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Ring Around the Toesies

Chapter 2 - A New Way to Help

Eve flipped through the channels with growing exasperation.  “There’s really nothing on.” The 20-year old whined from under a fleece blanket on her comfy loveseat couch. She was just preparing to pull out her phone when she heard footsteps on the other side of her apartment’s front door.

The door opened with a hushed creak as Trish entered. Her two-piece bikini left little to the imagination and accentuated her slender but toned figure. Glistening droplets of water from the indoor pool still clung to her short, tousled blonde hair. She flashed a smile at Eve bundled up on the couch, her teeth a pristine porcelain that nearly matched her flawless fair skin. “Hey gorgeous.”

“Hey, yourself,” Eve said.  “How was the pool?”

“Nobody else was there this time, which was great, but the water was freezing!”

“Well, hurry and get under the covers then, you goofball!” Eve giggled, holding up the fleece blanket as Trish rushed over.  The slapping sound of Trish’s teal and white flip flops striking her bare soles echoed through the small apartment until the Nordic woman practically leaped onto the couch, leaving the abandoned and forgotten footwear to bounce and flip as she crawled into the warm couch cocoon.

Eve yelped as Trish’s frozen toes came into contact with her warm skin. “Oh my god, are you serious with those things? They’re like ten little ice cubes!”

The blanket rustled, rising and falling like a wild ocean as Trish maneuvered her feet. “I told you it was cold!” Trish laughed. She wriggled her toes between Eve’s oven-hot thighs, using the fleshy crevice for its natural warmth and protection.

Eve shivered and grumbled, “I should get a medal for this.”

“Oh, absolutely. You’re a real hero, babe.” Trish laughed. “Coming to the rescue of cold feet everywhere.”

“Nope, just yours.” Eve planted a soft peck of a kiss upon Trish’s nose.

“It’s a crucial quality in a partner, you know.” Trish insisted, enjoying the excess warmth radiating from her beautiful girlfriend and into her own cold, practically naked body.

“I thought it was my dazzling wit and charm that won you over.”

“Oh those too, but these big warm thighs here…I mean, come on…they sealed the deal.” Eve yelped again with a huge grin as Trish’s equally cold fingers gripped up a handful of tantalizing thigh flesh.

“Maybe I see a gift of thick, wool socks in your future?” the thick thighed Latina goddess jested.

“Maybe I’m perfectly content having my own personal foot warmer.” Trish’s toes now matched in temperature to the naturally tan thigh flesh surrounding them. “So if you thought you’d just found the perfect anniversary gift, I’m sorry darling, but you’ll just have to keep looking.”

Eve took out her phone, pretending to text. “Note to self: wool socks…apparently NOT a good 3-month anniversary gift.”

“By the way, smooth-talker, how’d you do on your final exam?” Trish tucked her corner of the fleece blanket in under her bikini-clad bottom.

“Probably fine, I think.  Good enough to pass anyway..but still no idea how to do any of that crap.”

“Your little buddy helped you out then?”

Eve snickered.  “Yup, he sure did.“

Trish, the sweet girl that she was, clearly didn’t mean anything negative by it but it was always so funny when she referred to Andrew as Eve’s ‘little’ buddy. It was comical enough to think of the nerdy guy in her math class as a friend but it was especially funny considering the fact that he towered over her. It did make sense if you look at it from a personality perspective: in that regard, at least, it was clear that Eve was much larger than Andrew.

“Has he asked you out yet?” Trish asked.

“Oh god, are you serious?  He can barely pull his eyes away from my boobs long enough to form sentences most of the time.”

“Well…in his defense, they’re pretty big.” Trish said, lightly groping her stacked girlfriend. Trish’s hands were larger than Eve’s and in fact Trish was several inches taller….but everything on Eve was bigger.

“And if he’s not staring at my boobs, his eyes are glued to my butt. There was nothing about my tits or my ass in his little love letter.  What was that one line?  ‘I dream of you like Romeo dreams of Juliet’?

“Oh, Andrew…” Trish sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose.  “Yes, something like that.”

“And that ‘my eyes are like stars and my heart is his home.’  Who the frig says stuff like that?”

“Smitten boys in love.” Trish said in defense of Andrew.  “I should have never let you read that note.”

