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Reduction & Relocation - Mayumi Okamoto

Chapter 12 - Experiments and Discoveries (Emma)


Emma tucked her button-up shirt into her gray slacks and exited the bathroom stall.  She sighed deeply as she washed her hands and gave herself a once-over in the mirror.  She’d bought herself at least a little time but there was no way she was going to make it through to the end of the day before her carnal desires resurfaced and there was only one thing that could truly feed them. For now, it was lunch time…and there was a mixed berry yogurt waiting for her in the RR Labs break room.

“That was so fun!” Luanne cheered. “I can’t believe we finally got to do injections!” The bubbly blonde hadn’t stopped celebrating since leaving Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley’s lecture. Despite her intellect, Luanne could be a ditz when she was excited and the girl was clearly on cloud nine as she danced from the communal fridge to the microwave with her lunch.  While Luanne’s excitement stemmed from the ‘adorableness’ of the injectables and their new life in ‘soft, comfy fat’. Emma’s feelings, needless to say, were much more primal and she preferred to keep them below the surface while at work. But just because she wasn’t as outwardly ecstatic as Luanne was didn’t mean there wasn’t a flurry of current under the still waters. Her crotch was still throbbing from the thought of her tiny little injectable subject encased in that globe of a tit. Even as she sat eating her yogurt, trying to appear normal, her face was beginning to flush and she could feel her underarms and toes getting slippery with sweat.

Luanne stood by the microwave, waiting for her Smart Ones microwavable lunch to finish spinning. “Shame about yours, Tati.  Hopefully you’re not going to inject your new one into Angela’s back fat again, right?” Tatiana rolled her eyes.  “No way.  I wanted to inject mine into her breast and when they said I couldn’t, I didn’t really have any backups.  Bad planning on my part.”

“Well, that’s okay! Dr. Walker and Dr. Bexley didn’t seem to care.  And I’m sure Angela doesn’t mind.”

The microwave beeped steadily until the blonde removed her piping hot plastic tray and set it down with Emma and Tatiana.  “You live and you learn, right?  Have you decided where you’re going to inject your replacement?”

“Hmmm..” Tatiana chewed her salad, staring up at the ceiling.  She crossed her arms over her chest as she swallowed.  “...well just before we left for lunch, Dr. Walker pulled me aside and said that I wouldn’t be limited to ideal adipose injection sites when making my selection.  I think she’s interested in seeing how injectables deal with low-sustenance and no-sustenance zones.”

Luanne gasped. “Wow!  So you’ll…literally be able to inject him anywhere on Angela’s body?”

Tatiana did not look as excited as Luanne.  “Yeah but honestly it’s more of a curse than a blessing if you think about it because I seriously have no idea wh–”

“--How about her lip!  I read that they did a lip injection on an Informed Participant named Lori back in 2011 and he’s still there.  It’s gotta be so funny for him when she talks or eats.”

Emma trembled as the bubbly blonde continued.  She could have listened to Luanne reciting from memory the RR Injection Archives all day.

“Or maybe you could go really weird and put him in Angela’s gums.  Or maybe into the cartilage of her ear lobes…or her nose! She did have kind of a big nose. What do you think, Emma?”

Emma was in a daze, wondering what the injectable now 3 years into residence in Lori’s bottom lip was doing at this very moment.   The sound of her name coming from Luanne’s mouth snapped her back to reality.

“What do you think?  Do you have ideas for where Tati can put her injectable?”

“Oh…uhhh…tricep injection?”

“You seem really distracted.  What were you thinking about?”

“Probably about getting way too lucky at Rock Paper Scissors.” Tatiana huffed, crossing her arms over her mint green button-up blouse. “...and her injectable now swimming in all that boob flesh.”

Luanne giggled. “Yeah, oceans worth.  That’s what Dr. Walker said, right?  Like…multiple oceans worth.”

“Something like that.” Emma replied as she ate her yogurt, pretending she hadn’t committed the exact volume to memory.

“You know what would be so cool?” Luanne said. “If my syringe went into one of Angela’s fat cells and my little boy ended up inside one of them instead of just surrounded by them.  He’d be like a fertilized egg!  Wouldn’t that be so cute?”

Tatiana laughed, sending milk out her nose. “I don’t think a fat cell would offer up enough resistance for the syringe tip to actually penetrate the wall.” Tatiana said.

Luanne pouted.

Tatiana savored the last bite of her salad before standing up from the wooden table.  “Okay, well I’ve got SEM duty so I gotta take off.”

“SEM duty?” Luanne asked, tilting her head.

