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Reduction & Relocation - Lori Warren

Chapter 23 - ...And Found

[October 24th, 2005]

Lori settled onto the plush couch next to Isabella, her hands cradled on her lap like a delicate treasure chest. Gina claimed the cushion to Lori’s left, mirroring the anticipation etched on Isabella's face to Lori’s right. Victoria seemed least capable of containing her curiosity. She dropped forcefully to her knees in front of Lori, sitting down on the very neon green socks that had pinned Michael just moments earlier.  Their collective gaze was laser-focused on Lori's cupped hands, an intense scrutiny that made Lori feel as if they were trying to peer through her flesh to catch a glimpse of the hidden treasure.

Lori had no idea how this was going to go, but there was no turning back now.  The girls were insatiable with fascination, curious as kittens who had just spotted a toy mouse.  With a gentle unveiling, Lori opened her palms, revealing the tiny, trembling figure of Michael. Despite his efforts to stand tall, he faltered, dwarfed by the expanse of Lori's hands.

The three girls leaned in, forming a tight semi-circle around the miniature man. Their eyes widened in wonder, mouths hanging open in silent awe. They were so close that Lori could see Michael’s hair fluttering in the breeze of the teenage girls’ breathing as they absorbed every detail of his diminutive form. Michael instinctively covered his naked body, an adorable gesture but ultimately a futile attempt to preserve his modesty, but his efforts were in vain against the scrutinizing eyes that roved over him like curious felines examining an intriguing new toy.

“Girls, this is Michael,” Lori began the introduction. “Michael, these are my daughters. That’s Gina with the blonde hair, Isabella with the braces, and Victo–.”

“--He’s so cute!” Victoria's squealed, her excitement bubbling over like shaken soda in a short, thick can.

From Lori's perspective, the contrast between the towering, fascinated figures of her teenage daughters and the diminutive vulnerability of Michael was stark. The enormity of the girls, each with their own distinct features—Gina's inquisitive eyes, Isabella's brace-adorned smile, and Victoria's uncontainable enthusiasm—loomed over the tiny man. In that moment, Lori couldn't help but sense the overwhelming size and imposing presence of her daughters. They were oblivious to the impact they were having on little Michael, but Lori could see the way he was trembling under their fascinated gaze.

“I can’t believe he’s real!  I really thought he was a bug earlier!  Mom, I came so close to smooshing him, you don’t even know!” Victoria extended a finger to touch him, a gesture that Lori promptly intercepted, protecting Michael from the unintended intrusion. “The only reason I even stopped when you said to was cause I thought you were worried about the carpet getting messed up or something.”

“Where did he come from, Mom? Why do you have him?” Gina asked before Lori even had a chance to respond to Victoria.

“Yeah…and why is he so itty-bitty?” Isabella added before Lori even had a chance to start responding to Gina.

“Is he a present for me??” Victoria asked, her own question visibly exciting her.

“Girls, please…” Lori started. How does one even broach this subject?  She had only just gotten comfortable talking to the women at RR labs about this and they were literally the ones who removed him and reinserted him into her rear! How was she supposed to broach this subject with her daughters?  Gina was 18-years old, Victoria and Isabella were 17, and all three were acting like children on Christmas morning.

“You see….there’s a very special experiment being run over in North Carolina by two very talented doctors named Katie and Alex.  Dr. Katie Walker and Dr. Alex Bexley.  They have this…well….this vision.”

“A vision?” Isabella asked.

“Well, I don’t FULLY understand it…a lot of the scientific things go over my head…you’d probably understand some of it, Bella–but anyway, this experiment is very important to the doctors and the people who work in their lab.  They asked Michael and I to be a part of it and we both said yes.” Lori gently rubbed Michael along his back to let him know she was there and would keep him safe.

“What’s the experiment?” Gina asked, tucking her bare feet in under her crossed legs, sitting Indian style on the couch cushion.

“Well, we both have different jobs…Michael and I.  Michael’s job is to be really small like he is now…which he’s obviously great at.” The girls giggled at their mother’s joke.  “...and my job is to take care of him and make sure he’s safe.”