“Well, don’t be so hard on yourself.” Eve rubbed Trish’s shoulders and pushed a strand of blonde hair out of the Nordic woman’s face.  “In your defense, I did kinda persuade you to hand it over.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right. Parking your big booty on my face and not getting up until I handed it over. You can be so persuasive.” Trish chuckled. “Still, I do kinda wish he would just get up the courage to tell you…so he can start to move on, you know?  So that you can let him down gently…like you promised you would!”

“Yeah yeah, but for now I’m fine to just let him keep helping me. He can keep barking up the wrong tree just a little longer..”

“Again, you really can’t blame him.” Eve nuzzled into Trish’s neck as she spoke, sending shivers up the nordic woman’s spine and inspiring a tremor in her voice. “This is a pretty thicc tree we’re talking about here. Not too tall…perfect for climbing.”

“Way too tall for him.” Eve said flatly.  “And the little puppy’s too dense to realize I’ve only got eyes for other trees.”

“Yeah, it's my experience that puppies don’t know the first thing about us trees but they mean well.”

“What about pervy puppies?  You should have seen him trying to get the vibrating pad back from me after I took it out of my shoe.  His hands were shaking.”

“Oh no!” Trish giggled, cupping her hands over her smiling face.  “He’s one of those guys, huh?”

“Yup.  I was gonna bring it back here and wash it but he got all weird about getting it back from me right then and there.  I think he wanted to sniff it.”

“Oh god, that’s actually kinda sweet!  Weird, but sweet!”

“What’s weird about that?  My feet are cute A. F.” Eve said, emphasizing the ‘A.F.’ as she adjusted her position to wiggle her much shorter, chubbier toes against her partner’s calf.

“Not cute enough to sniff a square of fabric that was trapped under them all day…no, ma’am.  I’ve done your laundry and I’ll pass.”

“Hey! They do NOT smell that bad, you fibber.” Eve growled. “Not all of us spend an hour a day pampering our feet!”

“What can I say? I like foot-flirting.”

“Whole lotta good that did on me.  Your feet were the LAST thing I was looking at.”

Well…it sounds like you were doing a bit of foot-flirting yourself.  From the sounds of it, I’ll bet you made Andrew’s week.” Trish giggled.

Eve smirked. “I mean…ya gotta throw these guys a few bones every now and then, and if it's helpful for the bone to smell like a foot…then who am I to judge?  If it means he’ll help me in Multivariate Calculus next semester, I’ll let him stick his nose in my shoes!”

“You know, you don’t actually need Multivariate.” Trish said.

Eve’s jaw dropped and rapidly spoke. “What? Yes, I do.  What do you mean?  Are you serious?”

“Yeah, the highest math you need for your degree is Calculus II.”

Eve’s body gyrated as if she were being struck by lightning, pulling in her partner and peppering her cheek with kisses.  “Oh my god!  So I’m officially done with math?”

“Sounds like it, congratulations!”

Eve excitedly hugged Trish tight, chanting ‘No more math!’ repeatedly and inspiring a spurt of giggles in her partner.

* * * * * * * * *

Painted in the soft glow of moonlight, Eve delicately twisted Trish’s shoulders toward the other side of the bed, effectively lifting Trish’s face from her chest.  Most nights, Eve was the designated little spoon due to her stature and her ‘squeezability’.  However, it wasn’t at all uncommon for Trish to make use of what her partner called Eve’s ‘naughty pillows’.  Eve feared that Trish would wake when the cold air found her face but when Trish’s face emerged from Eve’s cleavage, the blonde only sleepily smacked her lips, seemingly content to nuzzle into her far less exciting pillow.

Having gotten away with her rather tricky maneuver, Eve reached over to her nightstand to her  phone, silencing the ring and lowering the screen’s brightness.  She scrolled through several websites, occasionally turning her phone screen away from Trish whenever the fair-skinned blonde rolled in bed or made a noise.

Eve wasn’t serious earlier about getting Trish wool socks for the 3-month anniversary but considering the fact that she still hadn’t found the perfect gift yet, the date was getting uncomfortably close. As she searched her mind and scoured the internet for ideas, the Latina suddenly remembered their conversation earlier about Trish’s foot-flirting tendencies.  A pair of socks, while foot-focused, wouldn’t quite meet the standard for an anniversary present but a cute toe ring sure would! She began her search for the perfect toe ring for her perfect girlfriend but little did Eve know–she was about to uncover the fascinating world of TF.

