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Ring Around the Toesies

Chapter 1 - Calculations and Vibrations

Eve scratched her nose with the eraser of her pencil as she checked her wrist watch. The ticking seconds echoed through the mostly quiet lecture hall as the 20-year old Latina girl stared down at her paper. Someone as unprepared as she was for this Calculus II final exam might have been sweating bullets but Eve was cool as a cucumber. While the content of the test may as well have been a different language to her, maybe Eve wasn’t actually in any trouble at all.

Maybe Eve had prepared for this exam in a more unconventional way.

After having selected an answer for the last problem, Eve just sat quietly and waited.  She wasn’t reading the next question, instead allowing her eyes to wander over the black and white fuzz on the page.  She focused not on the words, but her own foot within her right sneaker.  As if on cue, the Latina felt that familiar, strong pulse on the bottoms of the toes.  She smirked in amusement, concealing best she could a quiet little giggle and promptly bubbled in Choice A. Her feet were ticklish but it was a small price to pay. The next problem was even more challenging, but that didn’t phase Eve.  She honestly didn’t even know it was a harder problem.  It was a multiple choice problem just like all the others which meant Eve was going to do just fine.

Eve’s wiggling toes turned white as they pressed down hard against the padded sole of her sunflower-yellow Nike sneaker. She needed to more clearly perceive what she was feeling against her foot.

Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt!

She filled in Choice C.

From one seat back and to the right, Andrew tried to focus on his exam. Unlike Eve, he had to rely on his understanding of the material in order to pass but most of the blood meant for his brain was rushing elsewhere.  Did Eve not understand that by wearing those super tight black bike shorts, she was potentially screwing both of them over?

Obviously not, or maybe the playful minx was that careless in her haphazard teasing that she’d risk so much.  It didn’t matter; Eve could do no wrong in Andrew’s eyes.  It was just another challenge for him to rise above.

Andrew attempted to redirect his attention to the exam paper in front of him. Integration problems demanded focus, precision, and a clear mind. However, the gravitational pull of distraction seemed insurmountable, especially with Eve seated provocatively in front of him.

He sternly reminded himself to concentrate on the mathematical challenges before him, to delve into the complexities of calculus. Yet, the thin black lycra fabric that clung to Eve's ample curves, accentuating her pear-shaped bottom, became an undeniable temptation. The fabric strained against her, creating a visual feast as it contoured over her agonizingly attractive curves, terminating below the arch of her back. The lucky, stretchy material highlighted a tantalizing cleft between her spread spherical cheeks that, despite Eve’s short stature, were easily larger than Andrew's own head and made seconds of admiration feel like hours of frustration.

It wasn’t just her huge ass that could bend space-time.  A simple white t-shirt was hard at work concealing Eve’s ample breasts and consequently, the graphic of a cute purple rubber duckie on the front was stretched and skewed by the bulging of her bosom. He resisted the allure of losing himself in the way her enormous right breast, its tantalizing silhouette  visible even from his position behind her, succumbed to the subtle consequences of her heavy-handed pencil-work—a rhythmic , rebellious jiggle under her skin-tight t-shirt.

Andrew heard a feminine throat clearing directly behind him.  It was Mrs. Guinta. “I’ve been seeing some eyes wandering.” He pinched his eyes closed, trying to pull himself from Eve’s tractor beam as his teacher may as well have been speaking directly into his ear.  “Keep your eyes on your own papers, please.”

"Don’t focus on her…" he muttered to himself, attempting to drown out the incredibly distracting urges caused by Eve’s mere proximity. The challenge of integration paled in comparison to the battle against the captivating curves seated just several feet away... Andrew fought the urge to let his gaze linger on Eve's voluptuous figure. Her thick thighs, encased in the fabric, seemed to defy the very laws of physics. He wondered how those bare thighs, warm and tan, felt against the cold seat underneath. Would they feel just as warm against his hands??

Or his cheeks?

Or his lips?

He had to do this. Both of their grades depended on his focus.  Andrew reached into his pocket, finding the single button on his quiet-clicker and performed two sharp, distinct squeezes.

He had to ignore those sensual creases in her tight bike shorts.  He had to ignore the way her enormous right breast was jiggling as if to mock him for his desires. Just as he was overcoming the primal urges that enslaved his mind, Eve wriggled into her seat, a montage of deep creases appearing and disappearing over the backside of her shorts as her expansive cheeks splayed and compressed.  She crossed her left leg over her right, playfully dangling her sneaker to the beat of a song in her head.  Why shouldn’t she be humming a tune to herself? It’s not as if she needed to dedicate brainpower to anything other than the vibrations Andrew was sending to her toes.

Andrew struggled to keep his mind on the mathematical task at hand, determined to resist the gravitational force of Eve's undeniable physical presence but he just kept getting pulled back into the allure of her body!  Like a broken record, he chanted his mantra once more.  “Focus on the math…focus on the exam…oh–and don’t forget to always add a constant when solving limitless integrals.”