“That sounds fun!” Victoria said, scooting a few inches along the floor, closer to her mother.  Closer to Michael. “How long have you been taking care of him?”

“A little over 3 weeks now.” Lori said.

“3 Weeks?!” Victoria asked indignantly, still staring intently at Michael.  She scooted closer.   “How come you didn’t tell us sooner? We could have helped!”

“Yeah Mom. I could help!” Isabella interjected. “Remember when I brought my science teacher’s pet snake home for the summer that one year?  I took care of him the whole time with no help at all.  Victoria’s never even taken care of a pet before.”

The look on Victoria’s face was that of deep betrayal.  “What about HAMSTER; CHECK FURTHER CHAPTER WHERE MOUSE TRAP IS MENTIONED?”

“He was all of ours.  I was the one that fed him, you just pushed him around in his hamster ball on the carpet.”

“So what? I was still careful.  Plus, look at him!” Isabella’s fraternal twin whined as she gestured toward Michael, “He’s easier than a regular pet, probably. I could take care of him a billion times better than you could!”

“Bella, Vicky…please.” Lori said, pinching the bridge of her nose with her free hand, “As I was saying…yes, Michael has been with us for a little over 3 weeks now.  And the reason you haven’t seen him until now is because until now, every time you’ve been around him, Michael has been in a very…well…safe place.”

“Where?” Gina asked.  “In your room?”

Lori nodded, “He spends time in my drawer sometimes, but usually he…well…the doctors I mentioned earlier.  Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley. They have other men and women helping out with this experiment too; it's not just Michael and I.  And they want all the women to keep the shrunken men in a really safe, soft, and warm place so that the shrunken men don’t get hurt while they’re so small.”

“You’re allowed to pick?” Isabella asked.

“Not exactly..well..like I said, it's complicated.  Girls, this is going to sound a little strange, but……I keep Michael back…umm….” Lori stood up and traced a finger lightly down the valley between her tremendously large ass cheeks. “…..here.”

It seemed as if all three girls tilted their heads in confusion at the same moment.  They were waiting for a joke…a punchline…but Lori remained quiet and sat back down.  Isabella was the first to break the silence.  “Ummm…in your butt? You keep him in your butt?”

Lori nodded and Gina almost started gagging, “Oh god, are you serious?”

“Wait, wait….he lives in your butt, Mom?” Victoria said, starting to giggle.

Lori's nod carried with it a weight of solemnity. "He spends time in my drawer sometimes, but usually he… well… the doctors I mentioned earlier, Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley. They have other men and women helping out with this experiment too; it's not just Michael and me. And they want all the women to keep the shrunken men in a really safe, soft, and warm place so that the shrunken men don’t get hurt while they’re so small.”

Isabella, her curiosity piqued, posed a question that hung in the air like a delicate thread. “You’re allowed to pick?”

“Not exactly… well… like I said, it's complicated.” Lori’s eyes revealed a mix of vulnerability.  The moment was here.  No more room for generalities and vague speech. “Girls, this is going to sound a little strange, but… I keep Michael back… umm…” Lori stood, a sense of gravity in her movements, and turned her ample posterior toward her three daughters.

“Here…” She said, tracing a finger delicately down the valley between her tremendously large ass cheeks. The room fell silent, the girls sharing a moment of perplexity, as if awaiting a punchline that never arrived.

All three girls simultaneously tilted their heads as if their bewilderment was choreographed beforehand. The pregnant pause lingered, expectations suspended in the air, until Isabella broke the silence. “Ummm… in your butt? You keep him in your butt, Mama?”

Lori nodded, and a mix of reactions played out among her daughters. Gina teetered on the edge of disbelief and discomfort. “Oh god, are you serious?”

“Wait, wait… he lives between your butt cheeks, Mom?” Victoria, unable to suppress a giggle.

Isabella was streamlining a series of questions and between the questions, Victoria’s giggling, and Gina’s gagging she couldn’t think.