After about an hour of diligent research, Eve considered herself an expert on the subject of TF Toe Rings, which was an incredibly niche subgroup spawning from the recently legalized transformation technology that allowed individuals to “Jump” their consciousness from their bodies into inanimate objects.  According to this group of enthusiasts, standard toe rings simply could not compete with rings containing the consciousness and experience of a living person.  Often nicknamed ‘TF-Rings’, this category of transformation tech started off almost exclusively worn on fingers. BexCorps, the industry leader, had launched a successful campaign a few years back to popularize the lasting fad of the proposing man ‘Jumping’ into the TF-ring after the woman said yes. Once TF-Rings on fingers became mainstream, TF-Rings on toes were not far behind.

Did it add an element of intimacy? Of course.  Domination and control? For some, yes.  Although the symbolic elements were strong and appealing, there were tangible, physically therapeutic benefits for the wearer as well. It became clear to Eve that she needed to get one of these fancy rings for Trish. There was a problem though: Eve wasn’t crazy about feet.

It wasn’t as if she was grossed out by feet, much less Trish’s.  Eve wasn’t joking when she pointed out Trish’s foot care methods earlier that day on the couch.  The girl took better care of her feet than some of the guys in her classes took care of their whole bodies.   So if there ever were a pair of peds that deserved some lip attention from Eve, it was definitely Trish’s.  Still…maybe it had something to do with Eve’s dominant personality but the idea of paying so much attention to a partner’s feet–beyond a simple massage and occasional thigh-warming session–just seemed…out of her character for Eve.  It was submissive.  It was beneath her.

Would she Jump into this toe ring to be worn by her girlfriend if Trish asked?  Of course she’d at least try it.  Eve had proven over the years that she’d try anything at least once.  But no matter how much Trish liked it, Eve just couldn’t see herself making a habit of being wrapped around her girlfriend’s toe.  And then Trish would have a Jump Ring that was basically just a normal, boring old toe ring.  And Trish deserved to have a Jump Ring whenever she wanted!  Maybe even all the time!

But who the heck would sign up to be a permanent toe ring?

A light bulb illuminated over her head, mingling with the soft moonlight and bringing to life the mahogany and chestnut brown of her hair. It was at that moment a huge, devious smile crept over her face.


The weirdo clearly already liked feet.  He was probably jerking off to the scent of the little square of fabric at that very moment.  The dorky guy would probably trip over himself to become a toe ring if Eve asked him.  She’d probably leave out the part about presenting him as a gift to Trish but come on…feet are feet!  He’d probably be just as happy on Trish’s foot.  The more she thought about it, the more it made perfect sense.  She wasn’t going to need to really even speak to Andrew anymore now that her math hardships were over.  This was the perfect final use for him!

This plan led to Problem #2. Trish was way too much of an empath to treat herself to a Jump Ring, even if the little tiny boy inside was there voluntarily.  Ironically enough, it was this empathy and sweetness that created an even stronger desire in Eve to give Trish what she so clearly deserved!  If providing this gift for Trish meant carrying the weight of this secret on her own shoulders, then so be it.  Eve had no reservations about guarding the secret as she looked down at Trish’s foot to see little Andrew obediently hugging one of her girlfriend’s toes.  If anything, Eve would only have to try to fight the urge to laugh.  Trish deserved a Jump Ring–she deserved Andrew–and Eve was going to make it happen.

* * * * * * * * *

The exam fluttered out of Professor Dawson’s hand, face-down on Eve’s desk.  That wasn’t a good sign.  Andrew’s mind started racing.  There was no telling what kind of verbal beatdown Andrew would receive if he’d caused the saucy Latina to fail her final exam.

“Humph…” Eve sighed loud enough for Andrew to hear her and become visibly nervous.

After about five eternities, class finally let out and Andrew followed Eve’s brisk pace out into the hallway. His palms were sweating as he approached Eve.  For what might have been the first time ever, she wasn’t turned facing away from him…instead waiting with a grin. Was she looking at someone behind him?

“How did you do?” Andrew asked timidly, expecting her piercing gaze to abruptly shift from whoever was behind him—but it didn’t.  She truly had been looking at Andrew and grinning the whole time.  Eve held up her exam. “I was expecting a perfect score but considering I don’t even know the difference between integrating and derivatizing, I guess a 97% will have to do.”