“Come on, Luanne.  You’ve been here for a year now.” Tatiana sighed, rolling her eyes.  “Subject Experience Monitoring. We literally wrote reports on our assigned subjects last month.”

“Oh, that!  Where we watch all those pretty line graphs that describe their vitals and stuff, right? The ones that spike whenever a subject gets tooted on?”

“Yup, that’s it.” Emma chuckled, looking up at Tatiana.  “Got anyone good this time? I know your last one was kinda boring”

Tatiana leafed through her notebook. “I’ve got subject-m327 this month.”

“Ooooo, he’s the one I had last month!  He’s A LOT of fun.” Luanne said.  “Those lines go everywhere.”

Emma scraped the bottom of her yogurt container, collecting half a spoonful to end her modest lunch.  “He’s a newbie, I’m guessing?”

“No, he’s two years in.” Tatiana said, not looking up from her notes.  “Assigned to Janet Greene.”

“Oh god.” Emma immediately started laughing.  “I didn’t remember the subject but I sure remember the Participant.  You’re gonna have fun with that one.

As Tatiana closed her notebook, preparing to leave, Luanne exploded up from her seat.  “I’ll go with you, Tati!  I’ve got a subject to monitor, too.”

“You gonna come too, Emma?” Tatiana asked.

“Actually…I’m not feeling too well. I think I might ask Dr. Walker if I can leave early today.”

Luanne frowned.  “Oh, I’m sorry Emma.  I hope you feel better.”

Emma’s socks had mostly absorbed the sweat of her toes and her face was no longer flush but it was only because she was forcing herself not to think about the big titted Japanese girl.  That wouldn’t hold out for much longer.

“Thanks Luanne.  I think I just need to relax and…relieve some stress.”

* * * * * * * * *

Emma barely made it home without having an incident.  It didn’t help matters that she’d seen the pretty, busty redhead on the train again. The one who loved dangling her polka-dotted flip flops.  Emma’s mind returned to the droplets of fluid left on Gabby’s flip-flop after her accident.  A few injectables would sure be lucky to call that flip-flop home…for the short time they could.

They’d also like this red-head’s flip flop too, right? Or maybe down her conveniently unbuttoned blouse into that canyon of cleavage?  It'd be an interesting ride for sure, considering how much they jostled due to the occasional stuttering of the train against the rusty tracks.

* * * * * * * * *

As much as Emma enjoyed the bustling atmosphere of RR Labs, it was always nice to trade in the sterile, cold-lit atmosphere of the lab for the warmth of her cozy studio apartment.  String lights decorated the entrance way and hung near her bed positioned in the far corner of the living area.  She kicked off her hot tennis shoes, immediately appreciating the feeling of her hardwood floor.  It was eager to accept the excess warmth from the soles of her sock-clad feet as she thumped to her closet.

As she set her tennis shoes neatly amongst her other footwear on the floor, her hip rustled a knotted pair of nylon stockings that had been hanging from the doorknob.  Emma smirked down at the wrinkled nylon before picking it back up and returning it to where it was on the doorknob.  She would take care of that in just a moment–ironically enough, right after she filled the apartment with a pleasant aroma.

Emma entered her kitchenette, setting out a pint of ice cream from the freezer to thaw.  She lit a candle, stationed next to the tiny potted plant she could never remember to water and smiled in serenity as the flowery aroma tickled her nostrils.

“Okay…now it’s time.” Emma smirked, speaking of her little pet project as she returned to the closet door.

The knotted nylon stockings were now jumping.  The fall to the floor must have woken the little thing up. That would be great because it’d mean he had finally gotten some sleep. Emma removed the nylon stockings from the doorknob and allowed the now animated toe section to dangle precariously between her thighs.  She allowed the moving little lump to graze against her crotch, biting her lip nearly hard enough to draw blood as the struggles projected through her denim and panties.

No, not right now.  She had to control herself.

This wasn’t just any normal night.  She had to save herself.

Emma took a deep breath and shoved her steaming desires down once more, allowing her professional side to peek out if only slightly.  Emma unknotted the nylon stockings and peeked inside.

Emma couldn’t help but smirk down as the black nylon unfurled in her hands, revealing a miniature man nestled within the toe section of her stockings.  He was no larger than her thumb and completely naked, staring up at her with an intriguing combination of hope and fear.

“Hello, 109w!” Emma said with a huge smile.  The mousy brunette realigned the narrow leg-hole opening from her lips to her nose as she breathed in deep.  She’d worn the stockings to a National Honor Society event earlier that week and the aroma she’d left behind was not nearly as potent as when she dropped the tiny subject in the previous day.