“Gina, I’m serious.  Victoria, Michael spends a fair amount of time between them but I don’t know if I would say he ‘lives there’. Isabella, one question at a time…please.”

“Okay,” Isabella said, “Why are you keeping in your butt, Mama?  That makes no sense!

“Yeah, and why would he want to go in there, that’s just so gross!” Gina added. “And this doctor lady, why would she care if he stays in your butt?  And why—”

“Just one question at a time, girls!  Like I said, Michael and I are a part of Katie and Alex’s very special experiment and they need our help.  They asked Michael if he would be okay with being small and he said yes.”

A loud squeaking started coming from Lori’s hands and Victoria leaned in to try and hear him better. When Lori continued speaking, the girls shifted their attention from the naked squeaking man in her hands and back to their mother. “Then she asked me if I would be okay with keeping him in my bottom…she said that she would pay me to help…and I said yes.”

“But again…why would anyone ever wanna go in there?” Isabella asked.

“Yeah, no offense Mom but if he had to go in a butt, wouldn’t he pick one that wasn’t so big and scary?” Victoria asked with a straight face.

“Katie…Dr. Walker is paying both of us to help her with this.” Lori explained, ignoring the tactless question from her youngest.

“So you’re really getting paid to….what…just keep him in your buttcrack?” Gina asked in disbelief.

“That’s basically it; a pretty fair amount too.  And like I said, Michael is also getting paid.”

Lori spent the next half hour addressing the girls’ many questions.  A lot of her answers seemed to only birth additional questions, but Lori navigated her way through all of them best she could, even if she herself didn’t know the answers.  This made the birds-and-the-bee’s talk seem like nothing. It was incredibly awkward, but she was glad that things were all coming out in the open now.

“Mom, can I just pleeeeeease hold him?” Victoria whined, reaching out for him as she asked. Michael cowered away from Victoria’s huge approaching open hand.  “Like, literally just for a millisecond?”

“Weren’t you listening?” Gina asked. “He was in Mom’s butt for like 8 hours, you weirdo!”

“That’s okay! I’ll rinse him off in the sink.” All that scooting she’d been doing against the floor had positioned Victoria mere inches away from Michael and she was now trying to wrap her chubby fingers around his naked body. “Okay, Mom?” Victoria asked without looking away from him, contacting his bare skin with her fingertips. It was a valid strategy: do the thing you’re asking to do while you’re asking to do it.

“No, dear. There will be no holding or playing with Michael.  After all, he is not a toy.” Lori closed her fist around Michael.” And that’s not just for today, that’s every day.  Do you all understand?” Lori asked sternly, waiting for each of the three girls to look her in the eye and acknowledge.

“Now tell me, what you won’t do?” Lori quizzed each of them.

“Play with Michael.”  Each of the three girls said in unison, Victoria pouting as she grumbled.

“And why won’t you play with Michael?” Lori followed up.

Gina and Isabella echoed their mom’s phrasing, “Cause he’s not a toy.”

Victoria, however, had said “Because you said so.”

“That’s right. Because he’s not a toy.” Lori jokingly clenched her teeth while looking at Victoria and pinched her under her armpit.  Victoria responded by giggling and pushing Lori’s hand away.

“Well…” Lori said standing up, “This was a good talk, girls.  I’m sorry I didn’t tell you about it sooner, but now you know what’s going on. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got laundry all over the floor that I need to pick up and wash.”

Before Lori left the room, Victoria blurted out, “Aren’t you going to put him in his home first?”

“Oh my god, please don’t…” Gina said flatly, her nose wrinkled up in disgust.

“I think I’ll save that for when Michael and I are in private, but thanks for your interest, Vicky.” Lori said with a sarcastic smile.

As soon as Lori was walking away, she immediately heard the girls start whispering and giggling.

“What did he feel like under your foot?”

Then there was more laughter.

