her phone, checking the time. Her smug, adorable grin disappeared and her eyes widened.  “Oh shoot! What’s today?”

“Umm…Friday.  Why?”

As if to answer Andrew’s question, the doorknob of Eve’s front door squeaked and the door began opening.

“Shoot!  She’s home!” Eve hissed, hastily unlooping Andrew from the confines of her necklace.

“What? Who?  Who’s home?” Andrew received no answer to his question. Instead, Eve closed her fist tightly around his metallic body and leapt up from the couch like a compressed spring.


The voice came from right around the corner. It belonged to Eve’s partner Trish, but Andrew only recognized it as strangely familiar, nothing more.  Luckily for Eve and her covert operation, Trish checked the kitchen first. Did the thick Latina have enough time to make it to her bedroom?

Eve had long since accepted her momentary lapses in grace, acknowledging her natural-born clumsiness. The larger culprit for her lack of elegance, according to Trish, was her voluptuous figure.  ‘You can’t be stealthy and quiet with a booty like that!’ Trish would often tease.  So it came as a pleasant surprise to Eve that she was able to stealthily creep into hers and Trish’s bedroom without being detected, Andrew still sealed in her closed fist.

When her balled fist unclenched, Andrew became instantly aware of his location.  He couldn’t believe he was actually here…a queen-sized bed with pastel pink bedsheets.  Pictures of her and her friends all over the walls and on the two nightstands on either side of her bed. Thick, fluffy and girly area rugs on the floor and precious trinkets on the dresser.

For the first time in his life, he was in a girl’s bedroom. And not just any girl’s bedroom.

It was Eve’s bedroom.

He often fantasized about this day, although in those fantasies he was a flesh-and-blood man with his arms wrapped tightly around Eve’s wide hips, not a ring clasped tightly in her fingers.


Eve set Andrew atop her made bed, carefully enough that he didn’t bounce too high on the fluffy comforter but not with the amount of respect owed to a conscious person with thoughts, dreams, and feelings.


There will be one more release this month for Toesies before it hibernates. 


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