Taking subjects home was strictly against the rules, especially for interns but how could Emma pass up such a great opportunity?  She was transporting non-viables slated for disposal, mostly due to being too small, too uncooperative, or too far gone from the effects of Gluteal Bonding Syndrome. The tiny naked man now in her nylon stocking was neither and yet subject-109w was scheduled for destruction that evening.

But why destroy a perfectly good subject when she could conduct some experiments of her own?  And if he could serve some other….fun purposes…why not do that too?

It was sort of a win for everyone.  Emma won because she got to observe the long-term effects of foot odor exposure in subjects, something that RR Labs didn’t seem to share her interest in exploring.  The ever-lucky subject-109w won because Emma saved him from destruction like a smiling guardian angel.  And RR Labs…well…let’s just say records indicate that subject-109w was destroyed March 21st, 2012 at 1407. No one needed to know the truth except for her and subject-109w and Emma intended to keep it that way.

Emma opened up the voice memo app on her phone and cleared her throat before pressing the record button.  “Recording on March 26th, 2012.  1:57 PM.  Subject-109w has surpassed 24 hours within the confines of my footwear.  Despite having been well worn, the aromatic presence of my foot in my nylons, both natural and enhanced through lotion and body soap, seems to have diminished significantly.  The noticeable reduction prompts an intriguing hypothesis: Could subject-109w be acting as a filter for foot odor particles?  Perhaps through his tiny lungs? Not to self: explore this theory further if dissection ever becomes pragmatic.”

Emma grabbed the frame of her door and lifted her foot, pointing her sole up at the ceiling. The tiny black stars decorating her white sock stretched and skewed as they moved along her foot until the mouth finally spit out five short toes.  The sock was mostly white all over except for the off-color part underneath that was in constant contact with the floor and her tennis shoes. The white was dingy and the black stars were faded.

While still recording audio, Emma returned her bare foot to the floor.  “Preparing replacement footwear now…”

Her slightly damp, unpainted toes wiggled with enjoyment of the strong friction offered by the fibers of her area rug. She raised the sock to her face and breathed in through her nose.  “Odor is potent…” Emma bit her lip for a moment.  “...but not bad..for the record.  Just..noticeable!  …anyway, depositing subject-109w.”

The recording app picked up Emma’s voice clear as day. Less clearly, it registered the pathetic squeaking and pleading of subject-109w who tumbled down into the immense warmth and humidity of Emma’s ankle sock.  She ended the recording and while the naked subject and Emma already had the sock paired and balled up with its sister, effectively sealing him inside like a warm cotton cocoon.

Instead of doing what she might have normally done at this point, Emma decided to exercise some control and preserve the integrity and consistency of her experiment.  Emma set the balled up socks on her computer desk next to her monitor, watching the white and black starred sock ball dance slightly as she adjourned to the other corner of her living area to change.

Having exchanged the professional attire of the lab for the comfort of flannel pajama pants and a cozy sleep shirt, Emma returned from her dresser to her couch. She sank into the plush cushions arranging herself with her bare feet tucked beneath her. With an instinctive but unnecessary look around to make sure no one was watching her break yet another RR Labs rule, Emma opened the photos app on her phone, ready to delve deeper into the details of Mayumi's file.

As she scrolled through the digital pages, the soft glow of her living room lamp illuminated her intrigued and fascinated expression. Mayumi's headshot, displaying shortish brown hair and a charming smirk, hinted at a vibrant personality captured in a single frame. Emma couldn't help but appreciate the beauty captured in the photo, though it frustratingly stopped just below Mayumi's chin.

Mayumi, originally hailing from Japan, had ventured to the United States for her studies. The file revealed that she worked at a place called Sprinkles Bakery and was not originally from the United States.

Her age was 19. Not at all unexpected considering how youthful and exuberant she appeared. She kept scanning the pages, looking for the metric that she’d been obsessing over and when she found it, Emma let out an audible gasp.  Mayumi, at the tender age of 19, possessed what the file unabashedly referred to as "high-tier, priority U.P., O-cup breasts."

Emma's eyes widened as she absorbed and processed.  “O-cup boobs.  Unbelievable…”

With a subtle grin, Emma continued to read, eager to uncover more facets of Mayumi's story and perhaps gain insights beyond the confines of her academic pursuits and bakery employment.

The Japanese teenager had dreams as big as her breasts.  She wanted to be a famous chef, travel the world, so on and so forth. She didn’t have a great relationship with her parents…or at least it was complicated, more details that Emma didn’t find particularly interesting…but then Emma stumbled upon a very interesting handwritten note from one of the doctors.