Once alone in the laundry room, out of ear-shot of the girls, Lori set Michael down on the top shelf next to the giant container of laundry detergent and started putting the girls’ laundry back in the washer.  She wasn’t smiling like she was before when she was talking to her daughters.  Lori noticed out of the corner of her eyes Michael waving his arms wildly.  For once he was standing at her eyeline.  Lori leaned in closer to him and gave a short, flat, straight-faced expression, void of warmth and patience.


“Lori I was so scared, I thought I was—”

“Michael, I am in absolutely no mood to talk.  I am very upset with you.” Lori scolded, her hands on her wide hips.

“Why??” Michael asked.

“I set you on the nightstand before my shower and somehow you just magically made your way into my daughters’ clothes hamper?  Don’t you dare play dumb with me, Michael. I know exactly what you were trying to do.”

“What? What was I trying to do?”

“Get away, obviously!”

“No, I wasn’t!  I didn’t do anything!” Michael claimed.

“Yes, you did Michael!  Yes, you did! It all makes sense..you were upset that I had to switch options because of my business trip. You were going to have to spend just a little bit more time in my bottom than normal so what did you do? You somehow either got out of the box and fell in the hamper, and drug the box down with you…or you managed to slide the box over the edge and it fell in the hamper.  I don’t know which one you did but either one accomplished the same thing. You were trying to leave the experiment!” Lori was visibly getting angrier. “Without even telling me! Do you have any idea how selfish and inconsiderate that is?!”

“Lori, I wasn’t! I-I swear!  Th-th-the box…it….I don’t know..it just…I was inside of it and it bounced around and it fell after you put it down! I promise!”

Lori quickly responded, “Don’t you dare, Michael!  I’ve raised three daughters, you don’t think I can tell when I’m being lied to? You really think I’m so stupid I would fall for that?  I know you got your big, fancy degrees and you think you’re so smart, but what YOU are doing right now is very stupid.” Lori was slamming containers and hampers, trying not to raise her voice.  “Look at you and look at me.  You’re not going to get one over on Lori Warren.”

“Lori, I promise, I’m not–”

“--You think you could just leave the experiment without even telling me, and leave me to tell Dr. Walker what happened?  Do you know how embarrassing that would be if I had to tell her that I lost you? And what even was your plan?  To just walk out the front door? Call a cab? Take a walk? You’d get picked up by a bird or stray cat! Or run over by a car, bike, or skateboard.  That’s all assuming you wouldn’t have gotten stomped on by one of my girls.”

She reached out and scooped him up in her hand, holding him much tighter than he would have considered comfortable.  “Or were you trying to get one of my girls’ attention?”

Lori chuckled but it wasn’t a jovial, light-hearted chuckle. It was that terrifying chuckle that mothers do when they’re blinded by anger.  “Michael, I’m…” Lori trailed off.  She closed her eyes and took a few deep, shaky breaths as her grip involuntarily tightened on his frail body.  She could feel him trembling in her hand but she continued to breathe, trying to calm down.  Her breaths were getting less shaky.  She then opened her eyes.

“Michael…” Lori said in a quiet, soothing voice.  “Here is what’s going to happen. At the end of this conversation, you will be going directly into my bottom.”  Michael winced, panic flickering in his eyes as he frantically began to beg for her understanding. He begged for sympathy.  For mercy.

“Do NOT interrupt me!” Michael cowered at the volume of her voice, immediately shutting up. Lori found control of the volume of her voice, but she now spoke with a terrifying calmness, her teeth clenched in controlled frustration.  “You will be spending the rest of the day in my bottom.  You will spend the entire night in my bottom.  Lori paused, steadying herself before continuing with measured composure.  “When I leave tomorrow, you’ll stay in my drawer.  No gym, no entertainment, no lights, nothing! Do you hear me, you little–” Lori was starting to get worked up again but she took a few more deep breaths and reclaimed just enough peace and tranquility to continue.

“I will leave you enough water and food for the day.  You will stay in my drawer while I am gone, and when I get back from my business trip the next day, you will go right back in my bottom.  Do you understand me?”

Michael, visibly trembling, nodded his head in reluctant acknowledgment. Lori, however, wasn't finished.