Andrew fought the incessant urge to correct Eve’s use of the word ‘derivatizing’ to express the process of differentiation. Honestly it was an easy urge to resist since so much of his focus was on the mind-boggling display of cleavage before him. In just one short semester, Andrew might have had every contour of Eve’s cleavage committed to memory…what she’d been gracious enough to show in class anyway.  But now there was A LOT more showing than she’d ever shown before…a lot more naturally tan curvature to map out in his mind. A lot more to reference later on when Andrew was alone in his room, wishing he could share a bed with this beauty.

“What did you get?” Eve asked, snatching Andrew’s exam before he could even squeeze his fingers around the paper to resist.  “A 100%...you serious?”

Andrew cringed as Eve tossed the paper back at him. “I….I don’t know what happened.”

He had an idea of what happened. The most likely explanation was that Eve misunderstood one of the vibrations against her toes and bubbled in the wrong answer but there was no way that Andrew was going to suggest that!  He had so much of Eve’s attention right now..more than he’d ever had before and he wasn’t going to blow it by blaming anything on her.  “I…I must have not pressed the button in my pocket correctly on one of them.  I’m really sorry about that.”

He had already glanced down at her chest several times but that was exactly what Eve wanted.  She’d deliberately worn her most low-cut shirt and–even though she certainly did not need it–a  push-up bra.  Eve would need him distracted, pliable like play-dough…at least until he was a solid, beautiful silver.

“Listen punk…” Eve smirked as she punched him lightly on his shoulder.  “You can make it up to me.  I need your help with something.”

‘More help?! More help?!’ Celebratory alarm bells echoed deafeningly through the halls of Andrew’s lust-smitten mind.  More time to be around Eve?  More time to steal some glances at those big, jiggling breasts and those cartoonishly wide hips?  He was in.  He was in for anything. He was in for all of it.

“You’ve heard of ‘Jumping’, right?”

“Jumping?  Like the BeXcorps consciousness transfer?  Yeah, I saw a TED talk on it a few years back.”

“Have you ever tried it?” Eve asked, twirling a lock of her hair in her fingers.

The answer he’d have given anyone else but Eve was ‘hell no!’.  But he could tell where this was going.

It’s…uhh….this jewelry project for my…umm..Anthropology class. I need someone to Jump into a variety of rings from different eras to see if…ya know…if it feels…different?”

Anyone else not as blind as Andrew would have recognized that Eve was making it all up as she went.

“--Of course, I’d be happy to help; whatever you need Eve!” Andrew blurted.

Eve’s pretty brown eyes widened and her beautiful smile grew.  “Oh, that was way easier than I thought it would be!  Thanks Andrew!  You got anywhere to be?”

Andrew raised an eyebrow.  “Right now?  Umm…” Andrew scanned his mind for anything he had to do…as if it mattered. He would cancel plans for a family member’s funeral without a moment’s hesitation if it meant he could spend time with Eve, especially while she was wearing that bosom-highlighting top of hers.

“I…don’t have anything going on right now.”

“Great!” Eve barely waited for Andrew to punctuate his statement before her small hand circled Andrew’s wrist. The warmth and softness of Eve’s hand nearly gave the poor boy a heart attack.

“Let’s go.”

* * * * * * * * *

Andrew’s heart was pounding as he intently watched Eve unfold a large gray mat.  Her body was like a drug to him that he just couldn’t get enough of. The dark, vertical line of cleavage at her chest oscillated and danced hypnotically as the mat unfolded in Eve’s arms  just as something else was growing in Andrew’s pants.  Andrew did his best to hide his disappointment that neither hefty breast popped out after the Latina bent over to neatly set the mat down.

“So you just sit down on this fold-out mat.  Yup, just like that.” Eve held the ring up in her hand, between two fingers for Andrew to see.  It was a gorgeous ring with a beautiful crystal clear jewel that looked like expensive, sparkling glass.

“Pretty, huh?” Eve asked.

“Yeah, very.”  Andrew had no idea what he was looking at.  It was a ring nestled in the short fingers of his crush, that much he could deduce and the jewel affixed to the end was clear but what else could he comment on? “Is that…umm…sapphire?”

Eve snickered.  “I guess puppies don’t know the first thing about jewelry either.”


“Nothing.” Eve set the ring between her lips such that only the crystal-clear jewel was visible between the soft red pillows, freeing her hands to open a container of lotion.  Andrew groaned, trying to discreetly conceal his erection.  He was grateful for the concealment his stiff blue jeans offered.  Those lips just looked so soft…so kissable.

“Hold out your hands.” Eve wasn’t being quite as sweet as she was earlier but that was okay.  Andrew would take attention from this goddess in any way he could get it.