“Supplements her income with–,” Emma’s eyes widened, reading the line over and over again.

“Supplements her income with pornographic content.”

It was there so plainly, mixed in with the rest of the feminine yet messy handwriting in Mayumi’s file.

“You’ve got to be kidding me…”

Emma was hoping to find an active MySpace or Facebook page, but this...this was so much better.  Emma took a hurried seat at her computer, plopping down hard and practically throwing her phone on the desk.

The determined brunette was starting to get a little frustrated, not finding anything on Google.  She’d sifted through several Mayumi Okamoto’s and wasn’t finding her big-titted Japanese princess.  Searching through dozens and dozens of porn websites wasn’t too helpful either.  She found plenty of big-breasted women, but none that had what Mayumi had: a tiny little person tucked away deep inside of her.  Her last search, less sophisticated than her earlier attempts and desperate enough to giggle over, was:

Mayumi Okamoto Boobs

It turned up plenty of beautiful asian women with nice breasts...some of them were even called Mayumi or Okamoto, but they weren’t the Mayumi Okamoto she was looking for. It had been an hour since she started searching, so she got her ice cream from the kitchen.  She didn’t need a spoon considering how far it had melted so she returned to her computer and drank from the container while clicking around some more.  She pulled up her pictures off her phone once more just to see if she’d missed anything.  She confirmed that she’d gotten the spelling of Mayumi’s name right.  There was really nowhere else to go with this...that is until she noticed something in the bottom left corner of her picture.  There was some bubbly handwriting in the margin and it was written in hot pink whereas all of Mayumi’s other file notes were written in dark blue.  She pinched to zoom in on the section and unfortunately, the way she’d framed the picture had cut off half of what was written.  It said:


What was teki-chan?  She could see there were letters to the left of what was shown, but she couldn’t tell what they were.  Was it an “i”?  Was it a “u”?  Was it a “p”? She had no idea.  It looked most like a “u” to her, so she typed “uteki-chan boobs” into Google and smashed enter.

Right there, at number one was a promising result:

Suteki-chan giggles and moans while her giant tits swallow

Emma had never clicked on a link so quickly in her life.  She was taken to one of those typical porn websites.  Emma clicked play and watched intently as a short, thin woman walked into an empty room.  The camera was behind her so Emma couldn’t see the actress, but Emma could see her huge breasts protruding outward from her silhouette.  The big-breasted woman took a seat on a thin, cheap couch and before Emma could see the actress’s face, the camera turned to show an attractive young asian man, completely naked, enter the same room.  He had a look of life-shattering lust on his face, his irises dancing up and down in his eye sockets, looking offscreen but clearly at the woman perched on the couch.

The camera returned to the woman and Emma’s eyes widened.  She grabbed her phone and looked at the headshot of Mayumi, and then up at the giggling Japanese woman on screen.  They were the same woman!  This was Mayumi!!

She was wearing a fuzzy pink sweater with 3 buttons, 2 of which were unbuttoned and the last one was struggling to keep it together.  Her cleavage was extraordinary.

...Emma quickly clicked “expand” on the video description looking for more information...

The nude man sat down on the couch next to Mayumi and leaned in, gently caressing the busty teen’s angelic, narrow face and lightly kissed her.

...Emma read the video description, her eyes fighting to focus between the text and the ever-expanding landscape of pale flesh.  She was looking for something very specific.  An upload date.

“Oh my god… this was filmed Monday night…”

The nude man pulled his lips away from Mayumi and moaned deeply.

...and the subject was injected into Mayumi’s tit Monday morning…

The nude man appeared in a trance, enthusiastically moaning, “Ohhh, Suteki-chan.”

...Emma watched in awe as a masculine hand tightened around Mayumi’s left breast within her sweater and squeezed slowly. The intensity and wetness of the kissing intensified and Emma double checked the notes.  The subject had been injected into Mayumi’s left breast on Monday morning.  This video was filmed Monday night.  Emma stared at the Japanese woman’s huge left tit as it was squeezed and then exposed as her sweater was removed.

He was there.  That tiny little subject.  He was there for all of this.

Emma maximized the video, turned up the volume, and slid a hand down the front of her pajama pants…but there was one thing missing.

She reached for the black and white starred sock ball on her desk.  It had stopped dancing awhile ago but was now animated once more as Emma unpaired the two bundled socks.  She slid them onto her bare feet and even as Emma felt subject-109w slot perfectly into the natural curl beneath her slightly chilly but quickly warming toes, she never once broke eye contact with Mayumi’s massive jiggling breasts.



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