“After that, for the next few days–I’m not sure how many just yet–you will get a single hour break out of my bottom per day.  You’ll be fed once a day, but I won’t be taking you out.  At meal times, your little pretzel stick is going to join you between my buns and it's up to you to find it if you feel like eating.”

Michael, now openly sobbing, faced the brunt of Lori's stern and unforgiving resolve.

“Don’t cry, Michael! Don’t you dare try to make me feel sorry for you! You asked for this. You made the mistake, rolled the dice, took the chance.  You made your bed and now you have to lie in it.  You’ll accept your punishment and you’ll do it gracefully like an adult…not a child.”

Michael continued to sob.  Lori sympathized with his emotional display, she knew she would probably eventually come to forgive his transgression but she’d never forget, nor would she ever absolve him of his guilt for what he did.  He’d revealed what she suspected he may be in the beginning: a flight risk.  And a flight risk he’d remain for the duration of this experiment, however long that might be.

“I’m very disappointed in you.” Was the last thing she said before she lowered him to her ass and pried her stubborn, dense glutes apart.  She heard a weak, feeble whimper that extinguished as the flurry of movement penetrated the crevice and Lori gasped sharply to feel the flurry against her asshole.  She rubbed him in small circles against the tight hole, getting him nice and snug into the puffy circumference of the ring but not forcing him all the way in.  Once he was firmly wedged between her enormous, hefty ass cheeks, Lori pulled up her pants and returned to her laundry.

When Lori came back out into the living room, the giggling started back up again.  Isabella immediately asked where Michael was and Lori sighed, showing Isabella her hands.


The girls got it right away, starting to giggle again as their eyes glued to their mother’s caboose.

Now Lori knew they were eyeing her big, wide bottom as it swayed toward the staircase.  The difference now was at least they already knew, and somehow they at least somewhat understood her perspective.  They didn’t think she was crazy or demented. She felt much better about that.

“Do you ever wish he was littler?” Victoria blurted toward the stairs.  “He’d probably be even cozier in there if he was, ya know…and plus he’d be even cuter too!  Don’tchya think so?”

“Dude, Mom’s butt is already like a billion times bigger than him. It’d probably be too dangerous.” Gina said matter-of-factly. Isabella agreed.

“I need to take a nap after all those songs from earlier.”  Lori said, starting up the stairs, ignoring the comment about how massive her derriere was.

Lori sang in a singsong voice, “Behave down here!”

“I’m just saying he’d be way cuter is all!” Victoria replied to her sisters, intentionally loud enough for Lori to hear her. “I wish he was littler!”

“Littler is not a word!” Lori said, matching the previous sing-song tone as she disappeared upstairs.  The conversation about Michael and his unique arrangement in Lori’s bottom continued amongst her daughters even as she got outside of earshot and shut her bedroom door for the night..

* * * * * * * * * *

Michael spent the next day in his drawer…with nothing.  Usually, Lori would put a tiny little battery powered night light in there for him so that he could see.  Instead of powering it on, she promptly removed it that morning before roughly shutting the drawer on him.  She didn’t say goodbye or anything of the sort.  There were other aspects of this normalized routine that Lori’s frustration, disappointment, and anger was now causing her to deviate from: she normally kept a small, fluffy black hand towel in the corner for him to snuggle up against if it got too cold.  He’d noticed with agony that his body was horrible at maintaining a good, warm temperature, and Lori must have already known that because she would always make sure it was fresh out of the dryer.  Lori removed that as well.

Michael had to stumble around in the dark, eventually finding a pair of Lori’s underwear to burrow into.  The material was very soft, and it was clean, but it was also incredibly thin.  It barely did the job.  She’d left him food and water, but he had no idea where it was, and it had been over 4 hours since she left so if his eyes weren’t going to adjust enough to see them by now, it wasn’t going to happen at all.  He tried to push Lori’s wrath out of his mind.  Thinking about it just made him start shaking all over again.  What if she interrogated him again?  What if she demanded that he confess to his crimes?  What if he actually did?