When Andrew found out that Eve was struggling with Calculus, the never-been-kissed virgin leaped at the opportunity to help her.  Despite some feeble invites, Eve had never actually joined him at the library for any study sessions, often leaving classes to immediately hang out with her friend Trish.  They must have been friends prior to college because they seriously hung out all the time.

He was too nice a guy for the ‘negging’ and other pick-up artist strategies he’d seen online.  Confessing his love and adoration for the thick Latina princess directly to her beautiful face wasn’t really on the table either.  It was scarier a thought than anything he could imagine; what if she was wearing her short shorts?  Or showing off her cleavage?  It was hard enough to stare the short but confident firecracker of a woman in the eye but with all that eye candy south of her pretty face?

Not a shot.

So he resorted to what he knew worked…or at least sort of worked the one time he tried it in middle school: writing a letter confessing his feelings for her.

Would he give it directly to Eve?  No way!  That was still too scary.  Instead he opted to give the note to her good friend Trish whom he had never met.  Andrew went as far as to attend one of the tall, pretty blonde’s volleyball games, sitting through the entire thing nervously tapping his foot.

Andrew had built up so much nervous pressure, approaching Trish as soon as the game ended as if he were the beautiful Nordic woman’s biggest fan. She’d only just left the sand pit and sat down next to her staged shoes and socks when Andrew clumsily introduced himself.  Her socks accepted her long, slender toes at the same time as she accepted Andre’s note to Eve.

The whole thing reeked of immaturity and self-doubt which Andrew had enough sense to know was not attractive to women and while Trish was very sweet and patient with his heartfelt confession, Andrew felt immediate regret watching the note find its way into her purse. He would later find out that Trish had accidentally dropped the note through a sewer grate…and thank God!  To her credit, the sweet girl agreed to Andrew’s pleas not to tell her friend about his crush and instead encouraged him to just ‘tell her how ya feel and just be yourself!’.

Andrew spent the next week or so trying to find a way to get closer to Eve.  The idea finally presented itself in the form of an invention he’d been working on.  If Eve wasn’t going to make time for study sessions, she would definitely make time for a sure-fire way to pass her Calculus exams…which is where we are now.

After the final exam ended, sure enough, Eve barely made it 5 steps out of the classroom before feeling Andrew hovering over her shoulder like a buzzing bee.  “S-so, er, how do you think you did?”

Eve took the opportunity while facing away from Andrew to roll her eyes and get the annoyed feeling out of her system. She then put on her best friendly smile, which might not have seemed sincere enough to someone even a hair less oblivious and smitten as Andrew.  He was clearly intelligent but his obvious crush on Eve made him comically naive.

It seemed like a decent enough conversation-starter and a great excuse for Andrew to gloat about how much he’d helped the Latina damsel in distress.  He had absolutely zero game and no intuition for gauging a woman’s interests but even he understood that saving Eve from failing her exam should have been enough for him to feel like he’d had an edge over this game every man and woman played. And yet her raised eyebrow and skeptical expression made him feel like he was shrinking before her eyes.

“As good as you did, right?” Eve’s hands rested with authority atop her wide hips, puffing out her huge and attention-grabbing chest. It was a simple gesture meant to only mirror his subtle attempt at dominance, but much to her amusement, it completely overpowered him. He crumpled before the short Latina princess like a lone leaf trying to remain green in the face of a full Autumn gale.

“Umm..so you felt the vibrations okay enough then?”

“Yeah, they were stronger than they needed to be. It tickled a bunch and my toes are practically numb.” Eve complained with a hint of annoyance. She wouldn’t admit to him that the tickling wasn’t all bad but she was happy to elaborate on the next annoying part with really no redeemable quality.  From underneath her toes, the small square of fabric occasionally stuck to the fuzz of her sock.  The weak velcro-like connection was just strong enough for the fabric to occasionally follow her uncurling toes as they lifted up from the sole during every third or fourth step.  Just strong enough to be annoying on her walk to class that morning.

“Jeez, I’m…really sorry about that.” Andrew rubbed the back of his neck, trying to put out the fire.  “I can try to work on it, ya know..improve it for next time?”

“Anyway, thanks for the help.” The tiny mention of positive feedback caused Andrew to swell with pride, like he might be about to say something further to improve their rapport, but Eve was already on her phone.  She didn’t even hear his proposition to improve the velcro effect for next time.

“You said the thing’s machine washable, right?”

Andrew glanced down at the pale yellow sneaker currently housing his invention, using the socially sanctioned situation of looking down to let his peripherals take in one of his favorite parts of Eve: The black shorts were so tight on her skin that her naturally tan, thunderous thighs, squished out either leg opening, actually had a larger circumference than the stretchy Lycra hem. God, how he wanted to slide his hands up under that stretchy fabric, and feel those soft legs for himself, just once…

But Eve had asked a question.