He rarely used lotion…in fact the only time he’d ever even applied it was when he was…well…thinking about Eve.  This stuff was way different.  The purple hue was alluring and the aroma was pleasant.  “Okay…so now that the lotion is on…” Eve trailed off, reading the directions.  While the Latina’s eyes were glued to the paper, Andrew took the opportunity to tour her body once more.  So delightfully short and yet so tantalizingly curvaceous.  Every part of Andrew just wanted to wrap his arms around her and squeeze.  He felt an indescribable envy for any guy lucky enough to hold her close.

“...the mat is plugged in…and now I…oh!  Without touching you or the mat, I drop the ring into your hand.”

“Okay, let’s do it.” Andrew said, trying is hardest to sound confident.  Truth be told, he was a little bit nervous.  He’d never Jumped before, despite having heard plenty about it over the years.  He remembered watching a live demonstration of a person seated on a mat just like the one he was sitting on right now.  He never would have done this himself but there wasn’t much he wouldn’t do for a pretty girl.

The ring popped out of her mouth and into her tiny palm.  “Here we go!” Eve said with an excited smirk, as she leaned forward.  It gave Andrew another great peek at her cleavage–very much a deliberate action on Eve’s part meant to dispel any last-minute reconsiderations.  It worked like a charm.  He wasn’t even watching the ring as it fell into his open hand.

Everything immediately after that was a blur.

After the lights kicked back on, Eve realized she was now alone in the room…or at least any onlooker might assume as much.  It was just her, unplugging the Jumping Mat and now standing directly in its center, absolutely towering over the immobile ring between her sunflower-yellow, sneaker-clad feet.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe it actually worked!”

She noticed that the crystal clear gem had changed color into an interesting, pretty pale blue.  More intriguing, a faint blue light flickered like an aged light bulb finally ready to extinguish forever. She stood over Andrew, ignoring his stationary, ring-form at her feet while she checked the instructions to see if the flickering was normal.

“Ohh!” Eve burst into laughter.  “The flickering blue light is you trying to talk!  That’s SO funny!” She leafed through several more pages, in no hurry to pick him up.  “It looks like I’ll actually be able to hear you through the app.  Too bad my phone speaker is busted, but don’t worry I have headphones at home.”

She squatted down over the mat, feeling her tight bike shorts riding up her thighs.  She was probably giving him quite a view down there beneath her.  If he still had a human heart, it might have exploded!

“Okay, you ready to go home, little thing?” Eve asked cheerfully. The cunning and manipulative Latina had to push her breasts in with her palm to see down to Andrew.  As she picked him up, she was delighted to feel that he was warm!  That was one of the many benefits of an inhabited Jump Ring over the common toe ring.   “My tuh–I mean…fingers are a bit too chubby for you to fit properly and god forbid you fall off or something so we’re going to go a bit more creative.” Of course she knew how special (and expensive!) this little toe ring in her fingers was so she wasn’t going to take any chances.

She unclasped the thin gold chain hanging around her neck and began looping little Andrew through, threading him like a needle. “It’s gonna be a bumpy ride but don’t worry, there’ll be plenty of cushion around.” Eve was surprised with her body’s reaction to the events taking place.  No part of her found Andrew even remotely attractive but he was taking center stage in a very interesting new fantasy coming to life in real time.  The control she asserted over him was getting her a little flustered and even though she’d never dreamed of the dork getting anywhere near her tits, she was more than okay with him touring her curves in this state.

She clasped the necklace closed. Andrew felt a sense of dread and increased helplessness as the tiny, feminine clasp closed securely.  Delicate as it was, it may as well have been the strongest thing in the Universe to Andrew.  It meant that there was no way that his circular, metal body could EVER separate from this necklace…not unless Eve or some other person still in their own body removed him.

Eve wasn’t removing him though..far from it.  She was putting the necklace back on.  She was putting him on…but not on her finger.  That would have been exhilarating enough but she had something even more breathtaking in mind.

“Think of this as the practice run. You know how gymnasts do all their flips and stuff and sometimes land on those big, bouncy cushions?  That’s what you’ll be doing now…all in preparation of the big event…where there’ll be a lot less cushion! Hahah!”

Andrew slipped around Eve’s neck and tumbled down her collarbone until all the slack of the gold chain was gone, finding position buried deep in her warm, fragrant cleavage.



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