Also unshakeable from his psyche was the impact of meeting Lori’s daughters.  There was something so demeaning about it.  At least with Lori, she was usually holding him, or talking to him while he was elevated by some surface like her nightstand, the dresser or her bathroom sink.  Yesterday was so different.  He was on the carpet…his feet at the same level as her daughters’.  But the difference was her daughters rocketed up into the heavens while he remained barely higher than their toes.

He’d approached the tall one with the braces and huge boobs.  He deliberately picked her because she was sitting still and she looked the friendliest of the three. He expected her to have the most sympathy for him and she ended up being the one who kicked him across the room.  The short and stout one that looked just like Lori…the one in the bright neon green socks…he’d never forget the feeling of fear and despair as he pitifully looked up at her.  She stared down at him as if he was nothing.  She had to have considered him nothing…or at least nothing worthy of consideration.

And when her foot came down, encasing him in its looming, all-powerful shadow, he thought it was all over.  It may have been, had he not fallen backward the way he did…had he not been aligned to the precise position he’d been in with respect to her descending foot.  As her foot came down, and as he stared mesmerized at the subtle, darkened toe prints on the bottom of her dingy sock, earned from walking the carpets of a relatively clean but not spotless house, his tiny nude body wedged in perfectly into the space under the natural curve of her toes…where they arch up slightly and then connect to the sole of her foot.

He frantically struggled to escape it, but her toes acted as thick, unpleasant, odorous bars of a large, foul cotton cage.  They surrounded him and mercilessly held him.  He felt the power and strength of the monstrous toes separated only by green cotton, not nearly as bright on the underside,  making minor adjustments…maybe for balance or for fun.  The soft but gritty material made being trapped under her foot that much worse. The material was rubbing his skin tender as he struggled against it.  And as far as he knew, she just…stood there.  She wasn’t even trying to contain him.  And she certainly wouldn’t have had to try in order to adjust her weight and press more force down upon him.  Those short pudgy toes were well accustomed to supporting the teenager’s full weight for sure…Michael on the other hand, was decidedly not.  He’d felt so inferior.  So vulnerable.  So insignificant.

Michael’s crying was sharply interrupted by a sound off in the distance. Somewhere out there in the real world outside of this underwear drawer.

An unmistakable sound.

The slightly loose brass doorknob of Lori’s bedroom door was rattling.  He’d known that sound well, having heard it whenever Lori returned from errands, work, etc.  It would be followed by the sound of the door swinging open, sometimes hitting the wall and sometimes not.  Sometimes she’d poke her head in his drawer just to say hi.  Sometimes she’d slip in a snack she’d scrounged off one of her daughters’ dinner or lunch plates or sometimes her own.  She would only come in for a moment then leave again, busy with something important.

Usually she would be visiting him just to bury him in her fat, disgusting, chubby, pale ass.  Sometimes she’d part her cheeks and he’d get to see in his peripherals just how high up the fleshy mountains on either side extended behind him as she guided him in.  Sometimes her crack was slick enough that he just glided right in.  If he had to pick, he’d have picked the former every time.

Sometimes she’d have that look in her eyes and he’d immediately know what she wanted…where he was going.  And he’d spend anywhere from 5 minutes to 2 hours down between her huge, fleshy thighs until finally he was soaking wet in something other than her ass sweat.  None of that happened this time though.  Lori was on a business trip, nowhere near home.  And yet her doorknob was rattling…

He heard the knob turn and stop abruptly, rejected by the reality of the locking mechanism. The knob was tested again more roughly.  Turning with more force and stopping against the lock.  It was turned again.  And again.  Continuous, frustrated rattling followed.  Michael clutched his own head, hugging his face into his knees as the sound became nearly frantic. When the rattling finally ceased, there was nothing but silence, except the sound of Michael’s own heart pounding which was deafening in his ears.

Then he heard heavy, thunderous footsteps pounding down the stairs, getting further and further away. For hours, he continued to hear nothing as he hyperventilated in fading but prominent panic, praising an otherwise cruel, torturous god that Lori remembered to lock her bedroom door before leaving.



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