“Er, y-yeah, it’s machine-washable but it’s okay, I can just take it now.” Andrew insisted. He wanted to make things as easy for Eve as possible and as much as he adored her, she could be a bit…forgetful at times–he’d spent hours designing it and didn’t want to risk the device being damaged.

Eve looked up from her phone with a mixture of amusement, disgust, and sass, “Uh, this little thing’s been under my toes like… all day. I walked here from my house this morning, I literally just ran laps before the test and–hellooo?  This little thing was in my sneaker the whole time.”

Andrew’s eyes were practically bulging out of his head. From Eve’s amused perspective, Andrew was hardcore blushing over all the attention she was calling to her feet.

‘Quiet, nice, nerdy guy like him…’ Eve thought vainly. ‘Why wouldn’t he be into feet?’ She wriggled her foot the tiniest bit, and saw Andrew’s throat bob as she swallowed in clear infatuation.

No wonder he suggested putting something under her toes. It all made sense now. Oh, this was going to be fun for her.

“You’re worried that the smell of my foot might wear off if I wait too long to give it back to you, huh?” Eve grinned.

Little did Eve know, his eyes were glued not to her wiggling toes. His gaze fell upon the part of her that he loved most about Eve: her thick, tan, often-bare thighs.  Her tight shorts already left little to the imagination and with her leg raised to show off her sneaker, there was even more ample ass cheek and thigh to feast his eyes upon.

Andrew’s jaw dropped. “No, no! I just-I’m just trying to be helpful!”

Eve sighed, returning her sneaker-clad feet to the linoleum floor.  She roughly set her open palm atop Andrew’s shoulder, leaning some of her weight against him for support.  He faltered slightly as she bent her knee, bringing her right sneaker up to her waist. There was no issue with supporting her weight, as Andrew had a good 6 inches over the short but thick Latina.

Instead, the bumbling awkwardness and momentary instability came entirely from his heart racing at another opportunity to support his crush–this time literally as Eve untied her right shoe. He felt strongly self-conscious from how rosy his cheeks must have appeared to anyone passing by as Eve’s small foot, clad in a white-and-black checkered ankle sock, peeked out of the sneaker.

“I do have to admit…it did work as advertised…assuming that all your little buzzes weren’t wrong.” Her raised eyebrow and lack of smile suggested to Andrew that he was still on probation, far from celebrating.  She turned her foot, putting the black-and-white checkered sole of her short foot on full display. The sole was a little dingy, not nearly as white as the tops where her black toenail polish peeked through the stretched cotton.

She hopped once or twice like a clumsy bunny rabbit, adjusting her balance as her hefty thigh moved and in doing so, adjusted her grip on Andrew’s shoulder.  Her index finger brushed against the skin of his neck and he felt like he’d been struck by lightning. If there was any indication of how strong his crush was on Eve, finger-to-neck contact being enough of a stimulus to make him dizzy was a great example.

“Ugh, see, that’s what I was talking about.” Eve complained, gesturing down to her foot. Embedded in the deep, dark crease between the pad of her foot and her clenched toes was Andrew’s invention. Made just for Eve, about as large as one of her chipped, black-painted toenails. The seemingly innocuous square of black fabric was smaller than even a bandaid, but it was so much more complicated. It was a vibrating actuator.

Andrew had commissioned his grandmother to perform the sewing. The sweet woman was all too happy to help and ignorant to its shady, unethical purpose.  “Anything for my favorite grandson’s first girlfriend!” she laughed with blissfully oblivious joviality, attaching the blue-tooth enabled vibrating actuator to the fabric as Andrew blushed.  He wanted to correct her and say that he and Eve were not dating…at least not yet but a large part of him just loved too much the way it sounded coming out of someone’s mouth.

Eve plucked the tiny square out from between her toes and held it up to Andrew, and had to stifle laughter when she beheld his degree of fluster. An almost comical amount of sweat was beading on his forehead, and the boy was literally shaking!  If Eve had felt any modicum of guilt for not offering money to Andrew for his assistance, it was completely absolved when she handed him his invention, now warmed to her body temperature and scented to her foot.

“Here, have fun…but not too much fun.” It was kind of gross to think of a weird boy getting off on her feet, not only because she didn’t quite get the whole foot thing but also because there was nothing about Andrew that she found attractive.  Even if she was straight or bi, she still probably wouldn’t go for a non-assertive dweeb like him.

Andrew accepted the square, pretending to be uninterested as he pinched just enough of the fabric to put it into his pocket.  “I really was just offering to be polite.” It was so funny.  He didn’t even know how to go about explaining away his eagerness to get the foot-scented square.

“Sure you were.” Eve said, patting Andrew on the cheek twice and his whole body stiffened up again.  “Well..there’s more where that came from if you help me with Differential Equations next semester.”

She left him there in the hallway, standing stupidly with the warm square in his hand and a growing bulge under his pants. Eve sighed, feeling Andrew’s eyes digging into the significant but aesthetic chub on her hips, thighs, and sizable, shaking rump.  “Good lord, if only I could get women to act that stupid and hopeless around me.”




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